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Everything posted by AqlBeast

  1. I like how this competition is already heating up. and Congratz on the TL nomination MB =] Whispers to Chewett: Stop chewying on those acorns and squirrel up against those bunnies P.S. Been a while everyone. More rums! "Cheers!"
  2. Nothing more I can say. Thank you Liberty. Best of wishes in RL.
  3. Great Idea. One year one wishpoint sounds good And alts...if players took the effort of signing in for a whole year. I think that is pretty impressive. Maybe reconsider alts.
  4. I like the new items. Still waiting for the black shirt with fiery MD logo
  5. Just to clarify misunderstandings. This is not a quest. It is a contest. Real time contest where you have to solve a puzzle I post on my Comment on Self paper. Contest starts today at GoE 22:00:00 server time. Thank you for PM-ing. If you have any question please post here as well
  6. [b]WISHPOINT REQUIREMENTS: 1) Solve a total of 9 puzzles[/b] [left][b]2) Last 3 puzzles must be solved within the same day[/b][/left] [size="2"][color="#000000"][b]RECORDS OF WINNERS: [/b] Contest starts today Day 334 at 22:00:00 Server Time Located at Gazeebo of Equilibrium [/color][/size] [size="2"][color="#000000"]Onee Silver for each winner of each puzzle. Also meet the requirements to obtain a wishpoint.[/color][/size]
  7. puzzle contest every Monday at 22:00:00 server time.

  8. Find me ingame Totenkopj I will give you then. I want to be sure I give it out. Thanks.
  9. Contest starting in 15 minutes at Gazeebo of Equilbrium to make up for yesterday's.
  10. Thank you for understanding. I will be able to host the contest today at 23:00:00 server time for sure. Please come by anyone who wants to participate.
  11. Dang it. RL problem is halting me. Sorry Olando. I will schedule it for tmr. My deepest apology everyone that looked forward to this. I am very sorry.
  12. Just a reminder of the upcoming puzzle contest at Gazeebo around 23:00:00 server time. Contest may be very short depending on how well and how fast the players answer. This week's puzzles are includes both easy and hard. Silvers that were gathered from my Chess Contest is now being used for rewards. Each puzzle winner gets one silver for a total of 3 silvers for 3 puzzles. Hope to see you there.
  13. Sure thing Chewett I am only suggesting an idea, and so I understand both yours and No One's view. I wish to speak out for others that share my view as well based on the number of votes wanting this wishpoint item. And so against your reason I have refutation. Not that I am challenging you or anyone else. I simply want to voice that others have share with me. I didn't start out wanting an unbalanced profile. Many MP5 was already unbalance when I first got into MP5 (when there wasn't any penalty in place). It seems acceptable for me to set easy defence rituals and idle in public area to be attacked in order to be on the same level as others, because there wasn't any penalty back then and because that was the only way I can start attacking again. I too have met the frustration of having negative honor and was only able to attack players who gives positive honors. For some the honor problem still exist, but for me that is dealt with. But now lost comes too fast and wins (later turn to victory) comes to slow. Player who doesn't want to be unbalance went unbalance anyway. From times to times in game I encourage new MP5 players to hang along and wait for other MP to advance rather than listening to the advice of idling in places with weak rituals to gain more lost in order to get out of the honor frustration. I am guilty of encouraging some MP5 to idle to gain lost in the past but my view have change now. I simply want to make a reform so that the current MP5 isn't incline to go unbalance since it seems that some MP5 continues to encourage the new ones to do so. And then the extra bonus encourages players to remain unbalance as well. Then Lord behold the penalty for being unbalance sets in and I have little way of getting out unless I consistently attack other MP5 players or alliance players with stealife. And now I am having my stealife attacks MP5 or alliance players, majority of which now packs strong tokened creatures as defence. Lost comes more than victory still. Also regarding GGG. It doesn't offer an easy way out as much as I first thought it would. If I count the total amount of win I have gotten there, it probably goes to more than thousands already. Actually achieved more than 100 Burst already. But only once in a while when a player or two offer a burst do I get a victory battle. I average about 3 to 5 victories a day. Then again there is a wish point option for max experience right? and we all know that that limitation is the easiest setback to overcome just by asking a friendly player to set a stealife ritual. Reducing personal experience back to zero is possible in just one day. That is an easy way out and probably the easier way compare to getting out off being unbalance which takes me about 3 months just to reduce my win/loss difference from 2000 to 1500. Prospectively speaking, it will take me approximately more than a year at the rate I am going. Possibly slower now that I am slowly starting to leave the boyish high school version of me behind and embarking the next step in real life. Given a chance that I were a new MP5, I will try my best to maintain a balance now that I know the negative effects of getting unbalance. But that is because I have experience the negative side effect already. But to those that have only heard from players about the negative stats, they sure won't be waiting any longer than half a year to start training with other unbalance MP5. And temptation starts takes its role and unbalance starts to set in. MP4 now advances to MP5 only to find that some have gone unbalance. The cycle renews. I am one player replying and encouraging new MP5 players to maintain their balance profile. Against others out their that views differently from myself, I lost. Possibly earning myself a title of crazy MP5. I still maintain the trust of those I have helped. But to have some of the MP5 players that I hadhelped wait on what now appears to be an empty promise. I do not want them to feel any sense of betrayal; and thus, I am voicing out for a possible quick solution. After all I believe MD is still in development. Mur has increased and decrease the personal experience from time to time in the past. And even though reducing personal experience was possible, he was very kind to accomodate for the experience limit setback by including a wishpoint item that lets player reset their personal experience back to zero. And so again I voice. Again I wish not to offend anyone. Just wanting to promote this idea and to bring more viewers. By doing so (whether or not the wishpoint item is implemented) a cause have been presented. Hopefully more players will encourage new MP5 players to remain balance rather than going imbalance although it is a faster way start training with more players and get out of honor problem at the same time. (Just extra tips here: Players may get out of honor problem by successful joining an alliance). Again Chewett and No One. I thank you thee for the opinions. Thoughts are meant to be express not suppress nor left unrest.
  14. Totenkopf wins a silver for being the first to answer This is actually the simplest puzzle. Any player wanting a challenging puzzle is welcome to come to Gazeebo of Equilibrium. By the way, no requirement what so ever. But don't forget to have some fun roleplaying as well. CHEERS!!!
  15. Oh I see Thank you Chewett
  16. yep yep Can't wait to get my hands on some of those.
  17. Sorry....(don't think Mars is Mars hahahaa jk)
  18. Not quite the right answer dst Keep trying everyone.
  19. Almost there Aelis. But generalizing the possible set of questions does not work. Be specific please so what do you think Mark asked? hehehe
  20. Nice try By the way, there is no limit how many times you may attempt this puzzle/riddle.
  21. I would like to hear other player's idea/opinion as well Since this is just a suggestion.
  22. This is just a reminder about my contest. Since it is about two days away. I am going to give a sample puzzle/riddle to warm up for the contest [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img] [][][] After his spaceship landed on Mars, astronaut Jonathan Mark disembarked and approached the first Martian he saw. "Am I headed for the geolocial dig?" he asked. The martian rubbed is stomach. Mark knew that Martians could understand some Earth-talk, but were not able to speak it. And astronaut Mark, like so many Eartlings, could niether speak nor understand Martian gestures, he didn't know whether rubbing the stomach meant yes or no. But by asking one additional question, Mark was able to find out the meaning of the rubbing gesture. What was the question Mark asked? [][][] I will give a silver to the first person posting the answer in this topic [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.gif[/img]
  23. I favor a black T-shirt with the firey MD banner. Looks awesome to me
  24. I really like the story line in the Chapter about MB providing light proctection and stuff. Really intrigues me and encourag me to protect the land. Been in both SoE and KoB so MB sounds the best option for me I didn't it would be a surprise to others though ahahah By the way I am waiting for a pending on my citizen request. I click once but it didn't seem to go through. And so I click on it again but it seems that my reason for being a citizen did was cleared the first time I submit. In all regards to the link you kindly provided above, the citizenship implement is in place right? Thank you
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