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[quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1328107346' post='103091'] Thank you yrth, but my question was one of more "mechanics". You say you waged war because you decided to. [b]How?[/b] That was my question. Were there rules and numbers to track who won then? If not... who won, and why? Can the same be done in today's culture of MD? Why, or why not? [/quote] no there was not game mechanics to support the war. The way one of the wars was won was that i declaired a player step down from their position and new person to be elected and i stated whom would not be accepted as the new leader. After much forum wars and in game fighting what i asked for was done. the second one was a civial war and it succeded in calling a cote for kingship. This was a narow win on my part. the 3rd was with necrovian this one was lost and was player controled regards how the battle would work. this is logged in the history of necrovian i think recently. None of the 3 wars had a mechanic behind it but should have to make it more war like. they where more arguments between ego's at the time and flame wars and ingame argument made it work. after the first war i asked about getting a mechanic put in place to facilitate any other wars but that was shot down quickly by all the vets at the time. can the same be done?? i dont think it can be to the same extent it was back in the old days. but yes once both sides agree to terms of how to run it and how one could claim victory but no spoils of war or anything like that. Wars today can be more visous but still mean nothing in the end. they become pointless
in the old day the main land alliance leader decided if war was to happen. between the land or not. Being as i was one of the people doing that back then. I had the right as alliance leader back before i was even king. Back then i also was the one to decided what could and could not be done with the land. As at that time i was alliance leader and the right was mine to do so as i was leader of the main alliance land. So from history what i said is true. in regards to Chewys reply. Main land alliance where concidered the leaders of the lands. It does not matter how thoes leaders chose to run the leadership it was still based on their word of yes or no or even maybe. Yes GG is not run with the as you say funny T word so the leader (BURNS) would talk with the others and between them make the desision. He is still the one in charge by game mechanics For MB Who ever is leader of the main alliance still could request things and have them granted as a land leader. How the mechanical leader choosed to run things is their business but they are ultimatly the one with the power. For LR whom ever is alliance leader there has the same ablity and rights that where of the past same for Necrovian. so yes there are still land leaders they are the leaders of the main alliance that was never changed just because kings got put in place the right transfered to them and so in turn with them gone the rights of the positon fall back to the land leaders. Yes this is my view on this and to me make logical sence. There is always someone who is in charge unless you reset the whle world (somehow i dont see that happining) but even then some people will gather together and regain some sort of leadership. To me it is silly to assume control would not be taken in some form. The kingship is an open ended issue and will be some time before anything may get done with that position. Untill then i for one concider that Burns has the same right as the king had in regards land desisions until the council/Mur say otherwise. there may be thoes that are not happy that lands have certan leader. if it is such an issue then rebel to regain control. as is said many time over. the systems are there so use them. designing a system for war can still be done be the control be with a group or with a single leader does not matter the system can still bedesigned and suggestions still be made for such. Just because something is not there does not mean you count it out for good. changes CAN be made to fit what is needed. The system does not even NEED a leader to decided it can be done by civilan vote. An alliance could wish to goto war put this to the citizens they vote. Oh look no king or leader decideing for sure that the land will go to war. All it takes is thinking outside the box to work on a way to make this work No system really NEEDS to be that solid in how it may be run.
In reply to "Leaders" and to say Duh! The leader are thoes of the 4 main land alliances. When there was no kingship the ones that where in charge where the Main alliance leaders so even thogh there is no kingship. I dont see why it would be any diffrent to be honest. SO yeah the leader are the alliance leader of the main land alliances untill a desision is made regards the kingship. In regards a system. All systems start off in one way or another and get adapted. the fact there is no kingship should not be a reason to not try and design one. It is as week an excuse as the bugs excuse sorry if that offend but that is how i see it.
@ Rhaegar[b]: [/b][font=times new roman,times,serif]There are many bugs in the game yes. I dont really see your argument as the issue you speak of is part of the system now and has been for a very long time.[/font] [font=times new roman,times,serif]What is being suggested here was already worked on a very long time ago and turned into TC.[/font] [font=times new roman,times,serif]So the codeing and bugs would still be more or less the same.[/font] [font=times new roman,times,serif]Yes the War system is basicaly the TC but a land chosen one. It is more how such a system could be run[/font] [font=times new roman,times,serif]and would be better if instead of shooting the idea down suggestions are made as to how it may or how it wont work.[/font] [font=times new roman,times,serif]what [/font]Rhaegar says is a posiable why it wont work but not a cant work. It is just a moan regards bugs and people with ablities. I believe each land have such people with ablities that give that land an advantage over another this is something land will need to look at when looking to goto war. Whom to take out first and how they may do it. One of the strongest players in game is Eon so yes he/she will be come a main target if he/she gets involved in the war. The idea that pople can choose to be part of the war is a good idea. But i would say only citizens get to choose alliance have a single person the leader who will choose to enter war or not. But then that will bring in its own issues. The idea of a war system bring with it many diffrent things and will even bring with it internal struggles within the lands themselfs. Dont just look at what the mechanics of such a system would be also look at the bigger picture. This is in its self an expansion posiable a way for land to go to war over the laws of that land been broken by a citizen of another land. This in its self bring a whole diffrent way of comunicating and whole new way of diplomacy that currently has no influence within MD at all. If there was a war system this would bring a diffrent scope to the way lands interact with each other. What is being suggested can be refined to a this is how it work step by step and how it can benifit or influence things withn MD as for the war. Once there has been war then the 2 land cant enter into another one between them for a while. say 1 month or even 3 months make a nice cool down so then you cant use it as a way to gain resorces for your land to easly. Could make it that a % of the land resorces become the spoils of war but that is something that needs talking about and how that could be applied. There is much in this that could be of great value to MD and much that becomes a disadvantage so lets iron them out and see what could be suggested and see if this is something that could be supported by the comunity at large and see if Mur or council would be willing to add this to MD YES it is a lot of coding and much i believe can already be put in place from some of the other systems already in place. It is just codeing it slightly diffrently and makeing it fit the requirement of the war system. I beleiev TC will already have most of what is suggested to be used just with some tweeks and yes big ones at that. But you never know it may have already been looked at or being worked on and we just dont know it and what we put forward as suggestions may come into play or help shape such a system.
I had already suggest this system idea but in a slightly diffrent way. back when there was a kingship it would be a system of showing what lands are friendly or a level of agression that a land has towards another. In the system i was putting forward at the time was that land leader/kingship could change their level towards other lands to show greviences towards each land or to show alliance between lands. think of it as similar to the rebel system but land based at the time the idea was that of 2 ands wantedto go to war they could choose to do so and end up in a war mode. Untill all citizens of one side was killed. (the mechanics for this are already in game). This would only be a way to facilitate a war and to show a death toll between sides. It would be an automated way of showing what land won the war. So in essence it is only a way to show and display war stats. I was going to expand on that idea even further with other things like if 2 lands did go to war they would have to put up an equal share of a prize say for example each land had to put forward 3/4 creatures of equal value and the winning side would win all of the creatures from that war. (Spoils of war and all that) I have always been in favour of a system like this. But it needs to be backed by the comunity and then put to the council/Mur for approval but remember there would be a need for coding changes to do such a thing and have it land controled. Unlike the TC where it is time controled I think it would make things more intresting and cause land to want to have good fighters as well as stragitist. this would also cause land to want the needle or other item of power to gain an advantage. Like the death wepons used to assinate top players to keep them out of the war. I could go on and on and on with what could be done but i wont as for something like this to work it need the comunity of MD to back and support such an idea and to then push for it to be done. In case it was missed i am for this idea
Sound good Amoran. I know it will be extensive and a lot to work on. I for one look forward to reading it
you miss understand my browser info. I tested on diffrent browsers. I dont actualy use diffrent browsers they are there for testing my code in my class. I only use FF for MD. When i started having the issues i tested in other browsers to see if it was FF that was the issue I also done this with IE on a seerat system that has no multi browsers.
The cube was Given by ME to Marvolo whom should not have passed it on as part of the agreement. But i suppose the cube is his to do with as he wishes. As well as Khal the white. I handed them over as a gesture of Good will and to show no more ill will towards Khal and the people of Necrovian. Event thought i still maintain that necrovians should not be allowed in Golemus. and yes i know how little control over that i have but i will move them when i see them . Good job on the information and documentation. Courious as to why i was given neg rep for my comment? I honestly dont see why but thoes that did wold be nice to comment. as my reply to this tread was in responce to a question asked and me being the one whom took the action explained what was done.
no update done Sam at all locations 3 diffrent BB providers 3 diffrent locations. The only change on my end was i added browsers the issue was alway there but only happed say once per hour. so was not an issue but in the last 2/3 days it has beome nearly every 5/10 min. I have even trying it from 2 other systems just in case and same issue on thoes systems edit just to add. So far in the last 20 min it has not happened again. and it has happened again at least it is talking a bit longer this time
i got a suggestin regarding this. Why not have the main alliance have an interfave to allow them to accept citizens. Give the ablity so that only the alliance leader can grant citizenship but let the page be seen by all alliance members. That way citizenship can be granted if the alliance wish to grant it It makes the land alliances more involved in the land
I keep getting the you have opened multipal pages when i am moving around MD. I am now getting this every few min as where i used to get it once a day It is extreamly anoying. I dont have any other windows open in my browser I have this happining in FF, IE, Crome, Safari So i guess this is not a browser issue I dont even have anyother tabs open in the browser or other windows This is making the game unplayable if i have to keep dealing with this issue
@ Mur I did not intent to make sound like it was cheated. I suppose timing and sounding of the announcment brought with it the views that where expressed. As i said i did not intent to drag it in a bad direction. I genualy wanted to know what was not said. I also did not mean for it to sound like it was cheated I would hope you know me well enough to know that i see you diffrently and know that i respect most of what you say and argue some of what you say through my own point of view. Even if you think it is not mine Many know i am bad with expressing what i think with word it is one of my major flaws i still have not beaten. All i was asking was for some clarification and i think in what you have said it is more clear to me. In the end even if i could not get it asked corectly i still got the result i was looking for. To add "IF" i am one who ever gets tested (not the i expect to ever be tested) that i would rather you tell me so. No matter the outcome. The thing is i prefer to be told what i did wrong that what i did right in most cases. I prefer to know i still have a long way to go but praise is also a good thing. I do however apoligise if this seemed to be an attack on you personaly it was not intended in that way at all. I know i get my written comunication screwed up. As you may know i am better with words in person than i am on a screen as we have had some really good talks in the past.
[quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1326991614' post='101236'] @yrth: "[i]otherwise it look to be a load of BULL to reward players for nothing.[/i]" so damn CUTE. what else can i say I can and will reward anything i consider worth rewarding from good to bad things, organized effort is rewardable. The decision to give this medal is solely mine. Ofc you can ask why, I never mind that, however i do mind the sort of attitude you have on this one. "Whom they took down and proof of this." I gave the medals so late, because I didn't wanted them to sound as a motivation as if i would say "good boy this is the way to get medals, kill your neighbor". Obviously I will not detail the secrets of a secret mission. I assumed this is clear from the start. I will not mention who slayed who, out of[b] respect [/b]for the involved people (those 'slayed'). Imagine how it would be for me to say "haha, dst mentally slaughtered , lets say, seigheart" ..or such things. The medal is well deserved but just that. [/quote] I will only respond to this bit as it is directed at me. I did not say you could not reward whom you like or how you like. There was no attitude behind my asking. I was genualy wanting to know whom was supposed to have been taken down. I know from one of the names it was very long ago. Back when kings where barly even a thought. So the title kingslay be it symbolic it says kingslayer so this would be aimed at the kings. It also insults the last batch of kings as it is not clearly defined. So you insult all the kings in this one statment. It does not matter if that was or was not the intent it still happened and from the reaction some think it was an attack on the person not the character. As i am one of thoes kings whom may or may not have been slaied i asked to find out. since it was made public by an announcment. I figured best to ask publicly. yes i am angered by the announcment but that is because it was stated in a way that made it feel personal and not just to me. But that is not why i posted the topic. Could i ask what attitude did you assume i took as there is a point in all of this too.
@Seig. the point is we are asking. and as stated to bring someone to the point of breaking "IS" an attack on[i] their mentality.[/i] [i]as in normaly game terms this could not have happened.[/i]
The issue here Chewett is that it says King Slayer. As i was one i would like to know personaly as i am sure the other kings would too. Mur does not "HAVE" to say why. But that does not stop me asking how? what? why? when? I have no issue with the rewards if they are Genualy given for it but still a bit sick in my mind. but that is my persional opinion on that. Since it is such a broad announcment i wanted to question it.
Thanks Shar that puts my view in a clear way. I know i was not the only king and i know more of this issue than most. I feel what was done or "claimed" to have been done is a load of BULL as there is no proof given of this. Ok i know DST got hers for good reason i know why she did and yes it was a very long time ago. The other well nothing has been said other than they did it and where asked to do it Hell if i made a statment like that i would get hounded for proof and what not. I am not so closed minded to think i am the only one affected by this As shar said this announcment make is more out of game and very personal to attack someone in this way.
my point here is. nether one of them made me retire nor theire actions My resighning was dew to stuff that was failed to be done after agreement for over a year or even 2 at this point so i would like to know what and how they did what is claimed and how long it took
I did not see this anywhere and yes i know i am a little behind in making a topic work stuff and firewalls blocking me most of the time. [color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2172 - [2012-01-17 14:27:12 - Stage 11][/color] A "kingslayer" medal was awarded retroactively to the following players for classified missions of obvious nature . These actions include recent but also ancient events where pressure was put on certain leading characters to test their strength or find their breaking point:[b] *dst*, Granos, Eon [/b] In regards to the above anno i would like to request details of this so called mission? Whom they took down and proof of this. I for one can say none of the mentioned players made me resign it was the council that did that. But I also think if you are going to announce this public then you should provide log's and proof of the intent otherwise it look to be a load of BULL to reward players for nothing. This is ofc myown opinion on this matter and i would just like clarification on the statment of the Kingslayer medal
it does not have to change. just add the tublar optin to the interface like we have for the sorting cloud
i know it is because of the amount of creatures in my list. That was why i mentioned this as there has got to be a better way of sacing creatures. The tublar list that was suggest looks to be a good way of doing that. If all one want to do is sac creatures then why bother loading all the images each time. The process could be more streamlined for this. Your suggestion of having creatures taged sounds good too tagged with dont sac or something would avoid sacking creatures you wish to keep and letting you run off and sac everything else.
[quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1326710006' post='100954'] Come now yrth, each creature sacked is just adding one record to the chat db, its been slow way before that feature... its the flash objects! and lots of them. Just look at the sacrafice alter on a slow pc, the flash objects slowly appear one by one, and then the images then load one by one. It takes ages when you have 60 or so crits. [/quote] I only mention it since i only noticed it happing since then Not that i sac creatures that often I am not yet at the stage of proggraming to know much of what is done in the backround just yet
the point is i was sacing creatures. My system is far from being slow I am a system engineer trust me my systems are somewhat powerfull I think the adding the chat saying yrth saced a bla bla bla has slowed down the process a lot as it worked fairly ok 2/4 sec's to reload the page.
@ DarkRaptor that looks like it could make a diff as i think it is the loading of the images that may be slowing the loading of the page esp when one has over 50 creatures
I like this idea. Looks much easer to manage would be handy when looking to sac a creature too.
Ok so this is not realy a bug but really anoying When i am going to sac a creature it take arounf 9/10 second for the creature to be sacked and for the screen to reload. So when i try sacking 4/5 it take me alomst a full minute to do so. Normaly a second or 2 is fine but a whole 9 is getting a bit much. I dont know how many other this might anoy but to me this makes waiting on the screen to load frustrating i just wanted to note it here so it is known.