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Everything posted by purplebunny

  1. got through at 8:05am this morning and getting a phone upgrade getting a nokia lumia 920, will be here tomorrow or friday.
  2. leaving now to go on the big bus to the big smoke!! ;) laters xxx

  3. true dst, scans can be wrong but she was convinced they were boys before she got the scans. we shall see what next year brings
  4. glad to hear it dst
  5. lol dst, you're too cute for words! she's had her scans. confirmed twin boys.
  6. lol thanks burns, even tried pressing zero at every option but it didn't work! *sighs* am going to Belfast tomorrow and there is a store there, so will go in and hopefully get the problem sorted...if not...well let's just say they won't like me when am angry!
  7. sharing the earworm...

  8. Vincent, Chaney, Hopkins, Lee, Rudyard.
  9. easily pleased you are Kaijin home is all decorated for Yule/XMas now
  10. [quote name='Kaijin W.' timestamp='1354642868' post='127408'] de Lioncourt [/quote] antihero
  11. I HATE THEM WITH A PASSION! GRRRR! This is coming from some-one who used to w*rk in one and I hated it then! Been trying to get through to my mobile phone provider the past 2 and a half hours and no luck! *sighs* purplebunny
  12. erm, no Kaijin...suppose that'll be another one I'll be making them! Pipstickz that looks interesting!
  13. lol poor dst! i knew what you meant Kaijin is just off the phone, she's doing well last night her brothers added the following to the pot: Iggy, Hendrix, Sinatra, Lemmy, Dylan and Moriarty. I don't think Kaijin has mentioned this yet but she has the following names from A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones in the pot as well: Tywin, Tytos, Eddard, Gregor and Sandor. Some of the names I've added are from the books too.
  14. Going to sleep soon, had a bad night of it last night (stupid migraines) na nights all xx

  15. I know what you mean Grido! I never buy any till nearer the time either. Always a "last minute rush" with me.
  16. *evil laugh* I've kept the following names to put into the pot when Kaijin arrives later on... Chewett: Lord Vader this one I like! *giggles* Nimrodel: Grido and Chewett just for the fun of it! lol Dark Demon: Rob and Bert: lol reminds me of Bert and Ernie from Seasme Street lol
  17. Language
  18. nine
  19. oh, okay that's fair enough then! no matter
  20. *giggles* Kaijin phoned me this morning to tell me that her 2 yr old put the names "Dalek" and "Spongebob" into the pot for possible names for her younger brothers! Too funny!!
  21. eyes
  22. Okay since it's December 1st and I've opened my advent calendar I can start to think what I need to do for this season. Tomorrow we're bringing in the tree to decorate which wil be fun I need to make some vegetarian mincemeat. Also need to make 3 ginger tea cakes for presents (taking the easy way out lol) and 2 for myself (for this home). Need to work out recipe for a spicy ginger marniade for my veggies for Dec 25th lunch. Oh! & decide on what I want for presents and get presents. I think that's it! purplebunny
  23. Poker
  24. [quote name='Kaijin W.' timestamp='1354182108' post='126810'] Idea [/quote] Stupid
  25. Still have frost outside :( Gonna have to dress warmly today

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