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Everything posted by Actraiser

  1. New content added
  2. The puzzle wasn't there yet when this thread was started.
  3. King Manu - How about this: No sacrificed creature will give anything permanent (Vitality, Value or otherwise) unless it is a maxed creature. Keep the temporary value and vitality increases going, just nothing permanent. This will keep things better balanced I think. Otherwise it can get very easy to exploit.
  4. the pop-up boxes after a battle are not telling you a stat increase or decrease. This is what was used in the battle a difference between the 2 combatants as far as I can figure. Disregard the pop-ups box's you see. Stat adjustments after a battle do not always happen. When they do, a lot of times you will not even notice a difference in the stat change, it will be very low. The only way to be able to notice right away, is if you get a stat increase when that particular stat that is effected is at .9 or something, and you get enough to get the stat to the next whole number, or if you have a window open with your characters profile and after an attack you compare before and after. More to come on this later
  5. i think it is balanced just fine. if anything they may give too much.
  6. The updated values are much better. I'm off to sacrifice my old and useless creatures
  7. your guardian was healing, but you still took some damage, and this was probably reflected in a loss of your own vitality.
  8. .1 and .01 were to show the decimal place for some stats. take a principal for instance: exchanging a certain powerful creature will give you 200 or so points in a certain principal, and on stats - turning in some creatures will give 30 attack or defense. move the decimal point to reflect more realistic stat bonus' instead of a 200 cyclicity you would get 20 or 2. and instead of 30 attack, you'd get 3 or .3 And we all know a gain of 3 in any stat is HUGE. that is bigger than what you'd get from doing 24 hr meditation in the story i didn't literally mean .1 and .01
  9. I took another look at some of the rewards you can gain and spotted a problem. The vitality and value seem ok, but the stat increases could prove to be a problem. I would suggest moving the decimal point over a space or two. Instead of getting +1 Defense (or whatever stat) make it .1 or even .01 instead. otherwise people will be walking around with mini-gods in next to no time.
  10. yeah - my bad. - fixed now. Thanks Also - Added more info
  11. Added a few more points
  12. I didn't see any that gave luck or trade, but i did see attack and defense...perhaps with certain creatures at certain levels those other stats are an option.
  13. I agree with Uga & Ombra- that is another one that can be exploited badly without a limitation of 1 per regen period.
  14. the webcomic is Casey and Andy. here's the link:


  15. i can understand why the lvl 4 vs lvl 5 archer gives more value - the lvl 5 has a lower attack score. but the lvl 5 give better overall bonus' so it all balances out anyway. The thing about the lvl 2 elemental giving honor is kind of off though. Like Shadowice said, it took nothing but a 3 day waiting period to get it to lvl 2. Perhaps there should be only a very low vit and val (not max) for this, and the honor reward comes into play when they hit lvl 3. otherwise this can be too easily exploited.
  16. heh - not a lot to get. just some old-school D&D cliche crap and a bit of humor from a webcomic i used to read added into it.

  17. I am glad I could bring a smile to your face
  18. OK there are several new people out there trying to figure out what to do and how to go about it where there creatures are concerned. Many of these things have been outlined by Muratus (AKA King Manu). But for the little details that weren't readily covered, i'll try to give it a go. 1. Get at least 6 creatures. You want to mix it up a bit. Don't stay with the old Aramors and Barren Souls. There are all kinds of goodies out there for you to play with. Aramor - attacker Barren Soul - healer Grasan - multi attacker Water Being - healer/support Archer - attacker Fire Elemental - support Scout - attacker Savage Knator - attacker 2.Attack rituals vs defense rituals Here is where it gets kind of touchy. You want to put at least 4 attacking creatures in your ritual. Back them up with a support and a healer creature. In the beginning you should already have attackers and healers - if not, then how did you get past the shades? A good starting ritual if you just got out of story mode could look like this: 2 Aramors, 1 Grasan, 1 Archer (or scout), 1 Barren Soul, & 1 Water Being (or elemental). But mix it up a bit. Don't just use what I have posted here. There are many different variations, and what really counts is the settings you put your creatures at. What works for one person, may not work as well for you. Play with the different settings and creature types until you find something you are comfortable with. You can use the same creatures to attack and defend - I don't recommend this when you are first starting out. you will be better off getting a total of 12 creatures. use 6 to create an attacking ritual, and 6 to create a defense ritual. For defense you are defaulted at using 50% vitality. I say use more. Set it from 75% to 100%. But please don't get cocky. After you have fought (whether you won or lost) go somewhere and lick your wounds or you are an easy target for anyone around you. Also - the starting creatures will not advance as far as some of the creatures you can get at Marind Bell, or LoreRoot. You want to get these creatures as soon as you can when you hit free roam. 3.Healing There are a few ways to heal up in Magic Duel. If you are just starting out and want to heal up your creatures after a fight, go to the creature page. Click the orange bar under the hurt creature - this will give some of your vitality to this creature. This is a long process. Another way you can heal is by setting a "healing" ritual, and getting someone to help you heal. To do this, put all your healers in the ritual and the attacking creatures that can be set to not hurt the person helping you. There are some creatures you can set from attack to weaken defense (usually only available at lvl 2 or higher for the creature). Do this. then get someone to attack you with a single barren soul. This will help to heal your creatures faster. but be warned - for this method you will get either a win or a loss - and possible honor loss as well. be sure that this is the step you want to take before you decide to use it. Alliance members can heal another way - but if you are in an alliance you more than likely know everything I have so far written. 4.Attack Strategy Too many people are reluctant to attack people at full vitality. But i tell you that you want to attack people with full vit. If you go around only attacking people who are hurt, or much weaker than you, you gain nothing but that win. When you fight there is a chance to get a stat increase as well as vp and exp. You will gain little exp or anything else for attacking weakened players. You want to go for the gold. No guts no glory and all that. I see players with MP4 and less than 100k exp. these people have either won against a lot of people throwing just a single creature at them, or they have hit weak(ened) players. Bad form. To do it right, go nuts with it. the worst that can happen is that you lose the fight. If you don't balance your wins and losses just right, there will eventually come a time when you have gained so many wins that you can no longer attack anyone without losing honor. Oh well. Also if you lose too much, (or keep attacking only those weaker than you) and go below -500 honor you cannot attack anyone unless you get honor from them. Needless to say, when you hit this point, it sucks. try to avoid this at all costs. 5. Gaining/Losing Honor from a fight Honor Penalty: total win count is taken into consideration for honor penalty it you lose a fight. If you have more wins than your opponent and you lose, you lose 1-15 honor - and vice versa. Gaining Honor: If the defending opponent has more wins than losses than you do, (if you win the attack) you gain that much honor. On the flip side of that, if you attack and defeat someone who has less wins over losses you will lose honor for your victory. example - say you have 15 wins and 12 losses(3 wins), and your chosen opponent has 23 wins 16 losses(7 wins) - Your opponent will be worth 4 honor to you, but you will be worth negative value to him. Try to keep wins and losses balance out if you can. 6. Experience How experience works herein Magic Duel is a lot different than other games. You gain no experience, your creatures do. The experience points gained from a victory are equal to the amount of damage you do to your opponents creatures (heat adjustments get calculated into the total). To gain any experience, you must survive the fight. A dead creature gains no experience, no matter how much damage you do to the opposition. If you lose the fight, your surviving creatures gain a small amount of experience. It will not be the total damage done to the opposition, only a portion of it. The experience points gained are divided between the surviving creatures. Yes, even those creatures you have already maxed out. You gain no experience from using a healing ritual. If you do no damage, you get nothing - even if you happen to win. (The following is copied from topic: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=852 ) 7. Stat Increases The amount you get by winning a battle isn't static. It depends on the person you fight, what creatures are used and the amount of damage done. So, the tougher the opponent, and the more vitality, the greater the potential reward. On average, perhaps one stat will see an increase after winning a fight. Values of .1 are normal, sometimes you will see a higher value depending on your current heat, and then sometimes you will get absolutely nothing. It all depends on the total amount of vitality taken from the opponent. If you win an attack you can view the stat increase only once. When you view the battle, and go to the report page, you will see what increased just above the report. Winning a defense you can view the stat increase at anytime by replaying the battle and going into the report - scroll to the bottom of the page for this information. 8. Heat Heat is used as a bonus multiplier for a victory. The maximum heat that a person can build is 3000. When you move around in Magic Duel you will build heat. Heat counts down 1 second per point. On average, heat is 25% of your briskness (fractions do not count) + 1-10. The higher your heat, the greater the potential reward. With no heat built You will be able to gain .1 in one or more stats for a challenging victory. With heat, this bonus increases. Max heat (3000) can award a gain of 3 times the bonus(.3). The heat modifier is also added to experience and value rewards. If any of this information is in error, please let me know and I will correct it or remove it completely - Thanks ~____________________________~ I hope some of this has helped you out, and if I have missed anything (and I am sure I have) the people who post after me will fill in the gaps. Good Luck, and enjoy Magic Duel! Disclaimer: King Manu's word is law - If he states anything thats contradicts or corrects what I have written here, that is the final word on the subject. If/when King Manu says the word, I will change the information provided in this post. The "Edit" at the bottom of this post will reflect any changes I make. Thank you Edit: Latest Content Added/Changed: 16 Nov 05:46 Corrected number value in "Gaining Honor" from 7 to 4. Added "Stat Increase" Added Disclaimer Adjusted experience info Changed Stat increase info Added heat
  19. It was a beautiful Autumn morning as Actraiser, still breathless from his recent battle with Ombra the Great, lay against a tree for a much needed respite. The morning sun cast elongated shadows upon the countryside. Actraiser paid no attention to this bit of cosmic foreshadowing as he rested his eyes. He was awakened from his restful slumber by the whinny of a horse, and the sound of hoof-falls in the distance. Too late, he realized he was under attack. An evil smile played across the attackers face as he charged in for the kill! He saw how weakened Actraiser was and knew this was to be an easy victory. What was our hero to do? Standing tall, Actraiser braced himself for the attack, and met the dark charger head-on. The look of evil triumph on the attackers face soon turned to fear as he realized the target he had chosen may have been weakened, but was by no means weak. Sweat stinging his eyes from both panic and exertion, the dark charger battled on; he had foolishly committed himself, and now he was in it for the long haul. The dark charger scored a few telling blows, but all for naught. He was taking far more damage then he thought possible against such a weakened force. But still, he battled on. No longer for glory and slaughter, but for survival! Never before had he misjudged an opponent to this extent! In the grip of fear he swung wildly, desperately trying to find an escape from this devastating onslaught. And in that moment, everything seemed to stop. No longer could he hear the wind blowing through the crevasses in his dark helm. The sun seemed to lose its brilliance. He realized he was lying in the meadow... in the same spot he found his quarry. Then darkness engulfed him, and he knew no more. And that is the story of how Antitalent bit off more than he could chew Not a great victory, but a very satisfying one.
  20. welcome aboard.
  21. Well Shadow, I'll be in free roam tonight - I'll fight you when I get out of story mode The fights against you are some of my favorites - I never know for sure who will win.
  22. Now that is some great news! And thanks for the free drink *Raises glass* Bottoms up.
  23. An awesome battle right here: rounds:28 E lost: 14182vit; A lost: 14050vit; Casualties: Defender:100%, Attacker:98.2654916% that was a VERY close battle. Great fight!
  24. well, i guess I'm breaking the overall theme here by posting this: Defender:100%, Attacker:34.3942691% E lost: 13154vit; A lost: 3793vit I thought I'd be the odd-ball and show an actual damage report, rather than a heal report
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