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The Raven

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Cost to recruit: Same as normal egg.
All upgrades at same age/cost/battles

Stage one: Darkened egg.

An egg, gathered from a nest in Necrovion. Dark energy has changed it, but only time will tell how.

Stage two: Silent hatchling

This small chik, newly hatched already differs from it's brothers, it's feathers are black, and no sound issues from it's beak.

Stage three: Solem watcher

Only just ready to join you on the battlefeild, this bird already shows an allofness, and it's very presence seems to drive the others forward.

Specials: Battleaura [Works like poweraura but applys to atk]

Stage four: Young Raven

Battles provide food and death provides power, Both will be needed for this young avian, who's thirst for them spreads to all who fight along side it. It looks to you for it's sustenance, and you are it's only master.

Specials: Attackaura, Poweraura

Stage five: Raven

Your patience is rewarded, as the battles mount up so too does your creature, from an egg it once was now does it spread it's wings in it's true form. A raven, who's voice finaly breaks free from it's beak in a battlecry to drive on your troops. Though it has reached it's adult form, there is still yet more power hidden in it's frame for you to draw out.

Specials: Attackaura, Poweraura, Attack bonus +50%

Stage six: Shadow Raven

On the battlefeild, Death of one, brings victory to another, so has the raven naturaly followed. Sheding it's flesh and feathers This avian has become a true nightmare, Following your command this Avian leads the charge, it's voice silent once more, Yet it reverberates through the hearts and minds of all, Chilling your enemies and invigorating your troops.

Specials: attackaura, poweraura, Attack Bonus +50%, Freeze.

Edited by Pothos
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  • 1 year later...

1. 50% is HUGE
Try combining 2-4 of these creatures. Can you make a math here ? 1.5 ^ 4 ~ 5 , that is 500% attack bonus

Do consider lowering the % of the aura influences.

2. When choosing auras, do note that they a creature should not "accumulate" auras but "evolve" and thus changing auras.

3. when stating that this is basically a "necrovian scout" (and that means a slightly modified LR scout) you should consider that all the remaining lands should get a similar "slightly modified" scout.
- make it land specific,
- limit nb of auras so that you can place land specific auras
- limit the stats , changed but similar to original scout

It would be interesting to have similar creatures from different lands. I think there are enough aramors and grasans.

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  • 3 months later...

Cost to recruit: Same as normal egg.
All upgrades at same age/cost/battles

Stage one: Darkened egg.

An egg, gathered from a nest in Necrovion. Dark energy has changed it, but only time will tell how.

Stage two: Silent hatchling

This small chik, newly hatched already differs from it's brothers, it's feathers are black, and no sound issues from it's beak.

Stage three: Solem watcher

Only just ready to join you on the battlefeild, this bird already shows an allofness, and it's very presence seems to drive the others forward.

Specials: Battleaura (weak) [Works like poweraura but applys to atk]

Stage four: Young Raven

Battles provide food and death provides power, Both will be needed for this young avian, who's thirst for them spreads to all who fight along side it. It looks to you for it's sustenance, and you are it's only master.

Specials: Ballte Arua (strong)

Stage five: Raven

Your patience is rewarded, as the battles mount up so too does your creature, from an egg it once was now does it spread it's wings in it's true form. A raven, who's voice finaly breaks free from it's beak in a battlecry to drive on your troops. Though it has reached it's adult form, there is still yet more power hidden in it's frame for you to draw out.

Specials: Attack Bonus 10-15% (+146%-174% -if you use four-)

Stage six: Shadow Raven

On the battlefeild, Death of one, brings victory to another, so has the raven naturaly followed. Sheding it's flesh and feathers This avian has become a true nightmare, Following your command this Avian leads the charge, it's voice silent once more, Yet it reverberates through the hearts and minds of all, Chilling your enemies and invigorating your troops.

Specials: Attack Aura 20-25%, freezing. (+207%-244% -if you use four-)

This is an edited form to adress a couple of the suggestions.
I would also like to note that using four to acheive such incredibly high bonuses would be highly risky, and I'd still much preffer the nice round 50% boost for the final form. The only reason I dont keep that is because it can be much to much. backing up something powerfull with a wide hit range would pretty much flatten all competition. Mind, at it's current I think it's rather fair, you get a nice bonus if you do use four, but the amount isn't so little that it won't be worth your time to use just one or two.

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  • 6 months later...

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