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Path Of the Dragonrider

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Hmm!! Today morning ...me and my dragon was taking a flight above Willow's walk...and we saw something moving in the lake....uh!! was that a Water Demon??...no its not...then wat's it......on a closer look...i found it is something new...did it came to cause nemesis to MD land??.....not sure ....we caught is after a small fight and kept it in custody..with the Rabid wolf...I took out a notice paper and drew it, this is how he looks....does someone knows or want this guy??.....hmm in coming days there can be more creatures in MD lands.....we will be looking for it...



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Looks a little similar to an avatar I found in the shop about a month ago.

Image in second post on page three of Asterdai's avatar shop in the central market.


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[quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1297057329' post='78554']
Looks a little similar to an avatar I found in the shop about a month ago.

Image in second post on page three of Asterdai's avatar shop in the central market.

Havent noticed that....this why I put a suggestion here [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7629-suggestion-for-avatar-gallery/"]Avatar Gallery[/url] so that people can see..what avys exits...but my guy here is little evolved and he can be called as a King Demon :P


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Hmmm!! It hasn't reached an end...there are more creatures coming out from the lake....we caught a creature...a dragon?...reptile?....lizard??...dont know, he says that he is a kin of crocodile... he seem to have come in search of his King Demon who is with me.....I cant let these creatures wander around and cause damage... I got him also under custody...here he is


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Ha what a nice weather, I was walking through the Whisper Alley...suddenly i heard some sound..near the trees..sound of a lady...I walked towards its source and found a lady

practicing kungfu or some with her stick...who is she?? I wondered, I waited for her to turn so that I can see her face, she turned ...Ah!! what a face..did I meet my

mate??.. she stared at me for a moment and continued her practise...I thought of way to talk to her, after a little though I pulled out an old text book method...I asked my

dragon to come around and intimidate her...kudos it worked.... she said she came here to join some sisterhood :) ...I talked to her for a longtime....while leaving her I

looked back....is she the princess I was waiting?? Nah!! she is a warroir, cant say when she is gonna kick my butts ....he he and as usually I haven't forgotten to get a

drawing of her....



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Fire Starter, a song also came to my mind when reading the mood panel entry - "Who's That Girl?" by Hilary Duff.
Funny how the title is the same.

You're very talented, dragonrider. Great drawings.
(Incidentally, how much would you charge for the top one?)

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I was walking near the willow's shop...suddenly heard..some sounds, like someone working with metals, forging or something.. I waited there for sometime and I saw the door getting opened and a warrior fully in metal walking out......his entire body was shining bright in the sun. He stared at me for sometime and started walking away, I called him and asked about him....he says he is the distant cousin of "Imperial Aramor" and he calls himself as "Imperial Ninja Warrior", he doesnt use axe, instead he uses his highly sharp sword...now he is looking for team ....if anybody wants to recruit him to your legion please let me know...and here he is



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I continued my walk towards Loreroot.....and when I reached Raven's peace...I saw a big creature moving between the trees...I went near to it...hmm it was big and as big as a max grassan...boom!! he jumped towards me...but stopped in sudden seeing my dragon.. I didnt try to attack him, instead I made him believe that I am a friend...he told me that he came after getting an invitation from his brother Mr. Grassan...hmm so this guy is a brother of grassan??...hmm anyways..he is good looking than grassan ....


PS:If anybody needs any of my above pics as avy..please let me know, and also let me know..how do you want it to look like in the final form

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[quote name='Dormouse' timestamp='1297387939' post='78740']
Hey Dragonrider, anytime you come across a sweet little Dormouse, curled up in a ball and fast asleep by the lake or on a tree branch in Loreroot - you just let me know hey! ;)

Couldnt find a sleeping rat...but found an eating little rat.



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I was watching the crude face at the Gates of Necrovion....muttering " why dont you open for me??"........suddenly he jumped from nowwhere a living corp...skeleton warrior...he took a fighting stance at me but...he turned around and ran as if he was chasing something....who is he...does anybody know??



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  • 1 month later...

The path of the dragon rider never end.....I walked a long distance past the land of East....I sat down under a tree....took a small sleep .....a room full of dream rushed into my my mind, I travelled a lot through the time...I opened my eyes..what!! the MD realm has changed...the buildings has evolved..the technologies has evolved....I saw something moving towards me...uh!! its a security robot, pointing his gun at me for sleeping at the public place.....uh!! suddenly I woke up uff!! it was dream !! but i didnt forget to draw him.. here he is



PS: Some of the old pics in the thread will be going to the shop soon,.. so if anyone love to want it please let me know.

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  • 6 months later...

Path of the dragonrider never ends, I was walking dejected, looking up in the skies..."where are you my Wind Dachron??"........I suddenly saw someone near Berzeker's way.....a Swami......I sat near by him....amazingly he told everything about me with his divine powers, I asked him whether I will get a Wind Dachron...he said I will and soon, he promised me that he will conduct a small ritual to satisfy the Gods for me a thousand thanks to him....here is he


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Ah does that ritual had some effects??, ah don't know........I looked up...ah!.....no sign of Wind Dachron....its just the deep blue skies....I turned around...I can still hear some mantras and bell rings by the Swami....I turned and walked towards Fenths press......saw people shredding their bonding with their crts...I gave an easy look at them...shaked my head and walked to loreroot...I walked a lot...suddenly I saw something jumping...Uh!! whats it.....ah might be a Knator...!! I started walking...this time I saw it...yeah it has face of a dragon...is?? is it?? ....th.e W...i..nd?......it came out...no it wasn't Wind it was something else....a Dragon?? a Wolf??...a knator?? dont know.........he had shining eyes.......without even considering me...he walked near by me.....SHHHH!!....he jumped of into the forest....
I looked at it....disappearing.........."[b]you betrayed me drago-wolf-knator[/b]"



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  • 1 month later...

Ahh!!.....Day of peace!!!....the day on which people talks instead of fight..its wonderful.....I sat down near the steps of GOE and looked up....watching my dragons soar up in the sky...for them hunger overrides peace *[i]smiles[/i]*, what a wonderful creature they are, they can fly up in the skies....penetrate the smoky clouds..spitting fire and diving on top of their prey like a [b]Kingfisher[/b]......the myth about lightning and thunder is that true?? * [i]the fight between lighting and thunder dragons[/i]* ah dont know..........what makes them outstanding?? maybe its their great wings....what if they dont have wings??...their battle ground reaches to the end with the end of a mountain....or at the bank of a river, they cant fly over it...does such a dragon exists without wings??........ Suddenly I saw a shadow moving just a few miles away from me, what is that......is that a knator?? no...its a drago-wolf-knator?? no......[size=2]wh[/size].[size=3].wha[/size]....[size=4]what[/size]...[size=5]what[/size]...[size=6]WHAT[/size]...........it was a dragon...and a WINGLESS one.......it slowly moved into the grass......I saw the grass moving towards me...ahah...he also dont believe in peace I guess....before I could do anything...it pounced upon me.......AHHHHHH!!......my head pained like anything.....I jumped up.......and looked around.....nothing was around.....wha what happened??....I saw a bunch of apricot lying near by me....OHO!! now I figured it out....it was all a dream.....the pain was because of some bird dropped the apricots on my head......ha ha a beautiful morning dream.....a dream with special effects......anyways..I still couldnt forget my wingless dragon so I immortalized it in my book...here he is

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  • 2 weeks later...

He was on long tour, duelling- beating all those who came on his way. Now when he returned, he was shocked.....where are his brothers.....the strong heart ran around in search for them and finally found them, they were in the Aramory (Constipated, Leaking, Exfoliating and Farting Grasans). He was happy to see them, finally they got themselves a job. The Smoking Yo Yo Grasan jumped joy and met his brothers and he wrote a letter..

"[font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][b][i] Yo Mur,[/i][/b][/font]

[font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][b][i]Thanks for saving my bumpy bros....keep-em always happy or else my clubs will talk to yu.[/i][/b][/font]

[font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][b][i]Yours Rockfully[/i][/b][/font]
[font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][b][i]-The Smoking Yo Yo Grasan[/i][/b][/font]
[font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][b][i]"Sssss-a-MoKiiiiiiiiiNGGGGG"[/i][/b][/font]


- rider

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  • 1 month later...

This day...I was sitting near the Winds Sanctuary......looking at its beauty...suddenly...I saw something moving around it....Ah!!! God......its a giant snake....it started wrapping the sanctuary....what to do!!?.......I felt so tired and hardly able to move.....oh!! my it is going to destroy....the sanctuary...Nooo!!! i screamed........Woooooooooshhh!!! Yeah I heard it.....the beats for my Mutendra....he landed on the wall just infront of the snake...no-one can stand his intimidation...it slowly crawled back.....Oh!! Mut my saviour...I looked at him....but Oh!!! no the sanct can handle his weight...it s gonna fall.....I jumped up with full power.....and I saw...the beautiful sanct standing intact like a king......oh!! God......a Day-mare. and I took me sometime to reduce my heart beat to normal.....here is what i saw in my dreams....

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  • 4 weeks later...

[font=comic sans ms,cursive]I still remember, it was during the battle against the dark killers...I saw him, from nowhere he jumped in, fired magical arrows destroyed
the dark magicians. His arrows are faster, even the strongest magicians can't predict it. Finally I realized, he!! he was the great
evolution of the Chaos Archer, hmm no wonder he is ferocious, legend says he never misses his target. Here he is....[/font]



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  • 8 months later...

I fought a lot today, I took a break...near the Willows Walk....ah!! clear water and the Water Demons swimming around. I sat and took a bottle of water....ah what can water be used for....making coffee, tea, bath???.....but I was told that water can give life....let me, as a Water Dowser...let me give life to something...I enchanted the bottle of water with all the life spells that I know.....I threw it into the lake and waited...concentrated......!!.....!!.....!!.....nothing happens....I concentrated..!!...!!...!!...!!
ah!! nothing again.....but inner peace....!!......!!....!!......Splash!!!!!!!!!! I heard a noise of water rising up....I opened my eyes...Ahh it was unbelievable....my water made life....a handsome water warrior...let me call him [b]Joe "The Waterman"[/b]. And here he is......hmmm!! water demon traffic is increasing ha ha.. he have WD mark also..


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  • 2 months later...

Path of the dragonrider never ends, Christmas day.....I flew away into the skies in despair, thinking about why the tree didnt gave me the gift...i flew far beyond the Necrovion...beyond the land of east, I saw barren land where no one was celebrating, but there was a war going on between the Barbarians and some ugly creatures twice the size of the barbarians, but the barbarians fought like rabid wolves and thrashed the ugly creatures.....I saw in their eyes the joy of victory and joy of freedom hmm thats the greatest gift that they got...and I cant forget the victory cry of their war master and here it is.......i flew again in search of something...



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