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Everything posted by purplebunny

  1. [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1353976469' post='126567'] Rourke [/quote] Boxer
  2. *sighs* oh the frailness of contest rules... ...wanders away from thread.
  3. Will have to get some ice-cubes into the freezer then! Since we don't get snow that early here (as Chewett has already said). Question for you...does it have to be clear/white?
  4. [quote name='Kaijin W.' timestamp='1353956272' post='126506'] Paint [/quote] Messy
  5. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1353767263' post='126180'] shaved ice :3 [/quote] cold
  6. Thank you Chewett
  7. There is an Iron Throne in one part of the kingdom and whoever sits on it rules the kingdom. It's about those who sit on it, plots to get those on it removed, plots to get people seated on it. It's Fantasy but very addictive! I've got Kaijin reading the books too She's just finished book 3, which will be the new season 3. What I said to her I'll say to you "It's got violence, sex and incest in it but it is addictive. If you can get past the incest then you'll be okay".
  8. Okay, ta for your input everyone. Though since I have only one pc we can only be online one at a time. And Kaijin will only be online when she visits here But thanks anyway...one more question and apologies if this is off topic, but what if we had joined on a public computer, a library for example and by chance we both had used the same pc, would that be the same?
  9. Oh you should! I watched season 1 before reading the books, but have been hooked on the books. Would suggest you check it out Read the books first though, because I found the tv series a bit hard to follow, but then when I had read the book it made sense They are doing each book as a season so there will be 7 seasons in total. Plus since it's mostly filmed over here (some in the South of Ireland) I figured I might as well get into it If that makes sense? Most of those things are filmed in the states or elsewhere.
  10. Hey Anyone else a fan of A Song of Ice and Fire books and the tv serial Game of Thrones? I'm currently reading the books and in middle of Book 5 of the set of 7 I watched season 1 on blu ray and am waiting to watch season 2. Fans will know that season 3 is due to arrive on tv screens in March next year. purplebunny
  11. Thank you both Edit: To ask what may appear to be a daft question... How will we know if the system treats our accounts as alternative accounts or seperate accounts? Is there anyway of knowing this? Edit: I meant to say that a veggie/vegan group would be great! Point me in the direction when it's set up
  12. Dark Demon - we're not alternative accounts! We're two seperate people. Thanks for your offer of assistance though
  13. Thank you all for such a lovely welcome Change - We call ourselves "White Witch" because we use Positive Energy more than Negative and we help others more than not. It is a label neither me nor Kaijin like but it serves its purpose. And you can have all the Turkish Delight you like, horrible stuff! I'm a vegetarian for health reasons, also for health reasons I do not eat anything that contains MSG (expect for Soya Milk). I also don't drink cold cow's milk for health reasons but if it is boiled it is fine. Also eat very little chocolate/sweets etc. Most of the food I eat is either prepared by myself or my mum. Grido - thank you I'll bare that in mind Dark Demon - What do you mean by many things we mightn't be allowed to do?
  14. Hey I'm Kaijin's "sister" as in she's my "witch sister" I'm a Pagan and White Witch too. She told me of this game before she left. She has no internet where she is, so we'll both be using the same internet connection to log on and play I'm a vegetarian, in Northern Ireland too. Haven't played the game yet but have signed up to it. Am heading offline now but will play it tomorrow Purplebunny
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