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Ice Winterland

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About Ice Winterland

  • Birthday 05/12/1991

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  • Playername
    Ice Winterland

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  1. Also, may we include you in the story if we wish?
  2. Is there a length requirement at all?
  3. Who wants to help me defeat Willow's Shop Gaurd 2 tomorrow? xD

  4. A cat sat on Zleiphners face and then died... Zleiphner woke up he said, "WHY!?" He shoved the knife into its sheath, slapping DD who's a GoB onto a bee. Zleiphner, thought that this was bizarre So he kicked the puppy Fang and Fang cried... hell broke loose! and licked BoB, poor BoB always whipped by demons. Then came Eon who finally said, "Enough you people!" and killed DD. DD's blood flowed down and down until it reached a river of chicken fat. Change with Lord Tipu is a good pair of idiots. After Eon's retirement, they decided to kill each other but were unsuccessful, so they slept embracing one another's anime collections. Meanwhile, Peace declared war to avenge DD and all bees, headed by *MasterB*'s biggest CrAzY BeE Eff Eff. The war was won! DD's revival was forever postponed but finally happened in his dreams and reality too! But! DD mutated into a glow, eventually becoming human 9000.1 years later. He killed Change's cousin named Chaos with bread knives and a toothpick killed DD again. This time Permanently. With no way (pickle radish turnip) to not revive without dying again. Peace killed Pothos with his scarf and disappeared. DD trains hardcore despite nadrolski copying him. Except DD's dead dog is revived and it kills DD, starting an apocalypse of pretty rainbows indeed. THE END (is not here)
  5. A cat sat on Zleiphners face and then died... Zleiphner woke up he said, "WHY!?" He shoved the knife into its sheath, slapping DD who's a GoB onto a bee. Zleiphner, thought that this was bizarre So he kicked the puppy Fang and Fang cried... hell broke loose! and licked BoB, poor BoB always whipped by demons. Then came Eon who finally said, "Enough you people!" and killed DD. DD's blood flowed down and down until it reached a river of chicken fat. Change with Lord Tipu is a good pair of idiots. After Eon's retirement, they decided to kill each other but were unsuccessful, so they slept embracing one another's anime collections. Meanwhile, Peace declared war to avenge DD and all bees, headed by *MasterB*'s biggest CrAzY BeE Eff Eff. The war was won! DD's revival was forever postponed but finally happened in his dreams and reality too! But! DD mutated into a glow, eventually becoming human 9000.1 years later. He killed Change's cousin named Chaos with bread knives and a toothpick killed DD again. This time Permanently. With no way (pickle radish turnip) to not revive without dying again. Peace killed Pothos with his scarf and disappeared. DD trains hardcore despite nadrolski copying him. Except DD's dead dog is revived and it kills DD, (starting an apocalypse)
  6. "Peace, peace! he is not dead, he doth not sleep, He hath awaken'd from the dream of life." -Percy Bysshe Shelley

  7. So you see that I'm online...yet you didn't reply to my PM. Tell me how this makes sense.

    2. Pipstickz


      I texted you four times, I left seven messages on your machine, I stopped at your house and you still won't talk to me what is your problem goqbgv

    3. Ice Winterland
  8. Hello *curtsies*
  9. You know you've been on MD too much when... -You write a Fanfiction about the adventures of your character -You doodle your character on your notebook -You get on whenever there's a computer -You can't wait to get home so that you can check your messages -You find yourself calling people a Grasan as an insult -You have dreams about living in Loreroot
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