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Everything posted by Yrthilian

  1. well heres hoping BigC get back to us safe and sound if there is a misson to go save hime add me to the list
  2. Ok i am gona try this The first part ("So Close but yet so far") This could meen you are close to what you are looking for but lack the understanding or skill to comprehend it. The second part ("Ones fear is the others one's war") I have 3 posiable answers for this 1. your fear of other or the unknown is a war that your creatures fight for you or 2. if you show fear this could lead to your enemies to attack you as they believe you are affraid of them or to fight them and fear can make one seem week. or 3. The enemey feed off f your fear and it make them stronger hope it helps thanks yrth
  3. ah didnt see money bookers ther that great i will make a donation now i dont use paypal since they are putting their charges up and i dont have a credit card well not one i want to use right now thanks Yrth just sent the funds now
  4. Hi All, I dont know if i will be able to help I do know someone who owns a hosting company so i will have a chat with hime in regards to cost. I might (No promises) Be able to provide a dedicated server i am looking at the cost for me to do this. First i need so details how much bandwith does the game take? and how much CPU usage does the game take? i will need that information before i can ask my contact also i live in Ireland and am unable to make donations as the payment options dont have the options for me to do so. I suggest you use something like Moneybookers i dont know if this is a good option for you to use or if it is easy to setup. I like this game alot and am willing to help as best i can thanks yrth
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