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Robin hood

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Everything posted by Robin hood

  1. Oh exams.. i got a forklift driving licance exam on monday ^.^ woot go me. untill then i got nothing to do, just at home playing games woot woot.. Go me (ra ra ra)((with pompoms))
  2. Just want to chat in general, normally im online roaming around talking to people BUT, im stuck in stroty mode for 2 days so far, just wondering how everyone else is doing ? Has anything changed ?? Hope everyone is ok ^.^
  3. Regeneration: 4 (4.13) Luck: 1 (1.39) Energetic immunity: 4 (4.9) Trade sense: 7 (7.19) Briskness: 4 (4.92) Initiative: -1 (-0.02) Defence: 24 (8.03 + 16) Attack: 19 (12.45 + 7) Power: 2 (2.57) I just did something in the story which made me loose -2 to briskness, and initiative.. i now have -1, is this correct ?? lol You can actually get minus stats ??
  4. Ahh so if you continue to build one princaple, you can do the whole story and only have 1 mind power ? this seems like a bug really stuff. Your suppose to choose 3 princapals ( cbfed on spelling ), its strange it lets you choose the same one over and over, and progress the story instantly
  5. To lulu. Im not running anything too powerfull, but i have a a 3.4ghz processor, with 4GB of ram. witha Gforce 8700 1GB graphics card.. also running windows vista. Thanks for the feedback.
  6. I know its devistation.. You should be near the end of the story now. hope everything works out.
  7. Robin hood


    I belive if both players are healing, the win goes to the person who healed the most, also if both players use a healing ritual together, not only can you get munus hionor, you can also get minus xp from the battle also.. Hope this helps.
  8. Well when i advanced to MP4 from MP3 i had 177 wins / 203 losses, 230k creature exp, and 310k profile exp from MD shop ( dont ask how i managed to go 30k over the max xp i dont know ) One of the things which i didnt like at first was once i reach max xp, i gain nothing for my creatures, except age, evan worse was no VP from battleing. But its how this game works deal with it really. If you was able to become a god MP3 it would be pointless advancing you would stay MP3 for ever. And to have max xp in 65 wins is rather amazing, you must have a powerfull army, i mean wow 200,000 creature xp minimum - 65 wins = 3000 per win. 500 xp per creature per fight. May i suggest not always attacking powerfull people to get wins / honor, personally i found myself killing people for -1 honor, and they only had 30 creature vitality, thus getting a win for my creatures, and only getting around 100xp from the fight. Thats a good way to keep xp down, and wins up.
  9. Since i started using the fourms i noticed this bug, and had to adapt myself to post messages on the fourms. Now as a player who wants to dedicate i wish to point this bug out. When i try to make a new thread, or post a reply (without using the quick reply) my page loads fully, but once done, it goes into a gigantic mode were i cant click on anything / it messes up. The way i managed to get around this, is when the page is next to fully loaded i hit the stop button thus freezeing the page were it is, then im able to make a new thread and/or make a reply message. here is several screen shots i edited to make a full picture of what a reply page looks for me once i allow it to fully load ~~ I use IE7 ~~ If this is just an IE problem i can just as easy use Firefox, but i love IE7 and the way it works
  10. Well the cp registered in the MD shop isnt accurate also, and you can still gain xp once you hit 280k xp at MP3. I had 310,000 exp when i advanced to MP4, and instantly without fighting that jumped to 330,000 ish. There maybe a bug in were you can gain xp still after you reached your cap.
  11. I am correct in what i said.. After i choose my first 2 mind powers when i started the game i was able to continue to increase them withot choosing a 3rd option, as someone mentioned sometimes it was for +2, evan +3, i could continue to do this in a big loop untill i choose a 3rd mind power. As i advanced to MP4, i was able to do the same things, keep choosing a mindpower i already had to increase it, but i belived i might have been abusing a bug and stoped doing it. If this is a bug, im sure alot of people know / have abused it.. if its a genunin loophole, well i just made a big spoiler.
  12. I just relogged onto the game and noticed my $1 i had left to spend has vanished.. im sure i had $1 left to spend in the MD shop. Im currently stuck in story mode, not sure if this changes anything, is there a way i can check my purches's as im very sure $1 has vanished.. thanks
  13. When i first started the game i found myself choosing my 3 mind powers. i noticed i could continusly click on 2 of them without choosing a 3rd to gain more and more in that area, in a never ending cycle untill i choose my 3rd mind power, i noticed this just now when i advanced to MP4 i tried not to abuse it too much, but just did small general testing. Im not sure if this is a bug, or just a massive loophole in were you can gain massive stats in your skills. Darkness, light, balance etc etc. When choosing mindpowers, as long as you dont choose a last / new mind power, you can continue to grow your old ones without end.. well i belive this to be true.
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