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Posts posted by Thesemar

  1. No, not really. I started gathering credits after the timer reset, so right around 9:50, and my internet connection is pretty good, and I refreshed multiple times in hopes of it showing up before the time ran out. It didn't reset while I was unaware.

  2. It has happened twice. I saw the timer, and when I went to my creature screen, I still had more than enough time left, but I had not gotten the extra points I needed, so I refreshed. And refreshed a few more times. I had given up before the time reset. I would prefer it was something I was doing wrong than it be a bug.

  3. Well, I know the timer did not reset, for I start just after it reset in order to avoid that, and had around four or five minutes left. I also refreshed multiple times, in hope of getting that extra boost I need. My values were at max, as I was trying to exceed them, to level one of my creatures. And I was in a sanctuary so that no one would attacked me unawares. Which is why I posted it as a bug, because I couldn't think of what else might have gone wrong.

  4. True names are a rather old concept, originating in religion, I think. They are not just from fantasy stories or anything, they hold a basis in reality. If you wanted to, there are loads of books on the subject, or with the subject in them, that are not fantasy books. (Just in case it sounds like it, I'm not bashing fantasy books or anything, I read them almost exclusively. ^^)

    I don't think we should name the tree. Not anything suggested anyway. Glaistig was right about Sage, even though it's overused, I would pick it from all the others because it at least has a magical ring to it. Unlike Bob. Seriously, whats with Bob, Dave, and Steve? They are ok names... but not for a TREE. Especially a cool tree.

    Bob may be nice, because of its shortness or simplicity, or whatever other reasons you pull up for it, but as (someone? sorry...) said, it is a metaphor for the common. It's a filthy name for a tree. I didn't vote, because the names offered aren't good enough.

  5. I chose Imagination, Darkness, and Transposition, with the idea that they could be combined into a kind of traveling, assassin like thing. I saw more into it, but it's hard to explain all the ideas that came out of that combination. Like King Manu said, all of the principles form amazing combinations with each other, all it takes is a little bit of creativity to take a bit from this principle and that to form an amazing spell or concept, or what have you. I love the way they were described... I don't think they should be shortened at all, people should read them, as they pose intriguing thought patterns. Though someone mentioned turning them into paragraph form, instead of block, and thats a good idea. They were so detailed... ^^

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