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Axel Keravnos

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    Axel Keravnos

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Well all in all it's a stupid quest due to the fact that most can't get into necrovion.
  2. I also add a gold coin plus twenty silver to Princess Katt's offer. As well I would also like to add that I am not surprised that a necrovion like him would stoop so low. Great job Dragual, it would be fun to do battle with you but alas you are too weak. Seriously now, killing unborn children now? Are you so weak? Tsk, tsk.
  3. So wait, 200 attack per creature or 200 attack total? I would like to participate even though I currently have no Lorerootian creatures. They are easy enough to obtain. Also would I be able to use all my influence if say I used non attacking creatures? For example a tree on weaken martyr with 100 percent influence? I guess that would be the easiest way for me to win, either that or buy a few sharptears and get them a few hundred wins. It's all good, just let me know about the defence thing. Since attack stat wouldn't be used then. Oh, that means elementals are allowed as well? Ooo, they don't use attack stat either.
  4. Wanting to sell creatures the age is before transfer. Joker Age 678~Selling for 2sc or 1 heat infused creature valued at 4.2 million heat. Angien Age 582 stored heat:23867 Highst offer. Will be satisfied with 10sc Sharptear Age 245: Highest offer
  5. Bah what are you still doing with xp windows 7 upgrade stat. Also you can download similar things online unless you guys don't have virus protection as well in that case jeez what sort of wooden box would you be running Just saying that there are tons of options you can take instead of waiting for a global mute button, it's a good idea but it isn't implemented yet so just making suggestions while you wait and just incase it never does get put in effect.
  6. If you are that worried about it then under volume control turn down your volume from say IE to zero but leave firefox and all of that still on full volume. You know volume control rocks right?
  7. I will start the bidding for the angien at the minimum bid 10sc
  8. I am at Fenths press now, ignus and Stav.
  9. *Looks fore the delete this post button*
  10. Will sell you one of my imps. PM me to discuss the price, you can find me at the GoE usually or somewhere in MB. I am not hard to find.
  11. Selling/trading/exchanging however you want to put it for my gold coin for your silver. Offer me here or in game. Thanks, no more trading please close this thread.
  12. 5sc for the joker with over 100k heat
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