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Everything posted by Yrthilian
Back to the Future Batman Boulderdash California Games Choplifter Commander Keen (all of them) Duke Nukem Elite Lemmings (again all of thies) Monkey Island Rendezvous with Rama Shinobi Coolspot Zool thoes are the ones off the top of my head I know loads more but depends on if i can bring in PC's into this list too Now i really feel old ah to good old days of simple games. LE - Totenkopf Master of Magic man that was one of my fav games
Errased the replay as it was getting way off topic and more on about persional ablitys. I was just making a suggestion to make things a little bit more balanced. If it is liked good if not then that is fine too as it is only a suggestion
getting a few wins might be easy for some but for others it is not esp when getting hunted by crazy rits. When i started to try and get re ballanced all i was able to do for a short time was keep the win loss ratio at the same level. But then getting hunted by players whom know i am unable to beat them every day ment many more losses. So no it is not as easy as one may claim to keep the ballance As i started with only 100 losses more then wins now i am at over 500 in the diffrence. This to me has made MD less fun. I dont care that i get beat all the time. I didnt care when i was ballanced and could not be unballanced I sat there and let people attack and actualy learn this was the idea of getting to rebllance my win loss ratio. But wel as i said i have not been abe to do that. It has nothign to do with beeing lazy as you are saying. it has to do with stat grinders having the majour upper hand in any given fight and killing off players. I never liked the combat system and have said so many times yes i have drac's and angiens but not everyone has. But then you also need to have certan stats to make them worth while. Since the stat grinder have thoes certain stats well about my own i cannot even gain enough wins as there are more grinders about. This could run indo a huge debate again over stats and all the crap. I am just aking a suggestion that is may well help to allow players to reballance there win loss ratio when it become far to big to recover from even if they try hard. As it is i have been trying to ballance my win loss for 3 months and the only result was to gain a bigger win loss ratio. so in respoce chew i at least tried before i made the suggestion. So in stead of making an assumption gather the info before make an accusation.
Umm i could not see anything realted to this anywere so am making this suggetsion here. As many know ballance is very important in game. i amd many other have a huge unballance. Some did it because they could get better ingame bonouses but then the stat damage came along and now that has become an issue. I for one had ballanced fight twice in the game and lost it when i lost my allaince a while back. Since the balance is only for allaince memebrs and not for the genereal public (meaning the non allaince players) I was thinking if there could be a shop item or a WP shop item that will reballance your win loss. I know of layer that have there win/loss in the thousands me i am current in less then 1 week at a win loss of 500 and it keeps going up. soon i will end up with stat damage because i dont fight much in the realm but get attacked at ever corner. Yes you could say become a better fighter but well that argument has been played out time and time again. So the basic idea is to have a WP/shop item one could get to reballance their combat win.loss ratio to the lowest number on their win/loos ratio. for example win=1000 loss = 4000 then it would get reset to win=1000 loss= 1000 what do you think? Thanks Yrth
If it benefits your main account it is concidered alt abuse yes. but as there is no example given here it is difficult to see if what you are thinking of it to be seen as such
umm i have to point this out The Wind Dragon (have to say i never heard it beeing called a dragon) is actuatly a mutated GG Drac. It has to be of the same species in that is was born of a GG Drac. I will not say more of the Mutaed drac as i am sure it is some sort of spoiler The rusy and rein well they are also drac so if you are limited to 3 i dont really see the issue to be honest it just meens you have to choose the drac's you want to use.
It is a list only kingship and if you have the citizenship papers can be seen @dst LOL strait out with it. No it is not just bots even though some show up in other kingship citizenship list (Shhh about the bots i am doing something bold ) I have tested this on player accounts too and same issue I would not have made a bug topic if it was just the bots
Just making a note that when i use the Golemus royal ring to make someone a citizen they do not get added to the citizenship lists. I have tried this several times. Basical the plyers get the land citizenship shown on there profile but do not show up at all in any of the citizenship list when beeing viewed.
wow a forum complaint about it too. I used the spell as well i just kind of felt like it. Redneck you are not the only player i cannot beat so umm jelaousy does not factor into this. As was mentioned before i have the spell and i can use it as i like. That is my right with having that spell. Why did i send you away well i just felt like doing it I do not care if a player likes or dislike the GGG if you want to protest sure protest but then dont complain if someone sends you away. That is the burden of protesting. If you want a proper reason. Ok here it is "I protested to your protest so i sent you away as part of my protest." Is that a good enough reason. I could have done a lot worse but i didnt and since one is able to get in and out of Golemus throuch the Lab (but i believe you didnt read the anouncemnt relating to that to know it was posiable) it should not have been that big an issue to moan about it. Anyways that is all i have to say on the matter.
The Angien At The Howling Gates
Yrthilian replied to Ravenstrider's topic in Archives on Magic and secret stuff
Just my little thought on this I dont remember clearly but i though i heard that the angiens have a dual personality it was something i had heard a long time ago and to be honest i have not really looking into the angiens or the shades that much really. The idea is a good start i hope you find some answers to what you seek. No at this point i do not think mentioning the angens statue at the gate a spoiler. it is more of a pointing out of something and start a descussion like this. I would how ever be intrested in hearing your ideas on the subject. -
I stated it as such because at some point i had to tell. As per the past events people have taken things i have done to heart and even now they still come back to haunt me many thing i fully admint to having done that in hindsite i regret doing. So i felt that i should at least let people know what i was really up to this time. This is my reasion for telling of this test.
[quote name='Chewett' date='26 June 2010 - 04:18 PM' timestamp='1277565523' post='62709'] So where does the commision and raw materials go once you have attained them? i know that the crafters dispose of them correctly and fund quests with any profits, But what about yourself? [/quote] Well i certanly wont be keeping the materials and IF there is any costs incured for an item beeing created well thoes fund may be used to aid another as i really have no used for Gold or silver. I have plenty of my own. Materials will find there way back out into the realm so as to be used again and again
[quote name='Darigan' date='26 June 2010 - 09:44 AM' timestamp='1277541888' post='62694'] So basically Yrth did what Mur does? He tried to test a social experiment with the players of the game to see the results and was hoping for one specific result which he got...once...but he was not unprepared for the other responses that he was likely(and did) get to his test/experiment. Whether or not this was something he was actually going to implement or not is irrelevant. His main objective was to run a blind experiment on us and try to find a response to a problem he has. [/quote] Darigan basicaly you hit the nail on the head. I also know why dst does not believe me and as i said i expected that and some of what is yet to come. This is to be expected when one runs an experemint like this and keeps people out of the loop. At this point it does not matter to me if i am believed or not. All i can say is i already know the Mur would not have approved of the idea and it was something i already knew would not happen ever. Also i will now add to this so that all are assured. No player will be allowed to train off the like in a GGG style format. When or IF the libs train it will be them that comes and trains each one by them selfs. This is the ONLY solution for the libs regards there training and has always been the solution.
Well as a Technomage I can creat many diffrent type of items but yes i am better at smaller items for example mechanical component pecices. It really depend on the type of item you wish to get a hold of. I do try to add my own little twist to what gets created. But i get your point. What can i really make and make with good high quality. Well that depends on the quality of the material given. Weapons are not my speciality to be honest a good staff or a small dagger i can do. Rings, amulets i can make but only with good materials.
I didnt say i can offer anything diffrent to them. I was more saying i can offer the same as the crafters This was a goal i set myself about oh 3 years ago to have this ablity and offer it to the public. (I notice i got a neg rep for this too strange that to be honest) The option is there if people are looking to get items created all this really does is give 2 sorces for item creation. this is after all what i had been workign towards since i created my character
[quote name='Chewett' date='26 June 2010 - 08:47 AM' timestamp='1277538478' post='62688'] Whether it was a test or you just backtracking, You have lost a lot of respect in my eyes. [/quote] Thats ok this is to be expected and i never though i had respect from you anyways
This is to anounce that as a technomage i have managed to create items and would now wish to offer my service to the public. [b]NOTE: i am in no way replacing the crafters. That is there main role.[/b] I am offering to create some small items for people but there are many rules to what can be created. Also note just like the crafters it take 1 x WP to create an item. yes it will involve the use of materials. I will also post whom i am currently creating an item for and depending on the itme on the time it teakes to make. that will be decided at the time of creation. Also to create an item may also cost you a fee. also to be agreed to at time of creation. Regards Yrthilian Technomage.
[quote name='dst' date='26 June 2010 - 08:27 AM' timestamp='1277537231' post='62686'] Yrth....I don't believe you . Sorry but I don't. And maybe it's time to make visible the post I made on the first page but I kept it hidden for certain reasons. I know too much to actually believe you [/quote] That is fine you dont have to believe me make what you want visiable. I already knew this would happen Just as i know how mur is agenst the LIB army beeing used in this fashion that i got when i was over there. You think i would go agenst Mur and create something like this?
Ok time to reveal the motive behind all this To explain. I wanted to know if i was right in my observations of people in game. To see if my ability to read people in RL could work just as well in on online environment. Since I don’t see most of you in person I was wondering if the skill could be applied to an online environment. I needed this to be a true response from players and they is why only a few (and I mean only 2) knew of this Experiment. I need people to react just as they would normally so to those I have offended I apologise. But when doing an experiment of this kind one need to be sure the data is as pure as it can be. I will admit that I was surprised by a few and well was not surprised by many. I will admit the surprises I came across were interesting and I wanted to see if people could make suggestions rather than attack the idea. Some liked what was being done but would not admit it in the topic more so out of fear of the rest attacking them. There was only a few willing to make suggestions and not completely tear down the idea. I needed this topic to be something that was frowned upon but most a sort of Hot/sore topic Hence when the GGG came under fire I seen my chance to get the experiment running. I will admit I was hoping for a bit more on argument for and agenst. But I decided 1 week was to be the length of the experiment and well the arguments stopped fairly quickly. I put this line in and yes left it cryptic on purpose. [u][I]This is a test for the first run of the Golemus Training Grounds more rules may be added as time goes on.[/I][/u] The main this was that this was said the idea was a test. But the idea never was put into place. It never was going to be put into place. I made the topic because 1. I wanted to test one of my own skills 2. I had no idea how I was going to try and train up the libs and was hoping to see some good suggestions mixed in with the arguments There was one player I have to point out that did something I was hope the older one could have tried to do and that was making some nice well constructed suggestions and this is a player I have not seen in MD myself. I have to say some could learn from this player. I suggest you loke at his response the name of the player is Mourn the Leper and I thanks you for your nice response to the whole post. Now this was an experiment and I expect to get the whole you are only saying it is to cover your tracks of not running the lib GTG or you are only saying this because you realised it was a bad idea. Well if that is what you think then fine that is to be expected. When one runs such an experiment one has to expect the backlash from the end results both on and off the forums and game. I do have to say though I enjoyed some of the yim convos and no I will not post that info the result of this experiment or at least the details of it I won’t pots but I will say this I found my ability to read how some would react was interesting. I found I was in the area of being about 75% correct. I have to say that this experiment was a success for what it was intended for. Also since I was playing with people this was also a secret quest/task Mourn the Leper come find me in game as I am rewarding you 1 x Wish point for your response. Hope you are not all to annoyed with me Yrthilian
Happy Birthday Firsanthalas
Yrthilian replied to Sharazhad's topic in Say hello, Goodbye, or something else
lol happy Bday old man -
sorry as yoshi reminded me Some questions: MP limits? [i]this is currently mp5 only[/i] Will alts be invited, or main accounts only? [i]nope the only alts allowd are the libs[/i] What happens if a lib gets broken? [i]contact me and i will fix them again[/i] What happens if a person breaks them intentionally? [i]they will be kicked from the island and will not be allowed back into the training grounds[/i] What happens if a person breaks another person there? [i]they will be warned and if the do it again they will be removed from the island and will not be allowed back into the training grounds[/i] Are we allowed to attack each other? [i]yes that would not be a problem[/i] If you don't like another that is there due to personal reasons, can you switch out with someone else? [i]Depend on the reasons and the timing but yes it would be done so as you are with players you get on with.[/i]
Mourn the leper you make some good points there is merit to what you say and could be implemented. So i take it this is all the feedback? hmm i was expecting bigger resistance to be honest
yes locations are a main sorce of problems as to whome is easer to get to. people keep counting the steps from GoE For Golemus the easy place is necro to attack not winds it is more costly in AP Now i am not saying winds is not the closet to GoE but i for one do not go there. With regard the TC i agree that if you are associated with a land you should not be able to take a torch from another lands capital this would in its self cut back on the points scoring and make people play agenst other lands. But again other land are almost dead in regards to population or because of time zones. One thing i have to point out even in TC mp5 cannot attack mp3/4 unless they are in an allaince it is done under the same as the combat system.