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Fossil Contest: Fossil lines and explanations(round 2)


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and here's round 2 of the contest :)

if there are still some lines missing then please send me your fossil lines and explanations in-game via pm or in the forum!

[b][u]*BFH LIGHTNING*: Line[/u][/b]

Unbelievable Power appears and notices that he is the only with a working six drach rit and says: "Now I really have an unbelievable power."

Explanation: After Mur restricting the rituals to a max number of 3 drach per ritual, one day Unbelievable Power appeared at the Marble Dale Park with a working 6 fully tokened drach ritual. He was practically invensible


Lighty, you out of jail again? You did cheat a damn lot last time.

Cheating? I merely abused the system beter than anyone else.

It refers to me having been in jail and being notorious for abusing... Well a lot of things.

[b][u]Princ Rhaegar: my post for the 2nd round of Fossil contest[/u][/b]

"tempest fort is still without lights? how many Libs does it take to change a lightbulb?!"

explanation is that Liberty's alts, called Libs, were stationed at Tempest fort, where people trained on them, getting wins and such.


What's this all over my creatures? I don't want a rainbow archer I just want a red one! Next I'll hear there's creature strip clubs!

Talkin about tokens

[b][u]Nimrodel: [/u][/b]


3 yrs later: WHOA!! Are they building the great wall of Marind or something? The story mode still says 'under construction!!!'

Explanation: Story mode will never get completed.. :P

[b][u]*dst*: Line for fossile[/u][/b]

Former RPC:Bring me 30 adepts and I shall give you 1 WP!
Noob:Dude! make your own alts!

Back in the old days RPCs used to award wps for trivial things like for bringing adepts or worshipers...


Is the blue text a spell or something? I'm going to send Mur a message to give me that power. He will remember me for sure.

The blue text is the astericks, not a spell. Most fossils had access to Mur when he wasn't so busy.

Edited by Xcercses
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