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Everything posted by Yrthilian

  1. HAPPY BDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Yrthilian

    labyrinth trip

    Well done. It does in deed take pacients and yes it is a good way to test it. Well done for not giving up
  3. [quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1313649294' post='90361']I think the papers should take a person to the Kelle'tha Cannon interior. this is a defo no no. That is a land secret location (well not so secret). That is a location that only a few should have access to Awi[/quote][quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1313649874' post='90363']Which invalidates the gg_deep spell that is there. I think the papers should teleport one into the Gates, and give a huge AP bonus if one is Golemian- so there is enough to move for a while.[/quote] Well. the TP to a location is a good idea. The Ap bonus i dont know. Would need to see it work first to see if it is within the items use. it is after all a pass paper. the paper name would need to be changed in this case.
  4. that would be about right. The papers have no use at the moment
  5. Well i am happy for anyone to use any tools just [please respect the land to not drain them of all the resources Golemus land res should not go below 50%
  6. As Burns has said. The AP to enter and to leave IS intentional. Golemus is not there for just anyone and everyone to get into and out of easily. The AP wont get changed! I for one am happy with the costs to get on or out of Golemus The incentive here is to get older and to be around long enough to enter and explore. I do not want to find that just anyone can walk in it is suppose to be difficult and i currently believe that the gate shows the level of difficulty.
  7. no nothing happened. It looks like no interest in meeting the king of Golemus well for the people of Golemus you may pm me in game or out of game any time i will respond i will also be around for you to chat to me
  8. bump just keeping people up to date this is going to be run early on Saturday. around 11:00 server time till around 16:00 server time
  9. I agree with Laphers on what he is saying. The guild are doing well for the moment. they may not be moving a quickly as you would like but sometimes that is not a bad thing. I mentioned in your other topic the you could use the crafter guild and myself to increase some of the items out in the wild. This can work like a tap if you wish. tell us to distribute a set item type or something to the land tell us a limit to work with. The recipe for the cauldron i want to submit some but RL stopped me from doing so. I will send one some things to you to look at when you want to. I know you have many ideas regards the set-up of the system i am sure many i have may well match or not be what you want. but if you want to talk about it you know how to get me. The recent changes that have been coming have been great some not so great but one does have to adjust I do wish to go over an item type with you soon as i think it would fit in well but that is for another time
  10. Hmm well as you say the items from the past belonged to those players. Ok yes they may not be on-line any more or are on rare. So why not give the crafter and my self clearance to make batch items and let us give them out randomly? This we can do and may solve the current delema you are facing. Put in the item creation panel a flag system so we can set it so the new items if not role specific it can be transferred to an item shop if flagged as owner/role then it wont get moved. Could also have the items marked as land items (meaning made from that land not land specific item) that way you can make item shops for each land that could have those items returned to them. for the crafter they could mark and item they create as LR/MB/necro/Golemus depending on the player that requests it. This can also create another land resource based on items.
  11. yes it ill be at the gate again
  12. date changed to the 30th
  13. Ok i am now looking at buying some memory stones for myself to use. Can the people whom gather them please PM me on the forums what there current price is and lead time to delivery Thanks Yrth
  14. depends on what gets requested. it is my way of making sure i dont put in conflicting items for example we now have mining tools of sort i wont create thoes or make something like them without checking first
  15. meet and greet Golemus king

    1. Yrthilian



  16. Ok to EVERYONE I am making a second attempt at the meet and greet for Golemus. I am aiming for Saturday July 30st Time: TBD I would like to have the structured before the meeting. So any suggestions of topic's i welcome I will be trying to answer questions best i can. I may even work on item creation (IF i get clearance for this first). So please do post times that work for people i may run 2/3 meetings on the day depending on time zone's and numbers.
  17. umm just to point out Mur was actually away when the killing happened. (said in a ghostly voice) oh umm i dont want to go to the only grave yard i know of
  18. MY death is a state of stillness (I cannot move other than to use a spell) I can use chat in game. I cannot attack or be attacked. If you click on my name in chat you will not see my Abu but a msg saying I am dead as is the same for the other kingship. I have only recently heard z may also be dead
  19. So It appears i was Murdered!! i just woke up at GoC and discovered i had been killed. I dont know who did or why... well why they did it could be for many reasons But i dont think it is anything i did recently Has anyone heard of any reason I and what i also discover the other kings are dead?
  20. I was going to post something long but you know what i dont give a crap any more. people can do what they like and it does not matter some do things and the ones that started it start moaning what is the point oh and to stay on topic i agree with firs
  21. The new Inventory changes has messed up my inventory list screen on the right hand side. I have the create item ability that is located below the inventory list and it is now covering my inventory list. The layout change to the page i think is the issue as it is just overlaying the create item ability interface on top of the inventory list.
  22. I have given up moving around it is FAR to costly and i get board waiting for my re-gen to to be able to move 1 more location in game i am now finding this new system frustrating and to be honest make me loose interest. I never though i would ever say that.
  23. Happy Bday to you Happy Bday to you Happy Bday to AK Happy Bday to you. Hope you have a great day
  24. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1310585294' post='87847'] Why not? as much as i like jester. I feel this is exatly what the points are to be used for. If he wanted to protect the alliance better, or wanted it not to be removed, surely he would have protected it better. [/quote] Well at the end of it all it is Murs decision in the end suppose this is different from the last time something like this was done but ether way the alliance is not gone as it cannot be gone as per previous statement. the issues of the land are between the people of the land. I was just pointing out the alliance is not gone.
  25. well this will fail. As stated by Mur when the original alliance takeovers happened that the main land alliance cannot be destroyed. so if Jester did not clear this to be done he can just have the alliance back without question so i am afraid you may not have succeeded IF jester didn't agree to this. Also i believe he wont get a penalty point for this in case that was your aim here
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