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[Golemus Golemicarum] Yrths Avy
Yrthilian replied to Yrthilian's topic in New Player Roles and Legends
lol you are right of corse I have always like the old man avy i will of corse be keeping it. It is me now after all the other image was me back in the day but i could not upload it and didnt want to give it in as i could not garantee me getting it from the shop. But if mur accepts it i will make it part of my vault. -
[Golemus Golemicarum] Yrths Avy
Yrthilian replied to Yrthilian's topic in New Player Roles and Legends
This is were i was strugling Yrth is seen as an old man thies days and i suppose i do play in that style I will use the image as part of his early day story then. Mr Mystery Yeah i realised i forgot the MD symbol There is transparency in the uploaded image I did the image useing the sample file provided but will get advice on the changes needed but at this point i think i will keep the image in the vault if it gets accepted and use it as part of yrths history. Thanks for the feed back all it was helpfull. -
Ok i have an image that i have wanted to use for a long time but back when i though of this image the first time we didnt have the avy vault. Now the we have and i got me my new scanner I feel i would like to use the image. I put this in this section as it relates to Yrth if the mods feel it is not the right place for it please correct it. But first i would like some opinions on the image and if people think it fits with my character. I will thn need to decide if i will trade off the current avy. So the new avy i am thinking of useing. (note this is a younger me) This is the already converted file for upload (this is pending review from Mur) [img]http://www.pantheonpc.com/yrthilian/Yrth2.gif[/img] This is the original [img]http://www.pantheonpc.com/yrthilian/Yrth.jpg[/img] Some history of this image is as follows This image was done for me in 1998 done by a well know artist in roleplaying (Jeff Bridges) This image is 100% mine and is not anywhere else. It is mine to use and do as i wish and after a long time i decided i would use it in MD if people think this image fits my character other wise no i would not use it for MD. So any feed back would be good. Have fun Yrthilian Golemus technomage Golemys King
Happy Birthday Zleiphneir
Yrthilian replied to Blackwoodforest's topic in Say hello, Goodbye, or something else
happy Bday old friend -
[quote name='Pipstickz' date='12 August 2010 - 04:50 AM' timestamp='1281585018' post='65858'] Remember "Raising the shield against Cryxus"? The Caretakers had been formed in a similar way to this, except only one member was chosen. Phantasm had around a month before the events with Cryxus happened, if I remember correctly. Even though he had a structure, he had nothing going on, yet still people supported him, and he got the Caretakers back from Cryxus after it was taken over. The Woodcutters haven't even all met each other, and yet there are already demands for it to have a structure? It's unbelievable to see these things coming from two of the people who are supposed to be leaders! Do we not learn anything from the past? Or do we just ignore the things we'd rather not remember, even if they're important? [/quote] I remember that time and i did not agree with what cryxus did back then to the allaince. If you rememeber i kept my distance from that incident. As a leader i know how a Guild or allaince can be torn appart with some form of structure. In that my leasson was well learned. My comment related to before the woodcutter were formed that it could have been dealt with better and let them organise the guild BEFORE they were formed. As in let them meet and let them decide on what why they wish for the guild to run. The problem with the guild beeing located in LR is that when you become a memebr of it you become a LR citizen in that it meen you also agree to abide by the kings rules. Now i am not saying that that is an issue for the woodcutters guild but then we could end up with another savel allaince situation a second time round. Some people need to look at the bigger picture. Yhe guild is a gread itdea i support it 100% i think it would be a great adition but i also know from experience that just trowing a guild into a land that this can cause big issue if not organised in the right way. As i mentioned before one could treat the guild like a business per say. But just as in any other RL land you would then be forced to pay a tax of sorts. This in its self is a way to work around that whole Guild beeing part of a land issue. As in the guild pays a tax to LR for mining the land resorces if the guild does not pay the cant mine and so on and so on. But again that is upto the guild and the king of the land and if mur decided to make the guild not part fo the land. there for makeing sure people dont get the citizenship of that land. This all comes down to game mechanics to be honest as this is what goverens how guild and allince will be seen but for now acording to game mechanice the guild is LR in oragin and is part of the land. there fore under the kingship rules
hmm well i hope there will be some exceptions to the rule As i llok at it the kingship items take 5 slots of the items Yes i have a lot of items but they are for good reasons I can give up 9 items yes but i will still be over the 10 item limit so what i am wondering is will the kingship players be allowed to have the 10 item limit increase to include their kingship items I am sure it is not really an issue but just putting it out there Anyway now i need to skeap with mur on the matter of my items.
Well now i know what happened and how. Strange how some bugs can happen Anyways with regards to accissing place esp the like of the drac cave you should also ask the kingship people. In this case me for Golemus Drac cave this issue could have been avoided if you had as i would have asked how you are getting the drac's and would have warned you agenst the trading of the dracs But still what has happened has happened. There are many others that could have told you that access like that is not suppose to happen but anyways for refrence please ask kingship people too we know were can and cannot be accessed normaly and may even help advise how to deal with thoes issue if they happen again.
is this guild going to let anybody and evrybody in? do you not even know who should not be in the guild in regards to enimies of LR hmm i should get an alt of mine to apply to the guild
I agree with you here chewett No an alt should not gain such bonous as in the long run they could use this as a way to help their main or even through another form help allaince that may be conflicting with the new roles I dont just meen for the account you speak of above but in general as i said in my post for the woodcutters how many players are alts of another this in a way helps players gain more control over something to manipulate I dont believe any alt should be able to hold roles in anyother land That s the poitn fo a main account it is for use as the main and its influences are the most important or at least should be to have an alt in a position of power in another land is in its self a conflict of intrest. I have only ever seen 2 account that could pull of the non interfearing of another account and keep the conflick to intrest away from each one. I dont think any alt should have power in another realm you the player are ether alined to one land or another not both especaly when it will cause a conflict of intrest between lands.
Well i knew this was going to happen as i said before now a new feature is going to be spoiled by people sticking their nose in places they should not. The fact that this guild was just dumped in a land and no organisation was put in plave make this a very messy idea the fact that even some memeber of that new guild are posiable filled with player alts is also another matter. I also wonder at the fact that the members are also all England location players this is unusuale even to me since i have not ever seen any organisation in game all from the same location this hints at alts to me. But that is just me i suppose. See now things are going to be made worse over a new feature that has just been released without organising some sort of proper setup. I really think this could have been done in a much better way. The guild setup how ever the guild decided i dont care about it is foolish to think that all memebr have equal say as they cant it is not in the game mechanics to allow for that. someone is leader in the guild and they have more ablity that the rest it is as simple as that. the leader can decide on a whim to kick memeber and well nothing you could do about it. So yeah there is a structure in the allaince ether way. But better to be one that is agreed dont you think or is this another players wanting to control the new features again and green will win out once again. The fact still remain the guild is located in LR so under the current game setting that meen the guild IS LR and thoes player are citizens and have to abide by thoes rules. In order for any guild to mine the resorces of a land they need to be a member or have a contractual agreement with the leaders of that land and run under the rules of said land it does not matter if they like it or not. When the guild was said to be based in LR that basic rule was well known so any one applying to that guild knows the rules and what was comming. So now i have said my bit i am sure neg rep will follow and more moaning and complaining and oh the wonderful you hate me and i wont talk because you are winning the argument crap.
Hmm well i guess i will put in my opinion here. I dont know but maby it would have been better to approach the king of the land on this idea of the guild mineing the resorces of that land. Get the king to organise this new guild The reasion i say speak with the king of the land and get him to help start the project off is that if you look at it as in RL each land as a resorce that they can use as their trade. like the way each country exports it resorces and import what they dont have. MD lands could work under the same principle. I am assuming that the guild will not just be giving away wood all over the place and that a cost may be worked out in some way for the materials so why not have the king help organice this new resorce of his land. In this way you get the people working together with the land kings and the people of that land will be the ones to work for the king in a way. I can see this working much better than just sticking in a new guild and making them part of a land as this seems to be the direction for the woodcutters as it would make sence that they are part of that land other wise they would not be able to do their work as the land citizens would be forced to attack that guild for ileagly mining the resorces of LR. I think this idea would work well and is a great way to generate resorces within the lands and the realm this i believe would also encurage trade more as there would be no conflic of intrest for all parties involved I am not sayign the king should control the guild per say just that he has some input to the idea and to the new guild In this way a tax or a small fee could be charge to keep the land resorse for bigger trades of more rare items but the land king also this would help each land build their treasurey and allow the king to give other types of rewards. Mur i think the approach on this matter could have been done a little better i feel if you had spoken with firs first and come up with a way to introduce this idea it would be better recived and would have been better to see such comunication and provide a good example of how people could work with you the creature to bring in new features. Ok i got to stop or i will just ramble Hope i didnt anoy anyone to much with my thinking. Have fun Yrth Note i didnt see mur post above unill i posted this one but this one still stand as is edit to add a note
Sorry Mur I was working on the answer but i only had my Ipod on my for net access internet is not good on it to be honest and a bit slow. I am not finished my writings on it but if you wish i can still send it on later just for though. Note i am not a colladge persion or anything like that but sometimes one does not need to be for a good answer
16 silver for dark 3 gold for the morphs.
Argg if i had seen this post before now I had 2 random rits happen one only had 2 creatures in it and the other had 3 all were random attacking rits from me when i see it next time i will grab screenshots if i had realised this post was here i would have grabed the logs for them too.
A really big HAPPY BDAY
oops i forgot to vote myself ok so i see 31 votes 21 for 10 agenst
Ok i have decided to go ahead with having 5 libs at the GoS i may move them every week to make things diffrent. I will not log them in every day i will decided on a day that i will put them online. Some weeks they may be on for a long time some weeks a short time they will be there for helping people loose xp. In the location they are there will be no rules made for the location if you attack to kill the regen so be it. It is the hope that this i more of a help then anything else to help players keep below the MP5 cap. I was goign to respond to many fot he responces but at this stage i wont. So were just way off mark and not ont opic at all. some we in my opinon just silly and thoes didnt understand the system of why this idea might be needed Since no one actualy voted for or agenst the idea i am going forward with it.
happy bday G i bet i know what your Bday wish will be *looks at DST* I think that wedding might come soon
Sorry i have to point out when one askes other for help what is provided is more alt and not a [u]REAL[/u] player so there really is no diffrence in the bot/player This is only for MP5 so learning to depend on each other has already happened and this would not be an option if everyone could find a real player to help them. The fact is many other use bots/alts to help lower their xp so the libs in turn would be no diffrence really. Well in my view that is. I would feel this would make the proccess quicker and in the long run help but if people are very agenst it i wont do it. But since there has been very little responce i will take it as a go ahead. Unless i see a bigger responce agenst the idea.
Ok this is a for realy idea and looking to see what the public think I was thinking of useing 5 of the MP5 libs to setup regen rits at the GoS in MDA. The 5 libs will be on as much as posiable. This is more a what can the libs do for the public This will be open to all players of MP5 to use in order to help keep their xp cap down. So please any comment are welcome (Disclaimer: this is not a test this is a proper do the public agree to this or not) Thanks yrth
what? i did it to you too Totenkopf. bugger that must have been a really bad day for me then. Hmm strange since all my WP codes match up though and none seem to have been given for the same thing. Will need to work through my list again and make sure all is right with it.
i believe i did a long while back but to be honest i dont rememebr and too far back to find out through my mail and well a little lazy as i have bigger things to deal with at the mo
yes i can also confirm that Princ did question as to what happened at the time. sorry i had forgot to add that to the post above
Ok this topic is because some people decided they want to hunt me for things i am doing in game more so the WP's. If you feel you want to know why something was done in game regarding the WP post it in a topic and i will respond. I do not care to be hunted down in PM and asked to explain why somethign happened in a way it did. If you feel you really want to know what happened make a topic for it on the forum and i will respond if i need to. I only have to explaine WP rewards to one persion. But i choose that if people really have an issue whit any WP's i have given out i will give my reasion for it. this is one such issue. The person requesting an explnaition has been left out of this post. I believe Yoshi was asked first and them me as he corectly informed the person to do so. [i]Captions contest *Princ Rhaegar* yrthilian 499 Wish 32 Yes Details 03/01/10 01:42:31 *Princ Rhaegar* Yoshi 481 Wish 11 Yes Details 28/12/09 18:56:23 Yoshi said you told him you'd deal with it.[/i] The reason for this was completly my fault It was a bit of miscomunation on my part and i gave the second WP to Princ Rhaegar by mistake. Yes this does happen i am afraid. so the short of it is Princ Rhaegar got 2 WP was a mistake and should have only gotten 1. This is compelety 100% my fault and i fully admit to it. [u]I left this out by mistake.[/u] When the issue happened Princ did come to me and question as to what happened and why. I did explaine he got lucky in a miscomunication incident. This was my responce to the player quering the issue Ah yes i believed i had already explained that somewere. that was totaly my fault and miss communication on my part. It was mistakenly given by me at that time. Not that i need explain it to you. Only one persion need to explain it to But yes this was a mistake and completly my fault. Yes i know it was a bit rude and i apoligise to the one making the query for that. Also no it was not DST that came to me on this matter. Edit to add Princ and DST statment