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Everything posted by Yrthilian

  1. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1310559141' post='87821'] How long have you been gone again? More importantly, how often did you come out in public before then? [/quote] LOL aww it that the best you can do? Just because YOU have not seen me does not mean anything. I dont need to be in public unless the public wants it. I have never been gone I do research it is what I even as KING does. Golemus has it way and has done so for some time that i do NOT need to be out and about all the time I have been online almost every day i dont see you around does that mean you are gone too? oh and regards EON not being in necro. One a citizen always a citizen. that is how i see it and always will. Just because he is not in there does not mean he has drop his loyalty to the land. Such small mindedness it can be so frustrating. sorry this went off topic but it required a response. Any way. I believe there was a list made before this actually started off that was my point and that it is not LR + Neutral player only.
  2. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1310525847' post='87782'] I was kind of late so i had to pick from those present. I included Eon too because he has no citizenship and he is a very experienced fighter. I believe this ability will require a long time to fully test and understand so i might need more people for this sort of test. Unfortunately if you people are so slow at getting organized i will need to work with whoever it is. Now i managed to keep this LR only, plus neutral, but next time i will avoid limiting such tests to citizenship because ..because. [/quote] Was the list above not posted before the test started? Also just to point out EON is Necrovian last i heard. so he must have doped the alliance. I think many players may have done this too. Remember you gave short notice to doing this a little patients is needed at time too
  3. to me the change happen way to often. I am trying to go between places in golemus and find i can only move 2 steps before my AP is gone. Golemus is not traveled often and the system is a great idea but the difficulty of movement is a hassle. could we not have this change happen once ever 12 hours on location like this? as if i travel all of golemus (that will take half a day to do) then log off and come back the next day I have to do the same chore again
  4. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1310236141' post='87450'] you're either bad at searching, or I remember wrong that there was one. either way, nice idea [/quote] I think it is because we spoke of this idea before G
  5. Issue with Memory stone not stacking the spell charges The stone i have grants me the Heat spell LV 1 I had 3 casts f the spell and used a second stone the triggers section shows i have used it and it goes from my invintory but the spell cound does not increase. I also used all 3 spells and tried to use another stone and this too does not increase my spell charges. Note that the spell after i used all current charges stayed in my spell list. I may need to wait for spell recharge to clear out.
  6. Ok after speaking with Curiose I am going to have a Meet and Greet at Golemus Gate on Sunday 10th (sorry it is short notice) I will be there from around 20:30 Server time I think is a time for most players to be about. If i am wrong let me know and i will work to the best time i can. So the idea would be - People can bring there issues of my land to me - People may suggest topic to talk about - Players can ask me any question i will answer to the best i can But if it is secret i may not answer the question or i may PM directly. It will need to be organised questions so we will try to keep 1 question per person so all get a chance to ask. If everyone gets to ask and there is still time you may ask more question I just want this to be a fair and useful meeting. It will be done as per the sections above. So you have a change to ask 2 questions and talk about a subject i choose from what is suggested. I would like this to also be a gathering of people whom can share their ideas based on the subject at the time. Thanks Yrthilian King Of Golemus Golemus Technomage
  7. Correct me if i am wrong here but the "spell" is based on a few factors in MD Memories/feeling Principals heat To me I dont like to use the word spell or magic for this. I would conceder it as principal manipulation or something like that. To me i see this as an ability to control principals for a short time. As over time unless used a lot in an area the memory/feel of the effect fades. Even in ones mind. The ability to see and to touch be it physical or mentally is the better concept. I am not good with word so i may not be explaining myself well here. The memory of the (i hate to use it but i cant think of a word for it) spell would only be a temporary think. Like in RL for me i am currently studding programming. As i sit and play with code more the more i remember and the better i understand it. The clearer it becomes to me. I see this as the same for principal manipulation. If you study it and keep studding it the more you will remember and understand and the better you will retain the details and use to principal manipulation. (even now as i think of it principal manipulation is not the right wording for this)
  8. first lol jester love the sig Well i am back from being away and had a long think of this idea. So if you are around Curiose we can talk and set a date and time for a trial run. I have a few ideas that i would like to run by you with regards the setup so i finally agree to work with this idea and i get neg rep for it????
  9. It is a nice idea but as Xreig pointed out people with high brisk will get to move at no cost and would negate the need for a regen timer also this then removes the whole point of restricting AP for alliance and non alliance players. So in short this would not work as it removed the whole need of the regen timer
  10. Hello Alex40014, welcome back to the realm. it is best if you look into each land and their alliances and find what one works best for you in game. Are you a fighter or a researcher? Most alliance are ether one or the other but also a mix of both. it is more you need to find what best fits you as a player and a character. You will find plenty of players willing to part with information of each land and its alliance or for the most part you can find the land capitols and look and see what alliance are in each land. I am sure if you question some of the old player or ask the kings nicely they will happy respond to your question to help you find you path in the realm again. It is best not to be to hasty in joining just any alliance or land.
  11. Just letting all know that i will be away for 2 weeks
  12. this was looking to be a good idea but it has some flaws. 1. the kings dont govern every land. 2. King 1 cannot get involved in king 2 affairs 3. I believe most kings already have an open invitation to citizens to forward ideas or even just request a meeting in game. For one i cannot sponsor a citizen from another land with Golemus WP's. They are Golemus treasure not MD treasury. yes we have in the past sponsored quests of other land or even of non land people. It is within our power to do so but wont always do this. just wanted to add I dont remember agreeing to this that is not to say i didn't agree to try it but i will have to be reminded of when i agreed if i did. Despite on whatever nay-sayers may say, "King's Court" will have its debut in an alpha attempt to see how it all goes. I will also add the more i think on this idea the more i dont think it is workable.
  13. wow dst that is a really beauty full one.
  14. ah i knew i should have taken a look when i was over
  15. use this link for mobile access www.magicduel.com/mobile you should then be able to see chat in answer to the main question yes your active days will be counted
  16. yeah a little bit more tweaking and it will be perfect and i would love to use it on my FF but i would love to see a land based one for each land
  17. oh HAPPY B DAY HUGS from the KING
  18. I didn't bother to use multi quote as it would make the post too long. @ Kafuuka As i mentioned i presume the race to be human. A single entity of a robot does not make it a race. The robot had to be built in some way by someone. The fact a robot dog was recognised only in my view means that the player that created the robot built it. Objects get recognised all the time. If i remember there is or was a player trying to create a clockwork drachorn. If the drachorn was then mentioned in the AL it become more real but does not mean it is a race within the game. I did not say i wont accept it but to me as a player and my character i do not see the other mythical creatures as real in the terms of MD just as i don't see it as real in RL. Please do remember this is only one point of view and my opinion. @ Tarquinus I do like your way with words have to say makes me jealous how you have such a mastery with your writing. you do of course make some really good points and i do enjoy reading them. I agree you are a very good RP'er one of the few i can say stick to each of the characters you created. i fully agree with this line [i]"I would add that I think most RP in MD ignores the setting and therefore takes the concept of role-playing entirely too far."[/i] yes i also agree it is become the job of the vet in a way to help players along and to clear the way a bit. My main reason for this topic was to see others views on the reality of MD and i wanted to see if i was way off the mark with my own view with current views. I am not saying people cannot be a mythical creature IF enough people agree to the concept and keep the reality of it going then may be the can be mythical races. But for now i still stand by the fact the the current race in MD is human taking into account that the shades and the knator are something that became more real in MD when the humans arrived to the lands. Even as a et i only grasp some things and have yet to grasp MD as a whole.
  19. [quote name='Kafuuka' timestamp='1302118630' post='82044'] You ask, therefore I'll deliver. The AL acknowledges robot dogs which bark in Spanish. No elves have been sighted yet, but it clearly refutes your human only premise, even if you add exceptions for the aramor, shade and knator. [/quote] As you state it is a "robot" who says we cannot make robots. As this is a robot there for not living everything it does must be pre programmed. Since this is also a robot it is NOT a race. So i am sorry but my argument still stands. Thinks can be recognised in game through the AL and yes the AL Normally means it is so. But that is only if a player that was put in charge of the AL stick to the rules. I don't think it was intended to have spaceships in MD do you? yet if it is in the AL we must have them? I don't think so a bit of common sense tells us this cannot be so. So i am sorry your delivery in this case i think is incorrect. You did not even supply a good proper argument for this to be honest Please use facts and make them good ones. Some thing i cannot argue with at lest then i may change my mind
  20. [quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1302098605' post='82010'] [color="#2e8b57"][i]Sorry Yrth I just saw your post now. [/i][/color] [color="#2e8b57"][i]By persona do you mean Projected Character in game? Because yes, not everyone chooses to be human in game. Its a given that all the users behind the characters are human unless there is a chimp banging away at keyboard and goes behind the username: {_____insert username here____} The way I see it, MD gives the user the platform to re-create themselves , via the Personal Pages, and portray themself in whichever way they would like to. In no way in real life am I an elf nor do I resemble one. I dont expect you to believe that, but I do expect you to believe that I am an elf in game because that is the way I CHOOSE to portray myself in MD. Why would you not believe me when I say I am? [/i][/color][/quote] It is not a case of belief but more a case of reality of the realm. When i say persona i mean the persona of the character in MD. yes MD gives a platform to reinvent yourself. But there are in my view that is no basis to be a mythical creature. I don't see that as an option in MD. No place in MD information does it even mention being a mythical creature. Remember this is just my opinion on this. MD has a level of reality this to me means you need everyone and i meen everyone in MD to agree that there is such a thing as an elf. That is the whole point of the MD reality. I am not saying you cannot be an elf i am just saying i don't see the existence of elf's in MD or any of the other mythical creatures. [quote] [color="#2e8b57"][i]I dont believe that the creatures are part our personality and essence. By being bound to us, I see it as the character and user that are responsible for the well being of the creature. My characters VE (for example) would refill automatically, but my creature's doesnt - it takes V.E from my Character (not my own RL energy) in order to replenish it. How we choose creatures could be a reflection of our RL personality, but in no way would I believe that my grassan is part of my essence or my personality. [/i][/color] [/quote] The creatures in Game are bound to you. They are part of you. When we start in the beginning it states that much those creatures become part of you and represent you in many ways that to this day most players still have yet to understand or even realise. Every one things of the creatures as pets. Sorry but they are not pets they are more of an aspect of your personality. This whole thing of reality from my view has been so distorted and new players never get a chance to see the real MD reality because of this. For example back when renavoid came back and started his quest not one player realised what was wrong. How can a Drachorn be a player? ALL people did was try and play with the drac when they should have realised the drac was in fact one of the last fragment of renavoids mind and the last link to bringing him back. Hell i even spelt it out in chat. Because of players saying they are this or that and not plan old human the reality of MD has been smudged. Only on rare occasions can a creature been noted as a player. Like the knator but and the shade's but there is a reason for that but again because of the unreality merging with the reality of MD the new players don't get to see this and figure things out for them self. This is by no meens an attack on you Sharazhad there are many in game whom claim to be mythical creatures and this is my own personal opinion in regards to MD reality. I could be completely wrong in my view and i am willing to be open minded but i need to see a really good proper reason.
  21. [quote name='Diavollo' timestamp='1302107663' post='82030'] but what date exactly? [/quote] umm last week i just arrived back in Ireland on Monday gone
  22. Hmm am i to assume by the lack of responses that every one agrees with me on this?
  23. Ok this is just based on my own personal opinions. some things i say my offend some i am sorry if it does but i wanted to make this topic for some time and well why not now Well i have been in MD for a long time as many know and through my time here i have seen many a personality. I have a view of MD and what is it about as many of you do. But i am bothered by some of the things i see. So i wanted to write about what is the reality of MD and what is just a persona. Remember this is just my opinion but i am also interested in seeing others views. MD to me is a realm without races. What i mean by this is that MD does not officially have Faeries, Werewolves, Dragons, Dwarf's, Elf's (i am sure there are many others i have left out but you get the idea). As far as i can see MD has only one real race but it is assumed the race is Human. I know I know you are thinking what about the creatures in MD like the shade's and Angiens. I will try to explain this in a bit but first i want to explain what i mean by the persona's. MD has a level of reality within it. Now recently it can be seen more so with the reality rating. So say for example 20 people see you state you are a dragon and fly away. Some of them will respond and wave or something. That give a level of reality that reality is only a temporary thing it only last for that location. The player may keep stating they are a dragon but this is only from their persona. Some will still only view that player as a human BUT will treat that player to their own reality. My next statement is only to give an example and no offence is meant by it in anyway. In RL we treat people based on their mental state. When we come across someone whom has a mental disability we automatically treat them different. when we see someone who has a physical disability we treat them differently. We as a people tend to allow people to be what they want to be and say OK So in MD we do something similar. We allow the people to say they are something, but do we in reality accept that they are what they say they are? So now about the creatures of MD. The creatures from the first day you are told are a part of you. They are in a way part of your personality. When you get a creature it is bound to you and it powered by you in MD. The creatures are only made real by you. Creatures in MD are different they are not your typical creature they are part of you They are your essence. That is why only a few type can be seen walking the land. Like the Knator he and the shades are the only creatures that can be seen in the realm. They have achieved a level of reality that we all agree on. So to me when a player states they are a Dragon, Werewolf, faeries or any of the other mythical creatures I am sorry but i cannot agree that you are as that to me is not the reality of MD i am more than happy to accept that it is your persona but i will not view you as anything other then a Human in the realm of MD. I will say it again This is just my personal opinion and my current view of MD. I can also admit that i may not have explained my point of view perfectly but using words is hard to do in this way. Please do comment i am open to hearing others points of view Yrth
  24. Ok so here i go been a while since i had to post something in here. I was going to each fentis press in each land checking what principals i could get for sacking a creature So i left the one in LR and checked my creature list and all was fine. I used my send to GOE spell and carried onto the fentis in MB and notice i no longer had my Angien. I gained no heat no xp/heat loss and my principal did not get increased. Some how my creature just up a left Also to not the at the same time i seem to have lost my comment about self page. Do not know if this happened at the same time as it took another player asking me where my page was. creature was not at max and was not above my mp level.
  25. Well i arrive in at 15:50 on Wednesday so plenty of time
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