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About marleybob

  • Birthday 07/29/1990

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    ... living?
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marleybob's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. just to say imnot inactive just... rarely active
  2. um how do we give u credits? anyway since there arnt any offers yet... 1 credit lol
  3. lol um is there any possibility i can hav my membership of woodcutters swaped to my KMA (kiss my anthia) account as that seems to be my main atm
  4. i would still like to join lol despite the problems reasons to create more purpose in playing rather than just waiting for creatures to age lol, and curiosity over where this will lead and what role it will fill/take used to do woodwork in skool still do every now and then
  5. ... hurray more things ill never use

  6. do i count as old enuf to comment here? meh either way im a student (engineering) hoping to finish next year but uni is to much fun so i want to stay longer
  7. i am a player with multiple alts. i call marleybob my main, as it is the first account i created and the one i have got furthest with in this game, and so probably my favourite, hence it being my main. eventually when all my alts are at the same lvl i may decide that i prefer another account, if so then that one shall become my main. the reason for the term main is that generally you will hav an account that you prefer, i expect this to be for the majority of players but not all so if u are a player who likes all of his/her alts the same... congrats, frankly i do not care. the reason for the discrimination of alts is simple, many features of this game can be ruined by the miss use of alts. altho there are many players who would try not to ruin these features there are far more who would do so hapily. for instance > the transfer of creatures from one account to another purely for the fact that it makes the game easier, > multiple accounts attemptin the same quests, so if its a go decifer a code and then do some other stuff, the instant u do so u may b able to complete the quest with all ur accounts preventing any1 else from recieving the prizes, > multiple accounts in ggg to train, ggg to me is a brilliant idea however since i hav been playin this game for a reasonable period of time when it was first formed i thought of it as a cheat to train with other players in such a manner, and so training there by yourself is rediculous im sure there are many other things that would be ruined by alts that hav not occured to me, but i think that if al accoutns were treated equally the game would be ruined, it would also become easy and simple; which personally would not enjoy. the main reason i still play MD is due to the fact that is a lot more complex than most browser and reaslistically most web based games. making it simple and easy would make the game boring. i no my spellin, punctuation and grammer are awful but im sure you can manage ty marleybob/sessel1/charliedave/kiss my anthia/kiss your anthia/dudemycar/watever others i may hav forgotten
  8. sign me up
  9. Name: marleybob Mind Power: MP5. Age: 174 (wow thats poor). Main principle: transposition Reason for applying: chaotic always was the most fun *evil grin* especial when cleansing (however its spelt) is necessary
  10. hahaha is that seriously the reason
  11. i hav 1... curious y u want 1 in this specific range tho
  12. wats dream mutation???
  13. ok then 1 SC
  14. ill take the TS... how many silver is acceptable?
  15. is the TS still available nd if so what is the price to beat? ok just noticed that biding ends bout 6th so dw bout it
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