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Everything posted by Yrthilian
Happy Birthday, Totenkopf!
Yrthilian replied to nadrolski's topic in Say hello, Goodbye, or something else
happy bday man -
umm something similar to this was being done. The MDA newspaper was suppose to be that sort of email to help keeps players in the loop but it took so much work that they stopped doing it. The we miss you email aspect. I dont know if it would work i know of many sites that do this and i get annoyed as i left the game because i got board of it or didn't like it. It is a good idea but i just dont know if it would work for MD
Well as a king myself and from the last year of WP's rewarding i feel i have to say something The land WP's Belong to the kingship of that land and has the right to reward the wp's or not to. In the past kings HAVE restricted WP's to players this was at the time complained about but not agents the rules Regards rebels you choose to be agents the kingship of the land, you may still be a citizen but you are fighting agents the kingship. In doing this you cannot ask the person you are fighting agents to give you a reward. Come on it makes perfect sense that Jester in this case has done this. If players wish to rebel agents a kingship you should expect to loose out on many of the rewards the kingship can give out for quests. I for one am not surprised Jester took this action and i believe it well within his right to do so.
Udgard is correct I personally cannot reward the same player of 25 player meaning i have to wait for the player to come off my list of 25 previous player I must say if you really wanted to know you could have asked me directly instead of trying to cause trouble. even though you claim you are not. The player that got rewarded were on behalf of others too but you don't seem to have that detail in what you claim as fishy. In those I made the note to say why they were rewarded and on behalf of whom they were done for. I know I don't need to explain myself as i also keep a log of all WP's I have rewarded
I under stand Awiiya post in regards the council i can also understand the frustration of the outcome. All i can say is from my point of view the council was stopped from enacting a punishment they wanted to put forth in the first place. But any ways i like this council and what they have done so far. No offence Mur but they do seem to be a bit quicker in responding but then again that's no surprise as Mur is only Mur and the council is a team of some sort. I am sure there will be many things they do that we wont like but then again they will do much we will like all i can say is role with it [quote] i understand what lifeline posted like this: the event at the drach lair should have been solved by the kings of the lands implicated in the counflict, like it was intended in the first place..the council/mur should have stayed out IF none of the kings requested their assistance..what is the pourpuse of kings and lands personality if this said kings cannot solve a conflict between themselfs...in this essence one may see the limitation [/quote] I feel i have to respond to this even though it is off topic The king in this case ME had one of 2 choices, 1. Go to war 2. let it pass. Netheir option was one i was willing to take 1 is far to aggressive and i do NOT want to have another fecking war 2 is far to light handed and would just show us as a week land (this was so not going to happen) As it is myself and lifeline did speak and we came to an agreement In the matter of dealing with the offender i have done the only action i can as per the king statement on the forums The main issue is i could only do one of 2 action in game and both were not suitable. As the issue was seen to happen while i was around that would say that i caught them in the act. but that does not matter as i don't have the ability to trap them or jail them as they are not a land citizen. I am annoyed that you all say the kings should have dealt with it. The king would do if we had more option to do so more option compared to what i had. I am not moaning that i dont have more option i am just stating that i didn't and from topic regards the issue you can see how heated the debate got over it and the assumptions of some over what i was going to do. If you feel strongly enough abut the king should have dealt with it. I can suggest tools to Mur and see if he like the evilness of them as a kings ability to hurt players NOT of his land.
This is smartalekrj's one the way i find the link is right click on it and view image that give me the link for the image. If there are other players with banners you could do the same and find the link for the banner. I suggest clicking on the link below and the copying the link as the forums shortens it. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y166/smartalekrj/468x60_magic.gif
Hmm.. after reading this and thinking on it for a bit i think there is too much focus on what is not there rather than on what is there. If i do recall it was already mention the system is still under development and much has yet to be complete. but why focus on what you don't have and more on what you do have. With this new system in place it give the rebels a chance to push agents the kingship or even agents a kings idea. This is great as the rebel is protected from the kingship ability and still get to push an argument. I am sure for each land the player know more or less how many member there are in a land. This is of a great advantage to the rebels but also to the kingship. The lower the number of citizens the easer it is for a rebel to cause a uprising the larger the number of citizens the harder it is. So say for example a land has 20 active members the rebels only need 11 to be a real pain but the more the better. You don't need a % system to tell that the rebels are more then the non rebels. The realm is very small at the moment and number are small in each land so currently it is easy to know if you out number the kingship. Now with that in mind you have the forum. So if the rebels believe they have enough backing then use the forum to make you stand and do what ever you wish to be it the removal of a king or the forcing the change of a decision it does not matter as you are protected in game and the forums are a great way to get something started. So it does not matter there is no rebel page to make a statement on use the forum and link to it from your own papers. Rebels in the RL dont have a page to use to rebel yes there is the internet but MD technically do not have internet but still use your own papers for the rebel cause the more that are on your side they too could use their papers and over time the whole rebel cause will be known. The forum and the player papers can be used to the rebel cause and there for push out the demands of the rebels I don't see the issue with not knowing the % of the land that does not agree in fact i think knowing the % give an unfair advantage. as someone may not agree with the kingship on 1 point but the rebels on all point that player that does not like the 1 point will join the rebels just to get at the king if the new their part would tip the balance In RL we don't know the % of the population that is annoyed at our government the only way we know is down to the protesting they do and that give an idea of numbers. So i say this, Use what tools you have currently been given and make the fight for what you want It is all well and good making suggestions on what can be used to make the system better but don't expect the changes to be quick.
well even a drop of 100 or 200 is easy to make up in a single day if a person has the right access and the information it is easy to gain up to 900 in a single day the thing is you would have to work on trust and that is few and far between because of all the issues and in game fighting.
LOL @ Chewy umm was that not done in another post somewhere?
ah i was going to reply smartly but you know what i could not be bothered your PM were not formal in the PMs... And respectful... as you say. I have made my statement and now you are getting even worse with your comments are you sure you are not the alt of you know who? you act so much like em you try to turn this into something else that it is not you try to make it about something else. If you really want to go down that road we can. But i will have fun in game with it as this IS an in game issue and you are trying to make it personal or is it you have a personal issue with me.
ah yes we can do it for the fun of it too but it is exactly what you are doing that causes this sort of happening you even used the same aggression in your PM that will set any player off
Yes you did apologies in game. You were not the only one. Yes i am a mod and yes i deal with the abuse I found the topic by a forum search so i don't thing is a difficult thing to do. any ways my issue is not with you per say, I am a mod since i have the GoE spell ALL players that have the spell are mods of HC. I have a right as one of the GOE spell people to just jump people to GOE as much as i have casting so i could just have done it for the hell of it so now i am stating i am going to do it for the hell of it. I am not abusing the ability as this is one of the uses of the ability. Yes i am annoyed but since others decided to BUT in i decided feck it i am going to have fun with this HC and see what happens
Right so here goes. I move players out of locations the likes of Golemus and Necro. Why did i do this well first was the issue with farming in Golemus (this issue was fixed today thanks to ether Mur or the council) I got pm's complaining that is did it. First i got a PM from one player complaining about another farming next i find that player the one that complained was in golemus so i move him too i start getting PM's from both players giving me abuse over the jumping of them I moved players from necro again and more moaning over it and a debate of the rules so i pointed to the rules. Now in all of this we have then got a VET player trying to complain that i am breaking the rule i apparently made. Guess i must be the owner or something since i made the rules. I dont play the HC as stated many many time over and over again. The fact thre is a lack of MP5 playing this round is not my issue. I do what i have been doing for some time my own thing. So now if you look at the rules it says the players with the GOE spell can jump players to GOE if the feel like it so guess what after the player decided to bug and annoy me i will just jump them around the place if i find some other spells work well i am going to have my fun. I dont care if you have an issue with the rules or how i use that spell anymore. Normaly i am nice about it but the people involved decided it best the try and annoy me and push my buttons so guess what it worked and i am going to have fun now I am making this topic because i am making sure all know what i am doing this time and why have fun all
oh just out of curiosity how many diffrent items do the woodcutter have? as in do you just have a saw? or is there other items to get the other resorces? just wondering really you don't have to say if you don't want to
Umm.. just wondering is this guild still around or has it well umm gone from the realm. I have not heard anything new from this guild for a while. heck I don't even know what the going rate is for the resource they are suppose to gather.
I like this makes me think 1) To be able to draw images why not: I just done seem to be able to keep the images long enough in my head why yes: I am sure if I sat down and practice I could get something done why: I would like to be able to show the world some of the images in my head. 2) To fully over come my dyslexia why not: It is very hard to do and i get frustrated when i hit a very difficult task why yes: I have the means to do it even if they say it cant be done why: Because loosing my sense of time of when things happen or even not retain memories of things I really enjoyed doing. Because I want to be able to learn things easer 3) I want to go in to space why not: It takes having a lot of money to do it why yes: It is possible to do and it fascinate me why: It is a something i have always wanted to do. Go in to space and see all the planets and stairs without my view been obscured
With talks completed between the Golemus leaders and with Lifeline the King of Marind Bell We have come to a desission in regards to the actions taken by lifeline and the Drachorn cave. looking back on a long history of good relations between our land it has be decided to accept lifelines apoligy but with some conditions. As this has caused a strain between the two lands. With this in mind it has been decided that Lifeline is not allowed to enter Golemus without express premission from Yrthilian King of Golemus. This will be reviewd again at a later date. In regards to the citizens of marind Bell they are not to be attacked on site if seen within Golemus. With regards the other players that were involved in the Drachor Lair Incident they are to be concidered enimies of Golemus and there for if seen within the borders of our land are to be attacked on site. The people in volved will be listed below This list will be added to as i find out more on the people involved. In regards the citizens of Golemus that were involved. The leaders of the alliance will carry out their own invistagations and punishments. SmartalekRJ. I AM RJ. Seigheart. Manda. Yrthilian King of Golemus Golemus Technomage
[quote name='smartalekrj' timestamp='1290242741' post='72635'] Well the point was those rules are clearly stated, whereas the one that was made up was in a post i never read. Therefore was unaware of it not being allowed. I dont like argueing with brick walls. So either learn to make sense, or learn to understand what you read. Your choice. You are clearly just looking for a reason to argue. Whether you make sense or not... And that is shown several times throughout this topic. [/quote] So you go away for some time come back and expect you can just carry on from when you left off. As a vet and a suppose to be good player you are smart enough to ask the people your know if this would be an issue. Hell you even suggest that i have no access and cant do anything about it. It is more argorant to think you know better and not check first. You know the people that would know if the cave was open to that sort of use but decided you know better and went agenst the rule anyways Ignorance in this case is not bliss. All it take is asking and you didnt bother. No point in moaning saying well my access was not removed so i assumed it was ok. you went in to the cave and noticed no more drac recrutment that had to be your first clue as to a change in the system. Just because your access was not removed does not meen you can do it. Now back to the GGG, I have no care for if it is made or not, As by now you all know the issues players have with the GGG. it is the rules of not beeing allowed to attack and then ecery one come along and sits there and then we loose all the mp5/4/3 to the location and have a bunch of rules one must follow. It is easy to make a GGG even if DST find it. Oh look we have been found move to another location big woop. GGG does not need to be static in anyway other then the people going idel they get logged out after 6 hours anyways so moving and resetting up is not really an issue. If you people were really smart you would be well able to set up something properly. So the point here is no point in moaning about just take the hit and move. I do however like the FC more so as it is reall fight, proper ones that player looking at their combat look learn from and adapt. That is the real point of the foghting system. To learn and adapt.
Well i like the idea of sharing but to be honest that is more difficult than you would believe this type of project is very difficult to maintain. It has been tried many times and so far no real success. I would more like to see discussion of topic rather then a knowledge share. Talks on what people see things as this is more of a chat to discuse posiableaties of something kind of like a think tank type of thing with the general groups. This sort of thing i think would more get people into the idea of research and doing it as a group
I am sorry i really do not know what to say Normaly i am not so taken back by such a comment I am sorry but i am no going to be making any more comments right now I dont know why but i am upset by the remark and normaly i would just brush it off @ Rhaegar I under stand you may not have realised i have dyslexia but i really do not know what to say now i am stumpd at the moment. I will get over it dont worry I wont hold it agenst you I just need to step away for a bit.
[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290178399' post='72568'] when it comes from the likes of you, I find it funny, Yrth, so please don't refrain yourself Being an Irish who can't maintain grammar of the posts in his own language, really adds to your credibility by the way. [/quote] I am afraid you owe me an apoligy for that. As is WELL known i am dyslex in RL and untill now no other player tried to pull that line on me in game or on the forums. This just shows how you really are as a person to bring in someone disablity on to the forum argument. Now i am very disapointed in this and i have to say i am hugly offended.
[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290175804' post='72562'] funny or not, it is so clear that even a Paper Cabin newb can see it I mean come on, first Yrthilian talks how Lifeline planned this all along (which implies that he wanted to abuse GG all along, which isn't true), how he suspected all this 'evil' and now it's time for him to act. Bla bla bla, only an idiot would believe that story 3 times in a row. [/quote] Broken record anyone? First you put word in my moths i would suggest stopping that. It is just childish to do such things. You chave your opinion that is fine but trying to make it fact well that i have an isue with. So far from last argument to now you STILL have not rovided proff of what is happining again you get the information worng what a supprise. You made the implication to what is beeing said not me. "evil" ?????? were did that crap come from? [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290175804' post='72562'] Let's say that the makers are guilty, at least of ignorance if not anything else, but they certainly aren't guilty of "invading Golemus", that's ridiculous, and this issue has nothing to do with Marind Bell. [/quote] It has everything to do it Marind Bell if the king of that land is involved in the actions. IF it was reversed you and many of your team mate would be spouting the opisot and wanted me taken down. SO now it seems you are the one beeing hypocritical. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290175804' post='72562'] Now, Firsanthalas, if I recall, Yrthilian, upon ending the 'war' with LR stated that there are number of people he won't see as leaders of Loreroot. He perhaps didn't directly throned you, but he just cleared a lot of obstacles on the path (despite you wanting to take the path or not, I'm just pointing out the MAJOR social power change after that 'war') since after that Blackthorn vanished, Raven left and abdicated the right on the title he wanted to claim (Archon of Loreroot if I recall). Number of things happened, but let's focus on the present. [/quote] wow i am in shock you got something right. but still does not make up for so many wrongs. Yep i stated i would not like to see certan member at that time become leaders. Still did not stop the ones that could have done the job from applying for the position and getting there as i recale most of them did and didnt make it. But again this is the past and really has no place here. No matter your opinion on it. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290175804' post='72562'] You can, Yrth, of course, feed number of people how you didn't want such and such to happen, but what do you know, it did happen anyway... 2 times Maybe you didn't aim for that, but both leader-changes were going in your advantage. (I don't count Shade Balance, I wasn't present then, and the "more recent ones" were all purely player made, in sense of motivations to wage war) [/quote] I fail to see how both leaders went to my advantage. Yes Firs is a RL friend as stated before war/LR issue happened so people would know. Guess i had a hidden agenda letting every one now that i knew firs in RL. Dang i should have said nothing and rule the world muahahaha. Opps sorry did i say that out loud. Cop on will you. as regards Peace getting kingship that was something that would have happened ether way and to be honest myself and peace dont see eye to eye most of the time. So putting her in charge was to be no advantage to me. So again you try to use fact were you are oh wait did i say it already WRONG!!!!!! now i am starting to sound like a broken record. Next thing i know you will be sueing me for something stupid too. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290175804' post='72562'] You don't have to pull the trigger to kill someone, if that wasn't clear? [/quote] Nope you can use the following Stones, Base ball bat, Sticks, Slingshots, Mud, Fists, Feet, Will i keep going? [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290175804' post='72562'] moving on. Are you expecting me to answer to a question "How would a King of one land profit if he would plant some fresh friends as Kings in other lands"? [/quote] Oh oh oh please do let me know how i would profit i might then try it. Oh who would i put in to take over if i have buddies i didnt know about i must speak with them right away and make a new king. Didnt you know i am yrthilian tryant king maker. for crying out loud again i say cop on [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290175804' post='72562'] I mean ok, it's a game, it's nothing personal, you do what you want, but do you really expect me to believe your reasoning? That for example, influencing that your best friend (in game at least, since you two know each other in RL) becomes king of Loreroot, was purely coincidental? [/quote] Hmm i believe i answered to this bit above i dont wish to repeat my self again. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290175804' post='72562'] Just say, I want to take your lands, I'm the sheriff around here, Booooo, and fine, we'll all play the game, but don't insult people's intelligence this way. Or I don't know, perhaps it is standard procedure for declaring wars in general, having "motives" in textbooks might make every 2nd or 3rd person believe that they are true. Ok I took it to extreme, like the war is already here, but you get my point. [/quote] well i get you point that you are beeing a dum.... i really should refrain my self here. come one what you spout is just a load of rubish. I also think you are the one insulting peoples intelligence. Since you are the one comming to the forum with usless fact that are wrong and have not yet supplied a proper reall argument or provide information to back you up. You must think the realm stupid if you think what you say is fact. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290175804' post='72562'] You can have hundreds of reasons to dethrone another king, I gave one, call it weak if you want, but I call your stated reason for making relations with Marind Bell hostile - ridiculous. [/quote] really you do that fine that is your allowed opinion. So if in the RL world a leader finds another leader in his land with weapons and a army beeing trained they would go ah hey buddy no harm no foul? come of you want us to think you are smart right?
[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290171185' post='72556'] the mood about "Golemus King needs to be asked before an event in Golemus can be placed" has my response: this sounds very hypocritical since Golemus citizen holds "Fight Club" event in MB (as far as I know without asking Lifeline to place it there) and nobody ever commented that in a wrong way (nor it should have), then Golemus citizen made a pub in Willow's shop (don't know is it still active?)... furthermore, if Marind Bell citizens aren't allowed in Golemus, will you restrain from sending your own citizens into Marind Bell? [/quote] hypocritical? well i dont know if i really am beeing such. I did not say i was agenst the GGG but more the location and how it was done. In regards to citizens entering Marind Bell that is their choice to do so. It is up to the King of the land to make his responce to what i have said. But in regards to the fight club, That was setup publicly and anounced that is would be before it was done. So i believe with that there was a chance to respond to not wanting to have it in Marind Bell. So please get your facts right before trying to undermine me in the topic. I also point you at Grido responce above so i dont end up repeating myself too much. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290171185' post='72556'] about the Drachorn Cave itself being restricted.... Mur will probably treat that, in any case at least you could have talked in private (as far as I know, you, Yrthilian, and Lifeline had pretty good relations before, which shouldn't undermine communication lines at all) From what I've heard, you and Lifeline have a history of cooperating on certain subjects, so the fact that you aren't speaking with him, but rather making conclusions in public (where Lifeline didn't post a response yet) leads me to following: [/quote] Well i dont make it a habbit to tell you what i am doing, SO [u]from what you have heard[/u] what a load of Bull. You try comming on the forums and state what you have heard as fact? Go and... Well if you want to try and say i am doing or not doing something come with proff of this and not spread stupid roumers. Yes myself and Lifeline have works on many projects so for him in turn to organize such as he did the GGG in a closed location not of his land make me wonder what the motives are. Since i have already gotten reports back stating he was planning this setup for a while and in remote locations. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290171185' post='72556'] This all looks to me like a farce to gain some profit from wagging a war to Marind Bell, or to put pressure on disturbing Lifeline's position (since someone was complaining recently about Lifeline, those two cases might be connected), and at least one is sure, this certainly wouldn't be the FIRST nor the SECOND time such poor excuse was being used to create warmongering mood, but this is the third time (at least in my score-books). [/quote] ROLF this is a good one profit. Hmm i wonder how i could profit from this one. Putting preasure on lifeline? come one how week an excuse is that? not to mention just plain stupid. I dont know who was complaining about lifeline or more so who specificaly you are refering to. So please if you are going to make a statement back it up grow a pair will you? i believe it is 3 wars i have been involved in. 2 agenst LR and 1 agenst Necrovian. Oh i could make a set here. So it would be a 4th time. Please update your score book. This just shows how your information is again wrong. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290171185' post='72556'] Now let's look at the statistics. First war lead Firsanthalas having most social power, de facto taking Raven's position, while he was, what 5th or 6th person of importance before the war(?). Second war lead to an elections that replaced Jester at that point, Yrth's enemy, with Peace. (perhaps that wasn't intentional, I'm just stating the facts) Idea of third land-leader being replaced comes to me naturally. I hope this isn't the case tho. (tho I would be interested how would Golemus citizens react, if this was all true, this time, since first time they followed [LR threat-war], second time [invasion on Necro] lead to an unrest and an almost successful coup.) [/quote] Woo hoo statistics got to love them. First war was before then so again information is wrong, Second war Firs made his own way to kingship not by my hand. (i know iknow no one believe me but at this point it does not matter) third war imade a mistake in not keeping the leadership informed and that was my own fault. But in the end it got worked out. I am not supprised this comes up that i know what to do the same to Marind Bell. It take someone like you that has so far failed to provide proper facts and acruet ones at that to come to this conclusion. So how many of you are there on this team of thinkers? I truly hope this does not come to a war. It is also a pitty someone like you just cant let go of the past it is a player like you that cause most of the conflicts and that make such big disruptions within the realm. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290171185' post='72556'] why I respond like this? There was an incident, and I don't see Yrthilian wanting to clear things up, I hear "I would go down the warpath if I was Yrth" and such comments, which Yrthilian accepted and acted upon. [/quote] Oh please i have not been able to stop laughing. As i have pointed out what you "see" and what you "hear" has all been a load of bull and it just shows how you act on information with getting the fact clear. I believe Firs has cleared up the meaning of "Warpath" from an irish point of view, This is a slang word we use to say i am mad and really anoyed or in his case i would be mad and really anoyed, and shouting about it. Me acting upone what firs said? please i have been acting upone something more serious than a few words. Wow that was a rant and a half i suppose. But my stance is still the same.