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Everything posted by Yrthilian
Well i dont have long to rspond here. it has takes some time for me to catch up on this subject. So you want to know whom i would like like to see in power in LR Fine here you are BT, Raven and KB. (Nothing personal here but that is the list) As regards a RL mate taking the leadership position. Looks like you all think i know Grido in RL well you are all wrong we know each other only through MD and YIM from talking in MD. I have never meet Grido in RL. As regards people i think would be suted to become your new leader. well there are a few in your land that would be suted and they are on the your HC that should help you narow down the choices. I have NO intencion of ruleing LR. I never did. I responded with War to thinks that were going on in the realm and with some people acting like they did. It also loks like i was right to do so too. To be so disrespectuf to KC and dismiss him what were you all thinking. He know more about battel and the land than any of you would care to know. His advice may well have been just what you needed. But as it is now you force him out. KC i am so sorry for that to have happened. I have so much respect for you and you were one of my biggest fears for this war. I would be a fool to think i could rule LR and GG or even to put one of my own into your land to rule it. You all dont realise how much i respoce the land of LR and its people. I truly didnt want to have to call for war. Most of you may not believe this. But know this i will not give you all the reasions for my declaring the war but it was done because i felt it was needed. This even just shows how much LR was defragmented since you could not call all you might you even dismissed it. This war i am glad to see involved very little bloodshead. For that i am greatfull. I know many of you will not like me for doing this but remember this. How often do you see me act out like this. I very rarely do and i have never before decided to ask for war on the issues in the past. So All in al you may call me what you want and say i am childish. I dont really care that you do but i still beleve the action i took turned out to be the corect action and that this was needed to balance the lands and to get all to work together more. This proves that there was to much in the land of LR that needed fixing and that the leader was not the right person for the job> (this is still me feeling on this) If you want me to choose one i think could lead you better i will but if i do you will not trust the person as you will think them a puppet for me. (it is like i said i have no intension of ruleing LR and dont want to). My action will speak for them selfs when this all calms down be that in a few weeks to many months so be it but in the end you will see i was right. Now i am just going to ramble on and on and repeat myself. Just know this i do not regreat the choices i have made in this and that is the way it will be. I will not give the full details of why this war wascalled for so you will have to deal with what info you have been given. Just understand there is info that has been left out of this war on both sides and that is that. So now this war will be entered into the archive i am sure and it will be you the people that will decide if this was worth it or not. i am also sure the archivests will do this from an objective point of view as they are a nutral people. For thoes that have come to hate me for this i hope ver time you find forgivnes and understand my reasion were valid and this this core was chosen with great dificulty. Thank you for your time Yrthilian King of Golemus Golemus Technomage.
no i will not tell you who to place as leader there are just 3 that should not hold that position and there alts.
My aim is to remove the current leader You have the right people in your lands that can do the job better and can organise the land better. There are other i would not like to see fill that role but that will be a matter for another time. As i said in my last post the insult to MRD was just the straw the broke the camels back. and i follow through on what i say
we spoke i explained that is that you dont see problem so you say. then maby you are blind to your own problems the insult to MRD was just the straw the broke the camels back. This is my last post i will not be responding to any more
The war is happing for many reason. most of you dont know the backround to everything that has happened. And i will not revel the details for thoes that didnt keep up with the happining from the past. If you dont know then that is your problem My reasions are valid and that is the end of it. This war is happing like it or lump it.
I have no issue with CoE If they defend LR allaince i am sorry but they will be attacked. Raven is to step down.
A War is comming It is time for war. I have finish trying to keep the peace. So i have decided to declar WAR on Loreroot. I have many reasions for this and i will not list them all. But i intend to attack LR lands soon and am declaring it here and now ANY who back the LR land will also be atacked. Some of my reasons are as follows. LR has become to fragmented. I am no willing to stand by and have a treaty that could colapse before we know it. (i do realise the irony here as i am now breaking this said treaty) The LR allaince is very unstable and i dont beleve Raven is the right one to make things right. The incident regarding MRD and his post on the forums and with what happened. I will not stand by and have this happen to a citesen of Golemus. So i have now decided since raven will not step down i am declaring war. and we will be at war untill he does. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ NOTICE TO GOLEMUS PEOPLE you are to go to Golemus for your instruction. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************
Wow what a read. It would seem Mur you have plenty in mind to tease us with and to challange us. I for one look forward to this and i am also alway a willing test subject I know i have not been on much in the last while and wodin has suffered for that too but not beeing able to have 2 accouns loged in on asingle system is a pain but a understandable pain. I am not a programmer and i wont claim i can understand the code in place. to be honest it confuses me anyways. I am a techie and technology is the main thing i can deal with. I for one love the MD world and i hope that in my playing i have showen this. I do beleve you work is great and i have always like alot of what you have nbrough in to the realm. The is of corse some things i dont like but at the end of the day it is the choices that are needed. I have much in my head to say and dont have the time or the ablity to express it all at the moment. it will take a few days for me to do it and even them i will just end up rambling on. If you need someone for testing on or just to help in anyways you ask I am more than happy to help even if it buggers my account up Have a good day and i look forward to the experemints
LOL I agree you are a good leader so far i just dont really agree with the archon bit but hey i can be wrong and it could work out
I never said any of your actions are agenst you in this. but if you do become archon that is fine I will still treat you as i do in game I do respect you and have enjoyed working with you and i will also say you have been so far a good leader
Well first off I did say it was in my opinion. I also know that not all of the councel supports this. (but that is not my problem) Also i canot stop raven becoming Archon. If he does well that is great. I just pointed out that this was not how :R was viewed in the past. yes nelya was seen as leader and the final desision was hers. But she never looking to become king/queen. I became king through my actions i did not ask to be king but was asked if i would like to be king. To me that is the difrence here. I did not go asking for aproval for my title of king of my lands it was given. I beleive this was because i have done well and command the respect of other even thoes out side my allaince. I am one who fully beleve in earning the title. Now i am not saying aven does not deserve the title but in asking for it, i dont feel one should ask for such a think. Now it is just a title there is no power behind it or any extra ablities. I am honor as a king because other choose to honor me as such for my land. So all in all if raven does get the title fair enough and i will be happy for him. But i do not support givin the title to someone if they feel they have to ask for it. [b]*Again this is just my opinion*[/b]
Sorry Raven, But i had to vote no. I dont see LR beeing run by a single ruler it was alway set as a councel and that was how LR was portrade back in the beginning and to be that is how it should always be. you becomeing archon meen you no longer need the councel and there for destroy what LR stood for. This is just my opinon though. As from the Golemus and GG front I am sorry but i will not recoganise you as Archon/kind as this was not atitle from when LR started. GG made all treaty agreement with LR understanding that you were in charge in the councel but were guided by the councel. Regards Yrthilian King of Golemus Golemus Technomage.
ha ha ha well done man.. well done..
Treaty of knowledge sharing and mutual respect. The object of this Treaty is: •For the alliances to share knowledge in order to help increase the skills and abilities of both alliances. •The increase and promote respect and friendship among the members of each alliance. •The Treaty is enacted by *The High Council of Loreroot and the *The Ruling body of Golemus and is binding on all of members in both groups/alliances. It is the hope of having both alliances working together that may help to attract new members and hence help to repopulate Loreroot and Golemus. Having the alliances working on skill training and knowledge sharing this could make both realms powerful enough to defend their territories. With regard to attacking members of each alliance the following rules apply: • Attacking alliance members during a time of war without permission is forbidden • Each Alliance’s homelands are considered sacred ground. There are to be no attacks against an alliance member while on their homeland. The main entrance to each homeland is also considered to be part of each land for these purposes. • Alliance members may attack each other anywhere else with the following exceptions: o Alliance members should only attack others that are the same MP level o Dojo rules apply in the dojo areas o During the heads contest anyone with seven or more heads may be attacked. This condition overrules the conditions on MP level and location (i.e. MP5 can attack MP4 and in a homeland) • Alliance MP6 players count as MP5 and they may attack MP5 players without permission, under condition that said MP6 players will not use any of their spells on themselves and/or targeted MP5 Alliance members, unless allowed by said MP5 player. Alliance MP6 players may not attack any other MP level Alliance players, unless said other MP players have expressly given their consent for such attack. • These restrictions may be ignored provided that there is mutual consent i.e attacks may be between any MP level and in any location. Alliance members must not be reckless or assume consent. A clear statement or pre-arranged agreement must be evident. An alliance member could, for instance, use an entry in their log to make such a statement. Also, the decision of a player to consent to an attack is not an indication that future attacks are also permitted. Unless of course there is clear consent to continual attacks. (i.e. agreeing to allow person A to attack now, does not mean that person A may attack at another time. Nor does it entitle Person B to attack). PUNISHMENT IN CASES WHEN TREATY HAS BEEN VIOLATED Members who break the rules of the treaty are to be reported to both alliance’s diplomats or other designated persons. Each member or potential member of both alliances must abide by the rules of the treaty. A warning will be given for a first violation. A second violation will result in discipline by the offending parties leader. The third violation will result in the offender standing before the Leaders council to receive a hearing and possible punishment. All violations must be proven. No action can be taken without proof. *The High Council of Loreroot is the governing body of that land and speaks for the Loreroot Alliance. The Head and Leader of said body, who also is the Head and Leader of the Loreroot Alliance, is the only one with the power to authorise or not the decisions of said body and Alliance*, **Children of the Eclipse, and the Savelite Alliance. * The Ruling body of Golemus is the governing body of that land and speaks for the GG Alliance. [b]The above treaty has been agreed to by the rulers of the 2 lands this treaty os to be followed bay all Members of the allainces involved. Regard Yrthilian King of Golemus Golemicarum, Golemus Technomage [/b]
I like the idea of this guild and support it fully. I beleve that the Allaince would be a great benefit to Golemus and it allies. Having a port and home base for the ships would be great and this would also help with exploration of the outer realms. Cry you know this already. I support your Allaince idea and we have spoken All we need do now is work on getting it recognaised and have your alaince in Golemus. Thanks Yrth
Would it be posiable to have a now window under the allaince chat called leader anouncment. This would help when trying to inform members of any changes or updates regarding what is going on within the alaince. I have many time wished to have something like this to announce some things that i wish to have the Allaince members do or be informed about. Also in a way to put up basic alaince rules. What do you think? Thanks Yrth
Well as i remember Mur did say this is the start of the inventory idea. this will just expand a lot and i am sure he may find a way to let us creat items ourselfs. This would allow for more divers items and for trading. i dont know how the item if they were to have some special effects would be implemented and how they would be managed or who would have the rights to add in the ablities. i do recal that there may be a team set up for that.
Reporting of Violations of Treaty between GG and Loreroot
Yrthilian replied to Isaki's topic in Guerrilla Golemicarum
Great to see such a good responce to this. The treaty does only apply to GG alaince and LR alaince. I would like to see other alainces included in this. As egards the MR's this treaty does not specificaly cover them but MRD and my self have spoken of this before. We have agreed that the MR's are to be treated as if they are GG alaince and vice versa. Regarding the Savelites. I have spoken with Savel and we agreed on a similar treaty but attackng is allowed while other are idel. I would like better and clearer terms defined and as Lady Isolda already know this is now her area to work on it. So if you are looking to have a treaty with the GG alaince please go speak with Lady Isolda. -
count me in i shound just be in the dorr by then though so might be a few min late name yrthilian
Cannot Access the MD site (Server Error ????)
Yrthilian replied to Blood Prince's topic in Resolved Bugs
Ah i am sure all yhis waiting will be worth it. Just be pactient. I am sure Mur will get it sorted out soon. I know most of you just like are suffering from withdrawel at the moment "Twich Twich" but we can fold out a bit "Twich" Longer -
Well i have to put my say in too I started i think just over a year ago. I had been looking for an online RPG with a diffrence and boy did i find one. Like MB said i spend about a week to a month playing online games but MD has been diffrent I have been hooked from day one and have come to get to know so many people within the game system. It has been great fun and i have manage to acheive so much. I am to this day still supprised at how much i still enjoy playing. (i am even still at the boss to unblock the site for me) I dont think i will ever get board of this game it is way to much fun and i now know so many people from all around the world. This is by far the best online system and it is a great achievment you have made here Mur And yuou have my thanks and gratude for such a great creation.
wow such an intresting post. I have been in MD for a very long time and i too will never leave to be honest With regards to RPC's beeing as i run one (Wodin) and i play a character who wants to be one but has not quite gotten there yet. I find that yes it can be hard to catch the RPc's and it can also be hard to be an RPC. But i was thinking that for the liks of thoes poditions that have the like of drackhorns as a reward to be given out that maby thoes sort of positions should have an aprentice. so for the like of RJ he would have a second in line training to be a drachorn master aprentice whom if the boss is not about for a while can run the show untill the boss come back./ the same for branton. I dont know of any other RPC that has this sort of role. but reading some of the postd above it might be a good idea to have drachorns of each realm. For the moment Golemus has the main drachorn. Thanks to bration the necros may have the mutated drachorn. so why not have something like a forest drachorn for Loreroot and something similar for Marind Bell (not sure if Marind bell should really get something like this). If something like this was to be done then there could be a drachorn master school created to train in new RPC's. if other creatures were to come under that same model of having a master then there could be schools for thoes too. The like of Morgana le fey (beeing as she is a key holder she can also be hard to get a hold of for some quest one might want to run or even to help gain access to somewere having a second could help in that regard. i suppose the aprentice/ second in command could be come a PWR. There are many rolls that are hard to get hold of and that is not without reason. They can be difficult to play and to keep running. I know i have not been online much with Wodin and that is dew to time zone and to work blocking my access. Unfortunatly that is something out of my control but hope to have fixed soon. I will stop at this point as i may end up repeating my self or jusdt go off on a rambel Thanks Yrthilian Golemus TechnoMage
yeah the second one does sound better alright so an alaince page for anoucements to the alaince
well yes that is the reason as the chat can get lost under the alaince chat and not all members are online at the time of anouncing something. esp when beeing the leader and players jump to you and cant get back out of the location you are in and get stuck for hours on end
Hey just wondering if this might be posable sending mass mesages to alaince members maby only by the leader. this would make it easer to cordinate stuff and give members updates. thnks Yrth