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Regarding WPs of SN


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WPs are NOT gifts and are NOT meant to be given as "rewards" for SPONSORING <insert sponsoring thingy in here>.

And no! It is not settled! You were told that you should not give those WPs but you "know better".

So I hereby ask that the WPs you gave to be taken away.

LE:as for this:
[quote]No, you won't.

No one gets a Wp for sponsoring Story Night. [/quote]

Let me quote the reason for a WP giving:
[quote]ShadowSeeker has been rewarded a Wishpoint for his help in sponsoring Story Night. [/quote]

So not only that you break the rules but you also take me for a fool!

Edited by dst
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Allow me to restate myself:


It has already been validated. And if this is how people are going to behave, then I might as well toss Story Night to the shitter then, eh? Is that what the people want, just because the people that help with it get rewarded ONCE a year?

Mur knows fully well what they did for it, and I stated what they did. I thought the reason would be more valid than simply stating: Christmas Gift.

No one knew about it except for Mur and a few others. It was supposed to be a surprise, and no , I was not expecting Wishpoints in the end result.

Edited by Curiose
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YOU were the ONLY one that asked to WORK for your gifts. And you received at least a WP for your errands.

I am not questioning YOUR WP. I am questioning the WPs you gave to others. If Mur confirms that he allowed you to give WPs to the ORGANIZERS/HELPERS/SPONSORS of Story Night then I will not say anything. But if he doesn't confirm, I will make my next move.

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[quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1293740068' post='76399']
Allow me to restate myself:


It has already been validated. And if this is how people are going to behave, then I might as well toss Story Night to the shitter then, eh? Is that what the people want, just because the people that help with it get rewarded ONCE a year?

Mur knows fully well what they did for it, and I stated what they did. I thought the reason would be more valid than simply stating: Christmas Gift.

No one knew about it except for Mur and a few others. It was supposed to be a surprise, and no , I was not expecting Wishpoints in the end result.
Before I continue, let me make clear that I'm talking about the WP you give, not the one you receive.

WPs are NOT gifts, unless Mur are giving them as gifts himself (or via others he told to do so). They are rewards, not gifts. So I'm probably not going to complain if they were given as reward for [u]hard work[/u], but I definitely will since the stated reason is "gift" and "reward for [u]sponsoring[/u]". You said yourself that no one gets WP for sponsoring story night, but that is not what is written on the WP reason, so I think it's perfectly normal that people are questioning it.

I've asked before on Chewett's mood panel if by "validated" you mean Mur has given a yes to give WPs as reward for sponsoring story night, so is this the case? Once you've confirmed that things should be clear.

And don't take this as personal attack on you or the story night, but some people do not ignore it when WPs does not seem to be given appropriately.


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Allow me to make myself a bit clearer.

These people have helped me to organize story night, and I had thought to reward them, via christmas gift for a show of my appreciation and for doing what they have done. I was not expecting it to be a turn out so large, which is where Mur comes in.

Yes, he did give me the O.K to do so, and stated: Give a wishpoint to those who did more. I.e. those who did more than the ordinary judging.

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