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Everything posted by Yrthilian
[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='20 September 2009 - 05:23 PM' timestamp='1253463809' post='42164'] hey! let go off Marvolo! you're supposed to be "allied forces", pre-emptive strike so peace will be assured later on... but instead you're making genocide (torturing Marvolo) and creating a Golemus Empire! Assembly of leaders demands justice! [/quote] Is this LR making a statement during a time of war? are you not suppose to be nutral? What happens in a time of war happens. If a prisioner need to be dealt with this will happen. Golemus and Marind Bell entered into this war for good resion and it was decided before the necro land gets to powerfull to stop them. In necro lands become to powerfull we all will suffer. Yes Golemus is involed again in yet another war i beleve this make 3 in total. so i guess Golemus have been in every war. But we at least keep to what we say.
Hmm it would appear many have lost site of what the land really are. It would seem many need to research there history and ask the right questions. Anyways from what i have read and see Necro allaince is calling for a WAR unless this is explaind in any other way it is still a war and that meen they want something to happen or chamhe. War can be fun and i beleve if done right it can cover all area of RP and fighting ok the rp bit some people dont like but it can be intresting. Tehe fighting bit others also dont like but can be equaly fun. When a leader of an allaince decided he/she wants war normaly there is some good reasion. yes yes we all know of the last 2 wars and why and how they happened and all that stuff and yet not much really happened. So a war is nothing but a fight without any end result. no reward for the fight or anything like that. so why have this war when it is just the same as doing the HC or torch comp. There is no sence in it just to fight. Yes i am somewhat biast as i am an RP type player more so than a combat player. I beleve for a proper war there needs to be both element to is. One beeing that some of it is RP and the second bit is a battle. Both of witch reflect the current going on between the battle and the roleplayers. something along the like of RP bit to get the fight going. then a fight for something like 24 hours. then roleplay to reflect the winning/lossing sides. Then another fight and so on untill a clear winner is seen. This is just my opinion on this. I know many have diffrent views on what they believe and want things done difrent. But at the end of the day for a war to happen and last longer then 5 min there needs to be co-operation from all involved so maxamum time can be given to the WAR as a whole. If jester want to be more clear in what he meen to have a war then by all meen be clearer. but currently under what was posted i can only see it as a cry for current war system. this system currently does not work in a way that is benifical to all involved.
Right Way For Getting Help & How To Proceed
Yrthilian replied to Danban Endul's topic in Questions and Answers
Hello Danban First welcome to MD. The story mode is just a basic tutorial withing the game. the other players are whom you fight from then on. some will help some will just attack this is how you gain experience as well as win and loose fights. This game is a mix of both Role playing and fighting. the states you gain from fighting and experience you gain for you and your creatures will allow you to upgrade at later stages. Just speaking in general arounf the realm will allow you to learn and figure out things as you go. most players are willing to help and answers question. The LHO are both techinical and in game help for any questions you might have. In regards to the principals yes they do have an impact but not untill later in the game. hope this help you somewhat -
As chewett said i I may not be online in game mainly becasue i am in work but if someone is stuck somewere or in a place during HC i can be contacted by many to move them. depends on the time that are beeing refered to as i now normaly log in and out during the day when i get 5 min in work to do so MD just got released from the blocked web site for me so i will not abuse that again oh and as for the MOD for Wp i dont agree with the idea as this could get out of hand
Ok the HC thing has been like this from day one I dont play in the HC as i dont have time and cant be bothered Yes it is anoying that RPC can win but gain nothing from it and well as Firs says RPC's should be spending time creating not playing I also know code is there for stopping an RPC getting heads as this is on wodin and he cant take heads. so should not be too difficult to implement
Chewett I agree now can we close this post once and for all
And hear we go again. It wouls appear that all people want to do thies days is bitch and moan! This is not productive to the MD world or the forums. I would suggest if you are not happy with how something is handeled then go to the one in charge of the section. For this particular issue you should have reported this to Grido as this is i beleve now his responisablity. This approact would have been far more prefered than having another flaiming session on the forums. dont you think we have had enough of thies? Look it is simple. If you dont know about something or have a question on a game mechanic and the answer you get you are not happy with. then go to another quoating the first answer and asking for clarity. This is not a difficult thing to do. Remember we are all human and we all have our off days, weeks, months. I know for sure that beeing asked the same thing day in and day out can cause one to respond to PM's in way that others dont like. You the people need to understand this. Esp, thoues that have been playing long enough to have a better understanding of the system. I would also like to point out that this may (I could be wrong here) be another attempt to discredit Akasha. I have heard roumer that stuff like this is planed to get her into trouble. I can assure you of this if it is found to be true there will be big trouble. Also for most of the questions asked there is an answer on the forum if you look. The real issues here is that people have come to but heads BIG time here and it is getting out of hand. This needs to STOP and i meen it needs to STOP NOW!. You all seem to think Akasha hold some great power withing the system because of her connection to Mur. Well i can tell you this she does not. Akasha has the position because of how her character is played and how long she has been here. There are plenty of players withing the realm that have been here long enough to know why some people are in the position they are in and yes maybe something need to be written to document this so others know but that is off topic here. The one that are in the positions they are in meening RPC's LHO, PWR's and the like are there for a reasion and they showed great skill and ablity. But it is starting to show that maybe some of the people prometed should not be were they are. Yes i am refering to the newer group's. The issue have started more so now since the lates batch and this is causeing great stress to the realm and to MD. I had better stop at this point or i never will. Just come on people pull it together. If you dont like someone fine just avoid them or at least have your flaming session off the realm unless it is a RP sesson. Thanks Yrth
[b]Wodin Ullr's Travelling Arena[/b] The Arena is coming to location near you. Do you think you can be the champ and beat all the others? Do you think you have what it takes? This is Wodin's Travelling Area. We are looking for fighters to prove themselves in a fight to the top. There are to be 16 challengers per MP level. For application PM Wodin in game and he will draw up the list of players. Please put in the subject Arena MPlevel and name Date for the first area soon to be anounced. [b]The Judges are a follows Wodin, MRD, Grido, Kragel Zelphiner [/b] The rules of the area will be as follows. 1. There will be 2 Judges at any match. 2. The fighters will be allowed to set only 2 rituals. (Rituals must be submitted to the judges before the match). 1 ritual for defence and 1 for fighting. 3. You will only be allowed to attack once. 4. You must keep the fight log and send it to the judges in game. 5. The judges will say who the winner is. (This will be decided on amount of damage taken and damage done). If you fail to send in your fight log it will count as a lose. 6. This is your skill only fight (this may not include spells and would be counted as cheating) 7. This is a knock out competition so if you lose that is it you are gone from the competition. 8. No alts will be allowed. If this are discovered you and your alts will be disqualified. 9. No RPC's will be allowed to take part. 10. Alliance player are allowed and armour is allowed (unable to put the player chart in as the post won’t keep the format) This will be in a location that most will be able to access. But we will try and control the area to. (The main issue s that some people will attack while this is happening). [i]Just an update This cometition if it takes off is planned to run every quarter. so this meens 4 times a year. 1st place prise still to be confirmed (currently thinking of a WP) [/i]
[quote name='dst' post='32702' date='Jun 4 2009, 11:16 AM']Nooo! Not the witch hunt again! Aren't you people tired of those fights? Maybe I should do something to make you concentrate on other things...[/quote] LOL what like another allaince take over
Hmm It is sad to see this all beeing draged out again. I have said it before and i will say it again. I back Akasha up on the issues and with what has been happining. I know it is felt that the actions taken were not the right ones and that they were nasty and should not have been used. Well all i can say to that is Bull. First off the issues that have come to light were there for a long time before any of this kicked off. The ONLY reasion this has come to light is because some decided they would bring it to the atencion of all of MD. I for one am happy that akasha did what she did even if her methods were unlikes by some. The issues were left anlone to be sorted out but nothing got done or should i say it looked like nothing got done. Questions were asked and insults were fired back. Now manywant to start this crap off again because they are not happy with how things were dealt with. I was aksed my opinion many time during all of this and i tried to be diplomatic in all my answeres untill i finaly got sice of the step toeing around the isues so i started to answer thoes that asked me with strait point answers and what the issues were. Do not aske me who how why or when because i will not say!!! Now that that rant is over. From reading the posts above it looks like Firs has the backing of many and as he said if any have issues say so. I am sure most of this will be recorded into history and i hope the one that does it creats a good story from it. (i will be intrested to see what is said) As with some of you lets move on and start getting things back on track. I beleve some have already started the ball rolling on fixking issues and comunications have begone. Lets see what this new administration can do. Also just to make a we point as i know this will come up. Yes me and Firs are RL friend. No this does not impact on game issues I have had no involvment in anything that has happened in LR and how it leaders are in place Yes i will back Firs up as i beleve he will do a good job. Thanks Yrth
Congratz on the new positon. I hope to see the land finaly come back as it once was. Good luck. Yrthilian King Of Golemus Golemus Techno Mage
[b]This is my story of when Master Wodin left the allaince[/b] I was not happy when master Wodin left us and things got as unstable as they did I fear, for war is coming and this is not a good thing, there will be many life’s lost and right now there is nothing that can be done as of yet to stop it. I am how ever more determined to get back into Golemus I will not give up on what I have planned to do. I will create my amulet and I will find a new source of power to aid in the coming war. I prefer if the war was not to happen but if our new leader decides it is time for war then it is time for war. I do miss my good friend and great leader Wodin, Once I get back into Golemus I will go to his place of rest I want to see if there is anything I can find that might help me and my fellow alliance friends, we have taken a big loss here and we are grieving. I fear it will take time for us all to adjust to this. I am now more determent to complete my goal to become a TechnoMage as this is something master Wodin wanted to see me achieve. Now as it is I am again locked out of Golemus as I had only a one time trip I seek to find my way back in again I have seen a place in Golemus I wish to use for a lab and experiments but until I can get a lab I can’t build. I have become Leader of the GG alliance. And through this I have received a scroll from the archives. I could not believe what it was when I had seen it. Is this true? Can it be? Off I went to the Road of Battle, This is where I sat and concentrated some feared what I was doing they thought it would require a sacrifice but I had already known that it would not. After many days I succeeded in my task I was able to call him back, Master Wodin lived again. But he was not all himself he was week and forgot much, he had also lost much of his hate for the shades. But that didn’t matter he was back and he could lead again. I was ready to hand the leadership back, but Wodin would not accept it. He said that his departing left too much of a big gap in the alliance and that it needed a strong leader to run it. Wodin became the Alliance adviser to the leader of the GG alliance. It was with this we had our new hope and the alliance proceeded to gain strength and we with the help of many others attacked the leader of the Necro alliance. I will not go into the detail but be assured we were victorious. After that Wodin’s hate for the Shades had almost gone but we learned a very big lesson that day. While we had worked out our planes we all the main alliances got taken over but some unknown guild and help them ransom. This again I will not go into details but you can read about them in the archives.
Historic Documents, Legends in Loreroot.
Yrthilian replied to Amoran Kalamanira Kol's topic in Historic Documents
[b]Guerrilla Golemicarum displayed an inability to coordinate its diplomatic dealings with the MR Fraternity, making Golemus appear fractured and inefficient. I note that, when it came time to cease talking and thinking, but to start killing, the MRs suddenly were all loyalty and subservience to Yrthilian.[/b] LOL i find this funny. When did i or even the MR's state we were working together? I beleve we never did. I stated a long time back when asked about the MR's and the GG allaince, The we are not one, we will defend Golemus together and that MRD runs his own allaince. I DO NOT INTERFEAR with his allaince or in how he runs it and the same in return. Through this sort of working we have a understanding. Now with regards you questioning how i run Golemus, Well look at how Golemus works now we are alble to talk and work out ideas and any other working's we wish with each other. But we can also work seperatly from each other. WE DO NOT SPEAK FOR EACH OTHER. Unlike LR you all say you work together and that this is better. Funny you say that since you land is devided. Rulership of Golemus is done by ME i state the LAND rules to the allaince withing the land and thoes rules are followed while in that land. I have never had any issue with how the MR's work or what they do and i dont need to know. Between myself and MRD we have agreed that is something big and really important comes up we will talk about it. Just like the WAR when it was about to happen. we spoke in regards to it i pointed MRD to the subject when i declared war and he responded that he will defend Golemus and goto war. This is fitting to his allaince and what his job is. If you wish to know things about Golemus i have already stated to other just ask and i will do my best to answer, this is how i have always worked. If an allaince want to be baised withing Golemus they come to me and ask. I dont mind allainces beeing withing Golemus as long as they abide by the land rules. (this is not an invitation for you to start an allaince in Golemus as they are only so many allwed) I beleve the question was raised to LR was someone looking for information and explaining why they were asking as they could not locate the info. All that was needed was a responce to that person about the subject matter and that some of the information is beeing gathered and will be posted. Not a very difficult thing to do from what i have seen. I also have had to do this in responce to Calyx's question about Golemus land marks and have made my responce to this and as such i will collect the info i can and post it in the history of Golemus section when i can. Althoug most of the information is in my papers. I feel that things are getting out of hand and the the people of LR are responing without thinking first. You were asked a simple question and the answer still has not been given fully. This in its self shows that LR is still not organised and the people in charge are still not helping the land any better. Now i have had my rant and i am sure i will get flamed even more but hey that is the fun of it all Enjoy Yrthilian -
Yes i also wish you the best in rebuilding the allaince and hope to see it more active in the comming months. I do how ever have a question. Were is this allaince based out of? As i dont see it as a Golemus based allaince. But i am willing to offer any help i can.
Historic Documents, Legends in Loreroot.
Yrthilian replied to Amoran Kalamanira Kol's topic in Historic Documents
Hmm Akasha does make many valid point though. Now i cant argue much on the subject as i have also fallen behind on updateing the historical doc's section for Golemus. But still LR has not history in the forums so no one know who to talk to or what is the situation in LR now i know you have your privat forum as does my allaince but that is for private matters. I suppose the choosing of the new leader and the council is private but the history of others and the last council and leaders is no were to be found for people wishing to research it. Again i have also fallen behind on this and will have the details up soon but with regards my own allaince people know who to contact and what the situation is. -
Sage, for the moment there is no location for this research on Golemus land marks. If you require information just ask me and i will get you the information you are looking for. But i will also state it will take time to get this information and how acuret that information is i can not vouch for. But i will do my best. I am currently looking at researching Golemus even further and i may create a research group for this. But all in all just ask me and i will find out Thanks Yrth
[quote name='Synex' post='29766' date='Apr 30 2009, 03:27 PM']I had a fight with Karak which he ended up the winner. I want to know why because the stats(-31% vs 20%) given below suggest something else????[/quote] No the stats are corect here. Defender = Karak did -31% Attacker = you 20% even though you sis 20% damage Karak did more damage. (this is down to having a life stealer) Karak did more damage than you but shows as a minus because of the life drain ablity. so yes the status is corect from what i can see
Comments, Complaints, Suggestions about RPC
Yrthilian replied to Akasha's topic in Questions and Answers
Ok As Akasha knows as we spoke on this matter. Now some of you feel that this does not matter and that speaking about the issues you all have about stuff happing within the realm. I spoke with Akasha as i feel that this DOES matter and they we need to speak and resolve the issues people have with game happining. I dont meen to have a big moan about such and such and that such and such cant role play. I have read the answers and yes i can see that some will have issues with them and feel they may not be answeres to the questions. Remember no examples were given here and there for they cannot be cated upon. So i will give some of what i beleve will be examples. For the RPC issue. Some of the player promoted are not beleved by others to deserv this role. reasions that have been given is that they are mates with others that recently got prometed and are beeing given the position because of this. For the roleplayeing issue. There many forums of roleplaying. I beleve the main issue here is that many are trying to do diffrent aspects. and some that (Sorry to keep useing it) got promoted did roleplay as other though they should to be given that position. Also role playing is an experience for all to share ideas and to interact. but most of what has happened is that sectons have been made and they will not make any effort to interact out side there little circle. I wil not name name as that will come across as trying to stir the S**T. I know from speaking with some layers they feel that they are just ignored so it is through speaking with Akasha that this topic has come up so if you have issues speak of them here but do not flame player becaue you think it will get them into trouble. try giving example without anming player i know it is hard but please try. -
Ok Udgard i agree i was i bit hot headed and should have checked my mood before commenting. so apoligies for that. I understand your point and i can see were you are comming from. Now if you think about it the incided in game with MRD in its self was an act of war. it was done to a forum issue but it was done in game. So there was an ingame responce and an on forum responce. So in essence it was a mixed of RP and OOC. Yrth reacted to the wrongfull improsement of one of the Golemus people from a responce to an comment and opinion of 1 person. I know you have said it too and that this is the opinion of a single person. Now i also did point out that in game issues were raised and no action was taken to resolve the issues (one not related to forum issues and some related to forum issues) I called for an apoligy to be made to MRD in regards to the improsenment ad this was not done and tencions then rose very quickly. The war went at a speed that was not expected this was not suppose to kick in untill after the public elections. But then responces and the effort to sort things out spiraled. The responce from you leader at the time was not satisfactory an nothing was getting done. Even a member of your allainc made an apoligy for something that they did not start. The one that cause most of the issues sat out and didnt bother to try ad resolve the issue. So i spoke with the people of Golemus and some of LR and found that there were many issues and that thing were getting worse. so war started and was over very quickly. Now since then many of the people in LR are trying to grab the power spot. Useing means they should not be useing. I have also stated that i will not say who should be running the land but that i wont agree to seeing certan member in that position. But i also stated i want to be involved in your elections of how this is going to get fixed and resolved. Now this has been ignored and yes you have the right to choose your own councel. But as i stated before that when a war happen anywere the ones tht win dont just walk away for that land to put what ever they like in place. Now i think i have been fair in agree to meet with people and being there at thies elections and to make suggestions. But this can all happen all over again and another war could break out. I am not saying it will but you have to remember that this happened because of issue and things happining in LR. So i suggest you all get together and listen to others and take on board what is beeing said. I have no intenion of running LR i dont want to run it i have enough work within my own land. But i dont want to find that we could end up doing this all over again because LR is beeing run under arguments and that the treaties are going to end up falling apart. Thank for your time Yrthilian.
Right so you still have not listened to what was said in the past and with what had happened. One of the issues was an out burt of the MRD issue and a HUGE abouse of power second. As stated before ingame this has been played out and since you were not there you think it was not played out. trust me it was i spoke with many over this issue and YOU have done what you acuse me of doing and making an opinion. LR was falling apart a long time ago and this was brough up many time and your leader didnt listen or even try to back up LR with regards the issue brought up. The war actions were RP'd and acted as per the action in the realm. So BEFORE you go making acusations you might want to get your facts right.
WOW Look what happens when you start something. Players that think they are all powerful and all knowing think they understand and know what is going on. even though THEY HAVE NOT PLAYED FOR A WHILE. Also a player that gives there account to someone else to use. It is players like this that cause half the problems. I didnt bully LR into what they have goten temselfs into and the results speak for them selfs on that. LR was week and the people running it were week too. I did what i did as this is how YRTHILIAN would have reacted to the events that lead upto this. So Aquin you say i shoul not be doing what Yrthilian should have been doing. I find that very funny as this is an RP game right? Say all you want you were not here to be involved or to prevent the events no point in crying over spilt milk. Now if you want to discuss the isues you have and why things happen dont be a prat about it and post under the wrong forums about it and hide away. Come to me a dscuss it. you know do that thing we are all suppose to be doing ROLE PLAY.
OK it has come to my attencion that the new HC vote is comming soon. so i should mention this now before you all go making your little plans. After most wars does the one that win walk away and say nothing and leave that country (Realm) to install its new goverment without some say? Well i think we all know the answer to that. You have all asked me who i would like to see as leader and still i will not say as this will cause more problems in the land that it should. Now I ask to be there for the new vote but i beleve it is beeing called on a day when i am not normaly around. So i will state a few things here. First after having talked with some of you in regards to things going on in LR and all the little plan making. I hear the Nelya AC is to be used for running the allaince and that 2 people have the user name and pass. this is not a good idea to be honest. Nelya left and in doing so she left her account to rest. It should not be used for such things. Second. I beleve there needs to be some talks about how this new council will be working. Also before things can get back to the old LR way you all need to work together not agenst each other. Power playing is not the way to do this. So here are some suggestions List the people that wish to be on the councel and as i beleve the voteing this is doing that will place them on this councel. the otherthing is you need to limit the number of places. As part of the new factions thing i would suggest you all talk and decide what faction/s you wish to have and nominate the one in charge as part of your new councel. from what i remember you have 3 allaince withing the land or was it 5 ether way it might be an idea to have between 5 and 7 HC members. 1 from each allaince/faction and then 1 may be 2 from the people of the land. The odd number is the better choice as this will help stop stale mates with voting on subjects withing the realm. and the peoples choice would help represent the people voice. I canot stress enough how important it is to listen to the people of the land not just the allainces. There is more i would say but would rather do it in game. Regards Yrthilian King of Golemus Golemus TechnoMage
For what it is worth. I am glad to see the allaince in the hand of thoes capable of making it like it was in the past and what it should have been. Well done to the 2 of you in your efforts to suport the savlites church. I believe you will do the job well. (i would like to point out that i will not be involved in the savelites church and how it is to be run and i wont be telling anyone to do anything. This is not my allaince to run and never will be) Good work lads Yrthilian
I have not seen this letter as of yet but WTF? how is it you guys wont listen to thoes that you could use to aid you. KC has the most information regards fighting and defence. the one person you could have used to sway the war. KC if you ever need to talk or are looking for somewere to rest or just have fun you are welcome in Golemus any time. Reards Yrthilian King of Golemus. Golemus Technomage.