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Everything posted by Yrthilian

  1. Well i know this year i will miss out on things coming up to xmas as i am going to be away from December 17th and wont be back till the new year I most likely wont have internet access for that time. so all xmas stuff i will miss out on. but i dont see why a vet or even a player that has done well should miss out on something because they could not make an event on the one day they may not gain access or loose internet connection or are ill and get get to the system.
  2. Hmm i dont know i have asked him many times not to attack em as i am trying to rebalance my profile he does not listen to everyone. This sort of attacking does spread the community about and lowers interaction between vets and new players. For me i dont really care about the stat lost. It is part of what he is now. I dont mind the odd attack but he does seem to set his sites on some players and hammers them whenever he sees them. The issue i have with grinders is they force players to not be in location that removes them from the realms and new players just dont get to see the older players as much any more. that is what i see causing MD to be so quiet as grinders dont stay away from RP events then hound them and destroy what is happening but that is just my opinion on that. Regards EONs ability. Why should it be removed he was rewarded it and that should not be taken away but with great abilities comes great responsibilities. Shame he choose to hound players instead.
  3. that is better sounding than the or we shall remove it for you Chewy i apologise for going off at you on that PM but when someone send me something that seems to me so confrontational I respond in just the same manner. You has said to me the word used can be taken in a bad context and fine i can agree with that but to say that and then send a PM that does something just as bad or worse is contradictory.
  4. Can we please be provided with a list of the words that most people would not conceder swear word to be listed so i know what i am not allowed to use when talking on the forum. Be the FULL list is PM'd to me or posted here i dont really care. I was to know what i am not allowed to say that apparently is a swear word. I am not trying to be difficult but i will not have rude auto template response sent to me and not expect me to respond badly. I dont care who sends them hey are rude and offensive in their own way.
  5. Why the hell are you assuming war???? where the hell did you even get that idea????? I dont care as to whom did what. So i make an assumption. you are a forum mod whom can check that I am not so it does not matter if i am right or wrong. It is stupid to even mention the war BULL(finish the rest yourself). when there was no mention of it in the first place. this is just being childish and then to even go and neg rep more just because you make an assumption or decide because i made on to neg rep me for it. Get over it. change the word C**P because chewy took offence to it for some stupid reason. and decided to tell me to remove it or he will do it for me. This is so unfitting of a forum mod esp one such as him. I dont see why that word is so offensive in anyway but he has decided it is
  6. LOL so Necrovian did not like my response and neg rep me on all responses. How childish. weee even more thanks i know who did it this time still very childish
  7. Ok so i have taken a look and some tools are marked as other land not just Necrovian. So i have had to take a look and think about how this would work or how to view the tools Just because a tool has the "TAG" Loreroot or necrovian does not mean that tool Belongs to that land It just shows where the tool may have been created. The tools that are in the Golemus Lab belong to Golemus. That is their location of storage and that is where they are marked to go to. So taking that into account the tools are Golemus property regardless of the tag that is on them. So they come under Golemus jurisdiction and fall under the Golemus tool policy. So in this case to answer you peace. No the tools will not be given out to Necrovians for free. The tool currently is located in Golemus lab and land and will fall under the Policy outlined above.
  8. Sorry should have added necrovians are not suppose to be in golemus that has never changed. So you would first need permission to be on golemus land Ah forgot about the tools being spread around. So far I have not seen any in golemus. If I do I will alert the current leader to them
  9. There are no tools of necrovian in golemus. I would find it very strange if there was. But to answer if some how a tool of another land was in golemus then we would come to an understanding regards that tool. I am however curious as to why you ask that question? As the tools of another land could not be held by a different land in that way.
  10. Currently until Mur/Council have created the treasure (request made and keeps getting asked for over the last year) i will hold the coin or i will put it all on an alt i have on stand by. ANY land currently with or without kingship will NOT have a 1/1 resource mined by a Golemus citizen. This again may change over time we will see.
  11. The rule covers the tools and the use of the tools. Currently for now Golemus will respect other lands resources. We will not deplete there resource. Currently there are 5 1/1 locations through out the realm not including Necrovian. for now unless the land kingship say other wise we will not rip the resources out of their lands. This is also a level of respect to the land. As i said the rule is in place and wont be lifted just yet. It may change over time we will see. For now this is a symbol of respect to the land and the the kingship of those lands. If they are fine with the depleting of a location of a 1/1 and inform me of this then that location will be open to be mined but for now Golemus will show respect of those land and not deplete them.
  12. Golemus is a land that is not greedy. we also like to preserve land resources. This is why the 1/1 locations are not to be depleted. That si stripping the land of a resource. This may or may not change but Golemus currently stance is towards preserving the resource and not taking them for granted. This is a show of control of not needing to deplete the lands. one way this may happen is if the lands king asks for it to be done but that is that lands kings option. You never know the leaving the 1/1 resource for long enough may increase the resource to a 2/2 over time. i am not saying it will but you just dont know what the land may provide if you give it some respect.
  13. After much talking the land leaders and myself have come to a decision regarding the land tools. The below is to become part of the land laws and is outlined here for reference for all to see. ****************************************************************************************************************************************** Golemus Policy regards land tools - Land tools are Golemus property and there for Golemus people have priority in their use. - Land tools are NOT to be given to non Golemus citizens without prior permission from the land leaders. - There's no fee for the tools for Golemus citizens, but [color=#800080]20% [/color]of the profits made with the tools and resources gathered with them go to the land treasury. - The tools that are guild based are under the guild rules and are superseded by the land rule for that guild. The use of the land tools for citizens is to gather the resources around the land. The resources must NEVER be reduced below half the resource for the land areas that means if there is a 1/1 you cannot take from there. [u][b](NOTE: this if for ALL lands not just Golemus)[/b][/u] The tools must be respected and used properly any violation of the tools will result in you no longer having access to them. When renting out the tools. - Citizens may make a request on behalf of another player. - The same player cannot hold the tool more than once in a month (this means once every 4 week not calendar month) - The GG citizens is responsible for keeping track of the payment. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Yrthilian King of Golemus Golemus Technomage.
  14. I am not sure if this is a bug or something that might just have been missed. When you have an empty inventory you cannot gain access to the ITC. I had to go and get a link that would let me see the ITC section before i could transfer an item to my inventory. Once i did it the first time i then gained access tot he details page for the inventory where the ITC option is located. For me this is not a big issue but might be something for a new player later on.
  15. Hmm this is being done on Golemus so why have you not spoken with me in regards this. The items may be open to other to get at the mountain. But making a profit from it? Also The fact it was not spoken with me the king of the land is an issue in its self. All the above question could have been answered by myself easily. Anything involving Golemus and its resources you need to speak with me or if you cant get me then Grido as my second in command. If both of us are not around then Burn would be able to help you. between the 3 of us we have just about all time zones covered. In regards the alt thing. The Alt system looks at account with the same IP if they are the same then as far as the system is cncerned you are the same player it does not matter if you are 2 different people. I have that very same issue with Firs as we are 2 people but the system sees us as Alts because we are RL friends. There for i cannot do much in the way of trading with him directly.
  16. I dont know why you waited that long and decided to use this as a fight agents Grido. Now if grido did not report the issue then that is another matter. This is yet another attack on Grido that you decided to use since he demoted you. That is dont in very bad taste. Tis lessens my view of you. I thought you where better than that. It is a shame really. It is easy to find out the email for the council it has been given many times it is public so not hard to find oh and a simple question is to ask on forms or in game "What is the council's email address" I am sorry but i am very disappointed in this if the issue you are saying is as bad as you say then why the hell did you wait 44DAYS?????? So you can see why i would think this you are making this personal.
  17. [quote name='smartalekrj' timestamp='1318047612' post='93531'] 2: you chose to make this public vs the council keeping it private. 3: I did not make it public about the area after i had changed it. 4: the only person that has made this public is the topic starter. Do not try to attack me based on biased assumptions. Come up with something real or STFU. btw I sent tothe council the messages in the DracHorn Lair before this topic started based on the facts i already knew. Yrth, nothing to do with you other than i am curious how i "bragged" about it and would like to see proof.(I do get drunk and forget things, but don't remember bragging about a thing that I meant to keep privvy). And again I would rather refrain from this being public as it's not in a public area and the only person to make it public is someone who and I quote said "i would like to inform you that the Lair is still closed for everybody." Appartently not everybody. [/quote] Here you go I dont always need to be there to see it. When you make something public other see it for me. [b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=dIVAvToHMCZavDUqK1TCsw,,"][color=#bc9434]SmartAlekRJ[/color][/url]: [/b]i changed a subtitle to a place [b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=I3mcUYjpE-O4T0-6CUDR-A,,"][color=#bc9434]Marvolo[/color][/url]: [/b]'RJs cave' ? [b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=dIVAvToHMCZavDUqK1TCsw,,"][color=#bc9434]SmartAlekRJ[/color][/url]: [/b]no cant use names [b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=I3mcUYjpE-O4T0-6CUDR-A,,"][color=#bc9434]Marvolo[/color][/url]: [/b]true [b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=dIVAvToHMCZavDUqK1TCsw,,"][color=#bc9434]SmartAlekRJ[/color][/url]: [/b]"Home of a SmartAss" [b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=dIVAvToHMCZavDUqK1TCsw,,"][color=#bc9434]SmartAlekRJ[/color][/url]: [/b]lmao [b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=I3mcUYjpE-O4T0-6CUDR-A,,"][color=#bc9434]Marvolo[/color][/url]: [/b]XD so umm let me see i guess you got it wrong and being drunk is not an excuse it is stupidity. This has everything to do with me. i am the KING of Golemus any matter that involves the land involves me ether that be directly or indirectly. So get of your high horse. This is made public by your actions ALONE you messed up so deal with it. I have made my punishment request tot he council regards this and i really hope the action it this time.
  18. [quote name='smartalekrj' timestamp='1317988796' post='93479']not that I want to respond to this, but the no jump tag was there before one of your alliance members "accidentally" jumped there before... So it doesn't prevent people from jumping TO you. It prevents people from jumping FROM the location.[/quote] if you did not want to respond then why did you? You still desecrated the cave and bragged about it. You are in the wrong and i really hope the punishment fits this time.
  19. I have not commented on any fo this for some time and well now i will because all the unhappy people keep posing new topics about the same old topic. This issue was raised and the community showed the Grido is doing a good job. that was shown by the stupid poll. yet another topic that was made. I get it that you are not happy with the out come but posting several times about the same thing will not change the outcome of the last subject about this. I have to say i am disappointed by all the topic and that people wont take the result as is. yes Grido may not have handled things in the manner you wish he like the rest of us makes mistakes and we learn from them. I have to be honest and say i would most likely have taken the same action as he did. What ever Grido has done in this one little issue you bring up has has over all done a great job as LHO leader and all you people seem to want to do it harp on about this one thing. What about all the other things he has done and the work he has done for the community at large . I dont see you praising him for that. He has done far more good that bad in this position. To me this is getting to a stage of harassment the think you are agents and yet you and other are doing just that The community has already spoken in the other topic so drop it. It has been dealt with. If you dont like it though.
  20. The loaning/giving/renting of the tools will be talked about by the land leaders. The tool are an item under the control of Golemus (this is going to be the same for many other lands for other resources) I dont think it is agents the rules to create a system for this to work. I will send an email to the council to find out a ruling on this. Just to add that i have sent off the email asking to get this clarified.
  21. I am sure arrangement can be made to give tools to other but that will be up to the Golemus citizen to arrange that. For example a citizen if brought into the lab has agreed to get the tool for you then that is fine. That is between you and them. This could also be done under some sort of trade agreement if one was to be made.
  22. Yrthilian

    Golemus LAB

    Ok since i am not getting a LOT of access requests i will make a blanket statement for this. The Access IF granted is a permanent thing to ALL Golemus land secret locations. So for non Golemus citizens your request will be rejected. For Golemus Citizens most request will also be rejected. As only a few will have access at any time. But to also make note. Burns has access to the lab. So if you are in the GG alliance you can gain access through him. If i am about and i care to jump you in i will do so. I will NOT be granting Key access to any one that asked for it. That sort of access is given to the ones that are deserving of the access. Currently i believe there are 5 whom have access to the lab. All of whom have earned their access. So going forward it will be rare that i do grant this sort of access as it also opens other locations of Golemus to a player and the Golemus secrets will stay within Golemus People. It will be extremely rare that a non citizen will have access. Regards Yrthilian Golemus King Golemus Technomage.
  23. `yes but they are back on the list. as where they used to not be. also i have been charged twice for 2 of the effects that i already had.
  24. This is to let you know that some of the wishes i have gotten already from the WP shop are listed again. I was not sure if i had lost thoes wishes but it looks like i have not [b][color=#CC0000]There was a problem with your wish[/color][/b] [b]Unable to grant wish 38.[/b] [b]Reason:[/b] #You allready have access through this area. If its because of a temporary effect you need to wait for that effect to pass before trying again. If you have indeed permanent access to that area then there is no need to spend a wishpoint on this wish. But some how the LR entrance one was granted even though i was suppose to have that one already. So now i have lost another WP. If i could get that back cool if not that is fine. But there are spells listed that are holding up the list of wishes in the shop and i cant get access to them. i have also been charged twice for the K doc and for LR back Entrance. just to add wishes that are still listed but i cant get as i already have them Edit Grade 4 Clickable items Wish 32 Tunnel to Berserker's Charge Wish 38 Edit ALL Clickable items Wish 44 Access to Oak Tower interior Wish 42 Chapter II access pack to Marinds Bell Wish 43
  25. The idea of research or from my talks with mur was that players like me have done research for many years and had up until now no way of getting it confirmed. This system now lest you see what path you are on and if your ideas of something like say the shades are correct or if you need to dig a bit deeper. I for one look forward to submitting my research and seeing how right or wrong i am and have been. The reward is in knowing you have achieved a level of success in knowledge. The unlocking of the next clue to help you get past something you may be stuck at. Now all i have to do it dig out all my old research notes and start submitting it Looks forward to seeing the research clues for Golemus
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