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Everything posted by AqlBeast

  1. Sorry about the time limit. Have to set a standard since I don't have all day. But I welcome anyone that want to challenge me the imperial aramor.
  2. [b]Totenkopf[/b] another round for Imperial Aramor Server time Oct 28 00:48:20 defeated first round [b]Totenkopf[/b] another round for Imperial Aramor Server time Oct 28 00:53:20 defeated first round
  3. About to play [b]Totenkopf[/b] Server Time: Oct 28 00:19:25 Social Tab Zebra Cove Table 12 advanced to round 2 won both round Awarded a Joker Remaining reward are: Imperial Aramor
  4. About to play Grido Server Time: Oct 28 00:02:19 Social Tab Zebra Cove Table 12 defeated
  5. Bloodynose starting at Oct 23 01:57:54 Day 295 Current time posted [email="Anh.Quang_Le@yahoo.com"]Anh.Quang_Le@yahoo.com[/email] Social tab Zebra Cove room Table 12 defeated
  6. Everyone's history of chess seems to date back in the childhood age. Wow! Play me a game sometime Rhaegar.
  7. I am not that good at chess either. Get my butt whooped by almost everyone on the net but that doesn't stop me from hosting Chess contest in MD The spirit of Chess counts. Hahhaha
  8. Okay thanks. Name added.
  9. The fire department may be a good place. Just don't get arrested
  10. Mind if I add your name on the list Shadow?
  11. wisdom wins and Bloodynose please message me
  12. Hmmm.....that is true but I don't think players have that much silver though. Possibly the next Chess Contest (maybe once a month thing). I hope to do a Robin Chess Tour where the winner gets challenged for the rewards and have to go undefeated for three days or so. Much more fun don't you think? When I see you online I will PM you for a game. I think I should start scheduling the matches now. I might lose before others start signing up that will be bad..... [color=purple]Edit button? - Grido[/color]
  13. 18 out of 20 players so far. Sounds pretty good.
  14. Done
  15. I didn't start until I was 15. You guys are really tough I bet. If everyone is better than decent in Chess, I might have to make it so the winner gets challenged until there is a new winner and so on in the next Chess Contest. So far so great for those liking Chess. Hopefully more will vote in due time.
  16. CUrrently I am only taking the name of players who want to participate. One week prior to Nov 1st I will try and schedule a date beginning with participant number 1 and down the list. I will only play 2 participants per day. If the the next one on the list is unable to schedule a date till the next day, I just move down the list and reserve a date for the previous participant. That way hopefully everything works out. Would you like me to add your name on the list?
  17. Thank you
  18. Every Chessmaster was once a beginner
  19. Thank you Toten. May I know your ingame name?
  20. Thank you dst. Hope players express their opinion here.
  21. [b]Total Silver Fee Received: 2 [u]Sponsoring: [/u][/b]Shop creature or creature with at least 2 tokens and max age Any other creature will be determine by me 1/2 silver fee evenly share for Sponsors [b][u]Requirements:[/u][/b] Fee of 1 silver per scheduled match Be able to access link. [i][b]Yahoo!Games Chess [/b][/i][url="http://games.yahoo.c...n2?page=ch&ss=1"][color="#284b72"]http://games.yahoo.c...n2?page=ch&ss=1 [/color][/url] The Match: 2 games PM me for more info. [b][u]Current Sponsors and Rewards: [/u][/b]AqlBeast: Joker with 349 trade value and 179 age [b](awarded to Totenkopf)[/b] WindElement: Imperial Aramor with 202 trade value and over 200 age Pipstickz: Loreroot Archer with Fire Drop and Kelle'tha Fire and max age [b][u]Current Participants: [/u]1) wisdom wins 2) Bloodynose (defeated first match)[/b] [b]3) Totenkopf[/b] (won Joker) [b](defeated first round) (defeated first round)[/b] [b]4) Grido (defeated first match) 5) Shadowseeker (defeated first round) (defeated first round) 6) ?[/b]
  22. Animated Tree[url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=1122"] [/url][URL=http://img38.imageshack.us/i/aqlbeast.jpg/][IMG]http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/7553/aqlbeast.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  23. I want to disguise myself as a creature too but not enough time right now. Hopefully I will be able to post one at 20:00:00 server time. The Chaos Archer had me laughing for a moment [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img] Looking forward to all other participants.
  24. Will there be a chat log on the players that casted the spell? Just want to know since I am not familiar with spell thing.
  25. At this moment, I consider going to Alpha 10 hasty. The battle system (in my opinion) is seems to be turning back to previous Alpha stage.
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