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The Tree


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"I go to the gazebo and what do I see but the tree sitting there instantly!"

O.K. so I am going to try to explain this without spoilers. But those who where around last Christmas are aware of the tree and the gift function. Now when I went there I saw a split second glance of it until it dissipated and replaced its self with the gazebo. Now I have been there many times and my cashed data is deleted daily which means the data must be fresh from the game.

My personal theory since the MD birthday party is that Mur has lately been testing said system and may be using to re-use that system during the birthday party. That being said and if people don't think I have gone crazy from my last encounter from Mur that plunged me into the asylum that I tried to get Mur to be admitted too (really old RP i don't expect anybody to remember it was just really fun for me :rolleyes: ). I want to hear anybody else s theory's or thoughts. I obviously have a few other ones but I want to leave it open to discussion as it will often reveal something I didn't think of.

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  • Root Admin

If anyone knows Flash, Then that scene of a load of frames, Including the tree in its various stages and the dissapeared gazebo. If it loads slowly it will sometimes flash through these before it gets to the "correct" scenery item. I wouldnt really say its anything special, It happens/ed at angiens ferry when you couldnt cross, the boat flashed up.

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