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Just an update for this. We are looking at all suggestions being made and what effects that will have on the game and the MD system. The CTC's may cause heavy load on the MD system. but well we are looking into the idea. I have also email Mur asking for his opinion on the CCG that request went out on the day of the release of the game. So far i have not heard anything back from him. With regards to what people see as spoilers. Some i know feel any info on stats for creatures is spoiler some agree there is not to much in spoiler info within the game. We are changing some of the creature cards to a different level as in the more rare creatures. At this moment we are just waiting on feedback from Mur when he gets a chance.
Chew stop trying to stur the pot I have already asked Mur for his opinion and will wait till he has come back to me so i am afraid you will just have to keep wondering
Yoshi The cards to show any of the real abilities of the creatures or what there target abilities are. Also the upgrade costs or requirement are not there the base stats are the Vital Energy, Power, Regen, Attack, Defense and initiative those are a basic stat across all creatures some don't have all of the skills so are marked at 0. In most creatures cases you can find there stats almost anywhere within the realm. but we don't show all the skills or abilities Hope this clears it up a bit Thanks Yrth
I agree with Cutler in the statement above. If i sounded a bit standoffish i apologize for the as this is something i help in building and well i get a little defensive when it gets slated a bit Of course as Cutler said all advice and suggestions are welcome as these do help us improve the system more and more. Thank you Burns for your feed back.
This games is just or fun for now. Yes we do hope to create a competition out of this there are lost more features we can put in place for the MD CCG. The reason for the release now is to find out how the public react to it. In regards to the easiness of the game keep playing the system will adapt to you In regards to any one thinking it is spoiler-ish i will point out the MP3/4 don't get to see all of the cards It is only at MP5 that you get to see them all. We used only the base stats of the creature and nothing of their abilities and what they target. just the 5 base stats. I believe this is not spoiling what the creatures are or what they do. Hope you all enjoy the game also any feed back is always welcome. Thanks Yrth
Well here i come to jump on the band waggon Ok we can all moan and complain and what not. I know i complain a lot when i am off line to thoes i have a close bond with. As of late even i have been finding it hard to keep motivated. There is much i want to say here but if i know me i will rant on about something and forget why i was going to say on the many diffrent topics that are within this topic. So what are the main issues. (note this is from my own opinion) 1. Lack of AL or AL related events. 2. Lack of basic history (note i said basic not old history) 3. Beeing unable to find people with information on things within the realm (i refer to facts not assumptions) 4. RP were has it gone? (yes there are people that still RP and not stat Grind but no one knows were or who it is most of the time) 5. Alainces dying out? Now i do have suggestions to the mentiond issues above. BUT it is up to both us as the comunity and Mur to implment this. 1. The Al is one of the main back bones to MD and the prople within it. But we all know that things happen and the AL goes on hold. This is the first time i have seen it on hold for this long. Now i dont know how it is going to be recativated as some of the people within the AL have left but again that is something Mur and thoes involved wqill need to work out. My suggestion here is and this tie's in with the archives i suppose as it is suppose to be there JOB to do this. Why not creat a PAL to work along side the AL. PAL = Public AL or Player AL. This IF the archive allaince works well can create the RP content and bring back some of RP and excitment MD once had. If Mur was willing to allow or create such as the PAL that is. (i am not a programmer but i would think thismight be easy enough to implement) 2. Basic history. Again this is down to allaince/historains/comunity, wqorking together on this. We have our papers and what not. But people also like to see history from other people point of view. Sorry but this again fall to the archives. I know some players started doing this based on old players that made a big impact in MD. But they are gone. we need current history based on players withing the realm that are still about. This can be resolved used quest to get people to write about a subject matter or about players withing the realm. This will in its self start to create the history and to have the archives logg this up within the archives. I know i tried to get this done before and yes i know it is hard to get players to part take but it would be good to see this beeing done properly. This with the PAL suggestion i think could fill MD will history and show how players have influenced the realm. this is also another way for Mur to see what RP is beeing done rather than hopeing he see you RP'ing by chance 3. Back in the old days (feels weird to say that) I had 4 or 5 people i could get information from. They helped memore than i could have imagened The passed me some very basic information. That info allowed me to expand on what i wanted to be and what i have become withing the realm. But now it is very hard to find people with the facts or clear information. This can only really be sold with trust been given again. Yes i know Mur got burned in this area before. I cannot say howto really solve this other than to try trusting so people. Start off with basic info that cannot damage the great plan. Have a point were someone can say for sure that something is true or false and that it is not based on a theroy of there own. this is harder resolved i know. 4. Yes i know i mentioned this in the other topics above. But unless we have something blike the PAL suggestion we just dont kno0w what is happining. We may hear or find out of such things when it is too late. That is like missing an epesode of one favourate TV program that explaines something vital. Well like the PAL suggestion and the archives this could be used together and if others are willing the can get involved in the event. This i think would work to bring in more fun and excitment and a feel of beeing involved and the taking part. This i beleve is vital to the world of MD. 5. Well I know i was not the best at keeping the allaince when i was in it. I admit to that. So i cannot really say how this is resolved. But i do have an opinion I think again with the above mantions suggestions this could revive the allainces. Hell this might even get the allaince to be more active. As having events that the allaince in all of MD mentiond in the PAL would help to create interaction between players/comunity/allainces of other lands. This is something i can see helping to make the whole of MD more. So as you can see i went on a bit about the whole thing. But i beleve doing something like what was suggested above would go a long way to helping MD Mur as most of what is above does not require Mur to be hands on. Appart from the implementing the PAL suggestion. But i beleve that would take little to implement. I could be wrong as i am not a programmer. So i have had my say and i fully expect my forum stalker to put a neg mark on this post. But i have come to embrace the neg marks. I hope i have made some good suggestion and that i was clear in what i said as i know i can rant and not be clear in what i say. Have fun all Yrth
People spend more time in GGG or stat farming because of the issues with item hording in general. amongst other issues. RP is not being done because no one feels they get rewarded for doing such. Have you not notice how much less activity there is this i feel is because of item hording and RP being ignored. Gaining items to be able to create items should be easy enough but it is not whit this current system. I for one would love to get some items created. BUT i am not willing to pay 30/40 silver per item and a WP to get it made. Getting the silver alone is hard enough. So this in essence would make getting an item created cost you 90/120 silver BEFORE one get a WP to use. This is ridiculous and thoes that are hording have no REAL reason to do so. This excuse of it is my characters role to collect items is Bull. you choose that to be so to make excuses for hording items nd ripping people off. Unfortunatly the only real way to resolve this is have the items made so common that it no longer matter but then that in its self runes the whole RP side of things. RP need to have some way of being rewarded as it does not get put into the AL, or is only known by very few. What is the point in RP'ing if it become a complete waste of time? Sorry i am on a rant so i will stop now.
I voted no. The list does in a way serve what it is intended for. The issue with removing that list is it makes it harder to find items yes i know there are other ways too. But hiding the list just help people horde the items more. But the issue is not with the list or the displaying of it. It is the fact the items are being horded or being sold and completely stupid and unreasonable pricing. This in its self does not encourage trading as who really wants to spend 30/40 silver for an item to get a mundane item created for it. I know this argument has been had many times on the forum. But i still stand by the keeping of the item list. It is the people with the items that is the issue and not the list.
Ok so has everyone voted? I will finish this topic on Sunday and will then start making the priority quests
Nah i dont think it is a spoiler. it is an observation of an even and passed to others Well what might be happining i have had many an idea about the temple and what is futher within. Last time when the doors open i seen Mur looking for his keys so this is what could be a new area opening or a new expermint a puzzel we all i am sure will have fun trying to figure out
Well it is almost all sorted after many trials and tribulations in sorting the whole affair out. As many of you already know I am getting married this year and so it has been decided as part of the traditional stag, that Romania is to be invaded by us Irish. (Unfortunately there are only 2 of us. The others were either too drunk or too lazy to get organised ) Now we are a small group but I am sure we will consume just as much as you all can. Or at least we will do a bloody good job of it. The dates of our arrival will be June 4th. This will be a late arrival so our first night of our invasion will be slow as that will be a very long day for us. Firs and I will be coming over to visit Akasha and Mur. So for those of you that are willing or just up for some craic if would be great to finally see some faces. I don't know what we are going to be doing but I am sure we will work it out. There will of course be the consumption of lots of alcohol, we could not come over and not have the Irish try out the local ale. So I figure we can work out some of the plans between now and then and see what wonders Romania has to show us. I look forward to the visit and to meet the people of MD that I have gotten to know well. So here’s to the 4th of June. I look forward to the fun and the discussions that are sure to ensue. Yrth
Well since my access in work has yet again been blocked. I am posting here my contact details You may email me or chat with me on whatever chat programs you have that i use. This is to help in making thing run better and to try and help you in game faster. so this is the list of ways to contact me MSN yrthilian (AT) hotmail (DOT) com YIM yrthilian (AT) yahoo (DOT) com Gtalk yrthilian (AT) gmail (DOT) com email yrthilian (AT) gmail (DOT) com i always have access to the above and never have an issue with anyone contact me on thoes systems I may not respond right away as i tend to be in work but i will get back toyou when i can. Thanks Yrth
wow have to say the suggestings came in heavy and fast (he says sarcasticaly) well thanks to thoes that did submite item ideas. I have passed on your suggestions and now all we can do is wait and see. I have also included in this topic the items that were suggested. Pendants (of the land) Ornate Staff with Ancient symbols on it Glaive (decorated with Golemus symbols like the drac and the little people. Mining Tools (some sort of drill for mining crystal) Magnifying Glass Anvil Smelting pot Portable mini forge (for creating small items like knifes, and trinkets Orb It seems to be used for some sort of enchantments. Who knows what kind of results it may have? Nightshade Blunt A brown colored blunt useful for smoking nightshade. Nightshade Chest A wooden chest useful for keeping your nightshade stash. It has some nice engravings too. Pipe A pipe for smoking any sort of tobacco or weeds or whatever crazy things you think of. Pouch A nice leather pouch good for keeping nightshade leaves for drying. Staff A wooden staff with a glowing orb attached on the top. Useful for spell casting of any kind. Ring A ring with a nightshade leaf engraved on top of it. Sword A metal sword with some nightshade leaf engravings on its handle. charcoal precious and semi precious stones ( raw materials ) - any of these • 1 Aquamarines • 2 Diamonds • 3 Emeralds • 4 Opals • 5 Pearl • 6 Ruby • 7 Sapphires • 8 Spinels • 9 Topaz metals - iron silver gold knife pickaxe, hammers sword shield - feather sword : A sword that looks like a feather but turns itself into a sharp deadly sword - some purple scales ( mine from shedding) - a knife . A ritual knife encarved with some flames with a ivory handle - a firefly pendant: a small amber pendant with a firefly in it
Ok after have a chat with a few people i have decided to start organising priority levels to what i am working on so i may start getting some new quests out there. So as the poll go please select what you think and what you think is the highest priorty to you. Thanks Yrth
Well as you all may have seen the anouncment I would like if you could send all youritem request me me at my email address Yrthilian (AT) Gmail (DOT) com I will then compile the list and pass it on. Thanks Yrth
I agree here with Firs. The whole point in playing MD and comming up agents thoes challanges is to learn. you dont learn if you are told how to do get around something. This is just anoying and on the part of the people telling the new players how to get paset something is just making MD too easy for now players. When i played as a noob i had great fun figuring out how to defeat the guards and learning about the stragity needed to do it and how it worked. The point was to read the fight logs and understand the system. Now all that is beeing done is a spoiler and telling people how to get past something that they should be trying to work out them selfs. Sorry i am getting anoyed over this. It may seem a simple issue to mast but it is just unfair in my eyes and in what people gain from understanding things themselfs. so yeah as firs said stop telling people how to defeat the gusrds is it a SPOILER
Yes pips is corect if you are in one of the land allainces you will already be a citzen of that land. Now i have been getting requests to make people citizens so i think it best to out line stuff here 1. If i have not seen you before or only for a short time. then you will need the sponser ship from an allaince member to be concidered 2. I want to know your reasion you wish to be a memebr of Golemus a short PM to me in game will do 3. I would alsolike to know what youplan on doing as a citizen? Be this research orfighting or a role you may think not concidered 4. what do you hopeto achieve by become a citizen? that ismy main list of information that i willneed Thanks Yrth
Ok so now we have citizenship in game you may ask what is the benifits. well there are both benifits and penelties. i will list what i know here. So for beeing a Memeber of Golemus land - You gain Citizenship - You get the same stat bonus the GG allaince get - you get the same penalties the GG allaince get - so far you dont gain access to Golemus So you want to know the stat bonus and penalties - regen timer is the same as allaince - so far attacking is the same as allaince everything else you will have to discover
Well since i now see what the papers do and how they work. I really hope that the Golemus people would be loyal enough NOT tlo sel there papers I understand they will be of great value to people wanting them and to thoes of you that have receved them. I understad they are open for trading with but please do not be tempted to sell them. If you need come speak with me on the papers i am happy to talk about them and any issues you migth have. Thanks Yrth
Who gave you the right to use old history? History you were not there for or even part of. Even IF there was Guardians back then you still don’t have the right to use such info or history or even have a claim to such. It annoys me so much when people make assumptions like this. The history of old is not to be used in such a way. It is history of old and that is where it stays. The use of this sort of history is [b]ONLY [/b]meant for research and RP based on finding out information or creating a new theory of current events. For example I have used some history but used very fragment parts and created a new story or theory based on some old info. This is acceptable. But to try and put you in that time line that is going too far. As the current king of Golemus I do not recognise your role as Guardian in the capacity you have stated. If you had come to me with this intent I would have informed you this was a step too far. I would have also made suggestions for you and worked out this sort of role in a new way. What is needed to be pointed out here is that some players assume they can use history directly. Well you can’t and never will be able to. The only people that might have a right are the people from that time that might create a story that spans off from that time. The people like that are few and far between. They would be the people of old and well as many know there is not many of them left. I am sorry but it angers me to see that people take the history of old like this. I suggest you rethink this role and anything to do with the history of Golemus run by me or Akasha. As I have limited access to MD and the forums again while I am in work I cannot make a full comment on this. To anyone else thinking of using history of any land please go to the king or queen of that land and the people of old like myself or DST or Grido (there are other i have not mentiond but all are well known). I am sure they as I, would be happy to help you in whatever role you wish to create and point out any issues within the info you wish to use or if it conflict with the use of the history of old.
M B: Liberty's Heritage
Yrthilian replied to Liberty4life's topic in Say hello, Goodbye, or something else
it is sad in deed to see you leave. please do pop in from time to time and say hello -
hmm ok today it seems fine i am now gaining wins on him now. very confused.
ok i have only noticed this recently. I have a TS at vampire stage. he has 36 wins needed before leveling up. if i have this creature in a rit he wont gain a win from the battel. Nor will any other creature in the same ritual. I even took the TS out of the rit and tried the attack and all creatures gained a win but if i use the TS he will not gain a win. (i think it found a fountain of uth or something ) This is anoying as thinking back i have been useinf him in my rits for weeks now this meens i could have had my other creatures leveld a while ago >.< anyways can anyone else confirm or deny this happing to them?
My Md Notebook Lost Its Contents And Information
Yrthilian replied to Leixer's topic in Resolved Bugs
ah this happened to me a long time ago i cannot use 3 of the pages to save any work in the code page i can and the first two pages -
Ah well now this is can advise on I have had to do many a HDD reciver over the years. the program i use to restore data frm a HDD is called GET data Back. there are several versions depending on the partition you are looking to recover from. The main issue you are going to have is the USB. most data recover programs dont like USB. The USB slows down the recovery process. Been a while since i tried to rcover from USB but i beleve the get data back can handel it. But it is not free. you can get a demo version and test it to see if it may be able to recover the data. Once you have the data back you will need to format the HDD in a low level format this is not normaly recomended but i have found onve done in low level format then frmat again properly and you should have the full amount of space back. Also for testing HDD and many other things i suggest you look for Hirens boot CD (DVD) it is the best combination of tools i have ever seen and you will agree when you see what it can do good luck Yrth