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Muratus del Mur

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  1. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Blackthorn in Offshoot from;   
    As much as i wish to reply to several affirmations above, i wont because its already to much offtopic.

    - "Lets help md, just ask.." - honestly, personal feelings that try me when i read such lines, from you or others, ..i feel like ripping your heads off... I am trying to keep an official stand and be polite , as Mur, but i am kind of empty of anymore politeness now. MD is not an [i]invalid[/i] that needs your help and your favors. The only "help" it needs is to have people that stop pity it and look with superiority as if they know anything about it. MD is a machinery, not even me know everything about it, how could anyone. The people that play it, with or without financially supporting it, those are the ones that really help it. Those that pity it and come from time to time to complain that md needs help, they are the ones that destroy it, by bringing down the moral of others, pretending "they know".

    This is not a persoanl attack on you BT, it is a general attack against all of those similar in beliefs with you, including you, because you people pop up from time to time when your friends in md call for your help and then pretend "you know" even if you lost contact with whats going on for a long time, prefering to stay in your own version of what you think its md. Like i said, i am done with politeness. In fact I lost part of my patience back then with the Amoran conflict, that was in fact initiated by YOU, through Logan, then amoran ended up the black sheep voicing your fancy ideas.

    [b]Regarding Blackwoodforest , I will revert his status later today, by demand of the king. Only thing I ask is for the kings not to play to much with this excummunication/reverting back thing. Think twice before acting once.[/b]
  2. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Decree Of The King Regarding Rhaegar   
    Do you really think that each time a citizen gets excommunicated from his land, he should be able to call for new elections? Where is the authority of the king then? I won't randomly allow people challenge the king, they need to get enough supporters for that to happen. A king will be challenged only if his throne becomes a danger to his land, not to an individual. The moment a king will be afraid to apply his laws in his land, that moment he will become a puppet, and puppet kings are much worse than riots.
  3. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Decree Of The King Regarding Rhaegar   
    [quote]to be realistic, Firsanthalas is the king, but he doesn't have enough "army" to put me in jail[/quote]

    You obviously have a wrong understanding of what a chain of command is. A king does not need an army to jail a citizen of his land. I understand your point, but it is far from making any sense in this situation. Why i say that? because it seems to me the majority of lorerootians did not riot against their king so the entire issue is more about a few that do not like the decisions of their king.

    [quote]he also kicked me out of the Savelites Church just like that, where I have total support, so what's realistic in there?[/quote]

    When a king uses the jail ability, that person gets out of that land, and by that he gets out of any ally, obviously.
    The action of taking you out of the ally is not delierate but it is unavoidable by the excommunication.

    [quote]this way he can imprison every Savelite for 2 weeks... which is really weird[/quote]

    Technically, a king can ask for an entire ally to be sent away from his land. It is a "king-dom", the king can and will use force if needed. Of course it is unadvisable to do any action without a good reason, and kings know that. If a king, would randomly jail anyone that he dislikes, his authority will drop and then yes he will end up alone, which is not good. From the forum posts i saw so far, there was a good reason for everyone he jailed or plan to jail next.

    Rhaegar, understand that elections are over , and continuing to disrespect the elected leader challenging his authority will end up in some sort of forcefull punishment, in md or in rl, it works the same way.

    [quote]since I can get my own invite if needed, but apparently Firsanthalas can just spam me to get back into prison, so I ask for that to be normalized[/quote]

    Again, you get this wrong, very wrong, the fact that you could get out of jail on your own is not something you should consider as a counter method to the excommunication. Once in jail you are no longer your kings subject, but you are in jail and braking out of there (again) will end up in muhc much worse action, this time from me. If you have a way to get into the alliance, tehnically you could do that, if you are still in jail, BUT....that will make you a citizen of LR again, and LR king specifically stated that he won't allow that. Going on this path will probably end up bad for you, because you are now an ex-citizen and he is the king.
    An regarding the language, "Firsanthalas can just spam me to get back into prison" .. he isn't spamming he is just using the tools he has to reinforce a rule he has the right to put as a king. If he fails to do that on his own, it means he doesnt have enough tools to reinforce his decisions as a king so i will have to provide the needed tools eventually.

    [quote]In my opinion, this last feature is role enforcing, and it isn't fitting, unless he defeats me or captures in a way,[/quote]

    Unless i missunderstand what "role enforcing" means, the new king features, that were planned for a very very long time, are exactly for that. They allow kings to reinforce their decisions. If you attack a king , verbally , physically, etc, it is not called challenge it is called treason first of all, or more. Within Loreroot, you are not equal to Firsanthalas. Maybe you think you are because you have your own group of supporters , but remember that that group of supporters are under the kings authority, regardless if they like it or not.

    [quote]..to your own special thing that brings many people here - that people make their own destiny in this realm without unnatural intrusions...

    Let me put it in a simple way .. it is like freedom, freedom doesn't mean anyone can do anything to anybody, that is just chaos. Freedom means actually organized lack of freedom (damn, i will quote myself) ..
    What makes md special is not that everyone can do whatever they like, but that they can do whatever they like while having a feedback or a reaction, good or bad, from the others inside it that do "whatever they like".

    [quote]My goal is to rebuild Loreroot and to organize it, if you Mur and the realm give me the chance to fight for this.[/quote]

    I can't agree with you on this, if you care about LR you should respect its social structure and not aim to get rid of its leader so that YOU can do something else with it. You had/have that chance from within LR, and you could have done that without fighting against something, since there was nobody against you to fight with.

    Asking ME to give you a "chance" is like saying , fuck the king, fuck the other people in lr , i want things my way, lets ask mur for that directly.
    That means you do not actually respect anything in lr except what directly interests you. Otherwise you should think of asking LR to give you that chance, not ask me to override them and give you absolute power over LR "just so"



    Rhaegar, Grand Master of the Savelites Church. [/quote]

    diplomacy and respectfull speaking is the right way to fight a king, since force is granted to them by default. To bad you know that only when talking to me..if you just used diplomacy and respect, maybe now you were not excommunicated from LR and in jail.
  4. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Offshoot from;   
    As much as i wish to reply to several affirmations above, i wont because its already to much offtopic.

    - "Lets help md, just ask.." - honestly, personal feelings that try me when i read such lines, from you or others, ..i feel like ripping your heads off... I am trying to keep an official stand and be polite , as Mur, but i am kind of empty of anymore politeness now. MD is not an [i]invalid[/i] that needs your help and your favors. The only "help" it needs is to have people that stop pity it and look with superiority as if they know anything about it. MD is a machinery, not even me know everything about it, how could anyone. The people that play it, with or without financially supporting it, those are the ones that really help it. Those that pity it and come from time to time to complain that md needs help, they are the ones that destroy it, by bringing down the moral of others, pretending "they know".

    This is not a persoanl attack on you BT, it is a general attack against all of those similar in beliefs with you, including you, because you people pop up from time to time when your friends in md call for your help and then pretend "you know" even if you lost contact with whats going on for a long time, prefering to stay in your own version of what you think its md. Like i said, i am done with politeness. In fact I lost part of my patience back then with the Amoran conflict, that was in fact initiated by YOU, through Logan, then amoran ended up the black sheep voicing your fancy ideas.

    [b]Regarding Blackwoodforest , I will revert his status later today, by demand of the king. Only thing I ask is for the kings not to play to much with this excummunication/reverting back thing. Think twice before acting once.[/b]
  5. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from dst in Offshoot from;   
    I woke up on the wrong side of the bed....

    [quote name='Blackthorn']
    As a note outside of character...I am rather dismayed at the poor and neglected condition I have found the game to be in since I returned...I have seen so few new players and even fewer active veterans. Part of the problem as I see it, is due to there being very little to role-play about. I understand Mur that you have a great need to control us for your own purpose...but I still do not understand why. You have Imagination as one of the principles of this realm, but we are told not to express it in this way or in that. The sheer number of Rules is astounding, and to be honest, I do not have the time to keep up with them all. Imagination is about freedom not control. So why so much control and intimidation? I am not writing this to disparage you but to ask in an open an honest way, why? Why can we not just play the way we want, however we want. I have read what you have written about the subject, and more...still I do not understand you or your need to control us. Why do we need kings, or a jail...not that I don't like this one...could use some curtains though, and a window to go with it...? I understand you are behind it all, but I still cannot understand your motives. At least I hope I do not...for I am acting under the assumption that you want the game to succeed. From what I see however, it seems to be dying.

    As much as i wish to stay and just look at what the result of this will be, i have to answer when you derail from the subject by using myself and "how bad md became" neverending excuse to "make a point".
    If you plan to reply me and continue this rant about how bad my influence is on md, please do so in a separate thread so that we can discuss it without using this side topic to hide the real discussion here, about LR.
    [b](mods pls split this if it continues)[/b]

    [quote name='Blackthorn']...I have seen so few new players and even fewer active veterans..[/quote]

    You will be surprised why. First of all, the financial situation prevents me from keeping any onstant advertisig for md, except on the sites that i own. In better time i would flood the internet with ads, but now i can't.
    Second, the few new that come every day, end up in a network of fake friends that slowly start to intoxicate them about how annoying md actualy is and in a day or two they are invited to continue talks on yahoo or other messengers where that imagination you talk about is unrestricted.
    Third, and i have to say this even if it will be taken as an official position to a "community driven project", GGG killed it and astral plane took it in a alternate reality...WITHOUT intending to do so at all....(i had to say it)

    [quote name='Blackthorn']...very little to role-play about..[/quote]

    It is your lack of involvement that creates very little to role-play about. The moment you expect someone to give you something to rp about you can stay aside and watch other players that FIND something to rp about. If you stay outside md, you only see the things that have little to do with rp.

    [quote name='Blackthorn']...I understand Mur that you have a great need to control us for your own purpose...but I still do not understand why..[/quote]

    You make it sound as if i am some sort of puppet master. If i wanted a puppet theater i had one by now. The things i want to control are the neverending rants and bitching about how bad md is, and the intoxication of new players by a certain group, just because they run out of veteran players to brainwash, ..ooppss...i used same word as you did some time ago.

    [quote name='Blackthorn']Why do we need kings, or a jail[/quote]

    That answers your previous concern..you need them so you have something to ROLE-PLAY about. You also need them because freedom without order is generally called chaos. Thats actually some peoples problem here, they wants freedom, they want to do whatever they like, but without caring of the others. When they cant do that, they move to separate chats, or go and do it outside of md, then return and complain "how bad md became while they were away"

    [quote name='Blackthorn']I understand you are behind it all, but I still cannot understand your motives[/quote]

    Of course i am behind it all, didn't you knew that Yrth, Firs, Jester and Lifeline are all my alts? I am the evil tomato trying to controll all lands, its obvious. Md doesn't even exist, its just an illusion. I enjoy waking up in the morning and pull my hair out for whatever new scandal pops up. Seriously speaking, you don't understand my motives? I think you can just say you don't understand my involvement first, then say you don't understand my motives for that involvement. You assume i want to control all, just because the things that happen don't go in the direction you like them to go? This kind of mentality is an educated form of cowardness. Face the facts, handle what is happening, and stop blaming a greater force for it. If I want something in the realm, I do it, i dont need excuses.

    don't mistaken my support to firs and the answers against princ with a persoal friendship relationship or hate or such with any of them. I represent the higher authority the kings rely on. I respect them as leaders, because they earned their throne. I respect their citizens because they mean MD. My only problem is that ONE CITIZEN does not balance ONE KING. A king is a king because the majority of his people elected him for that. I can't allow a king to fail because he doesn't have the support or tools to rule his people and because one or the other abuse this lack of tools. (for example untill now there was no way for kings to punish citizens).
  6. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from aaront222 in Wts Basic Aged Creatures :)   
    oh so you wanted to be baned for 5-6 month...means i can take your creatures too? :D
  7. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from apophys in Decree Of The King Regarding Rhaegar   
    Do you really think that each time a citizen gets excommunicated from his land, he should be able to call for new elections? Where is the authority of the king then? I won't randomly allow people challenge the king, they need to get enough supporters for that to happen. A king will be challenged only if his throne becomes a danger to his land, not to an individual. The moment a king will be afraid to apply his laws in his land, that moment he will become a puppet, and puppet kings are much worse than riots.
  8. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Offshoot from;   
    As much as i wish to reply to several affirmations above, i wont because its already to much offtopic.

    - "Lets help md, just ask.." - honestly, personal feelings that try me when i read such lines, from you or others, ..i feel like ripping your heads off... I am trying to keep an official stand and be polite , as Mur, but i am kind of empty of anymore politeness now. MD is not an [i]invalid[/i] that needs your help and your favors. The only "help" it needs is to have people that stop pity it and look with superiority as if they know anything about it. MD is a machinery, not even me know everything about it, how could anyone. The people that play it, with or without financially supporting it, those are the ones that really help it. Those that pity it and come from time to time to complain that md needs help, they are the ones that destroy it, by bringing down the moral of others, pretending "they know".

    This is not a persoanl attack on you BT, it is a general attack against all of those similar in beliefs with you, including you, because you people pop up from time to time when your friends in md call for your help and then pretend "you know" even if you lost contact with whats going on for a long time, prefering to stay in your own version of what you think its md. Like i said, i am done with politeness. In fact I lost part of my patience back then with the Amoran conflict, that was in fact initiated by YOU, through Logan, then amoran ended up the black sheep voicing your fancy ideas.

    [b]Regarding Blackwoodforest , I will revert his status later today, by demand of the king. Only thing I ask is for the kings not to play to much with this excummunication/reverting back thing. Think twice before acting once.[/b]
  9. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from apophys in Wts Basic Aged Creatures :)   
    oh so you wanted to be baned for 5-6 month...means i can take your creatures too? :D
  10. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Sharpwind in Decree Of The King Regarding Rhaegar   
    Do you really think that each time a citizen gets excommunicated from his land, he should be able to call for new elections? Where is the authority of the king then? I won't randomly allow people challenge the king, they need to get enough supporters for that to happen. A king will be challenged only if his throne becomes a danger to his land, not to an individual. The moment a king will be afraid to apply his laws in his land, that moment he will become a puppet, and puppet kings are much worse than riots.
  11. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Blackthorn in Offshoot from;   
    I woke up on the wrong side of the bed....

    [quote name='Blackthorn']
    As a note outside of character...I am rather dismayed at the poor and neglected condition I have found the game to be in since I returned...I have seen so few new players and even fewer active veterans. Part of the problem as I see it, is due to there being very little to role-play about. I understand Mur that you have a great need to control us for your own purpose...but I still do not understand why. You have Imagination as one of the principles of this realm, but we are told not to express it in this way or in that. The sheer number of Rules is astounding, and to be honest, I do not have the time to keep up with them all. Imagination is about freedom not control. So why so much control and intimidation? I am not writing this to disparage you but to ask in an open an honest way, why? Why can we not just play the way we want, however we want. I have read what you have written about the subject, and more...still I do not understand you or your need to control us. Why do we need kings, or a jail...not that I don't like this one...could use some curtains though, and a window to go with it...? I understand you are behind it all, but I still cannot understand your motives. At least I hope I do not...for I am acting under the assumption that you want the game to succeed. From what I see however, it seems to be dying.

    As much as i wish to stay and just look at what the result of this will be, i have to answer when you derail from the subject by using myself and "how bad md became" neverending excuse to "make a point".
    If you plan to reply me and continue this rant about how bad my influence is on md, please do so in a separate thread so that we can discuss it without using this side topic to hide the real discussion here, about LR.
    [b](mods pls split this if it continues)[/b]

    [quote name='Blackthorn']...I have seen so few new players and even fewer active veterans..[/quote]

    You will be surprised why. First of all, the financial situation prevents me from keeping any onstant advertisig for md, except on the sites that i own. In better time i would flood the internet with ads, but now i can't.
    Second, the few new that come every day, end up in a network of fake friends that slowly start to intoxicate them about how annoying md actualy is and in a day or two they are invited to continue talks on yahoo or other messengers where that imagination you talk about is unrestricted.
    Third, and i have to say this even if it will be taken as an official position to a "community driven project", GGG killed it and astral plane took it in a alternate reality...WITHOUT intending to do so at all....(i had to say it)

    [quote name='Blackthorn']...very little to role-play about..[/quote]

    It is your lack of involvement that creates very little to role-play about. The moment you expect someone to give you something to rp about you can stay aside and watch other players that FIND something to rp about. If you stay outside md, you only see the things that have little to do with rp.

    [quote name='Blackthorn']...I understand Mur that you have a great need to control us for your own purpose...but I still do not understand why..[/quote]

    You make it sound as if i am some sort of puppet master. If i wanted a puppet theater i had one by now. The things i want to control are the neverending rants and bitching about how bad md is, and the intoxication of new players by a certain group, just because they run out of veteran players to brainwash, ..ooppss...i used same word as you did some time ago.

    [quote name='Blackthorn']Why do we need kings, or a jail[/quote]

    That answers your previous concern..you need them so you have something to ROLE-PLAY about. You also need them because freedom without order is generally called chaos. Thats actually some peoples problem here, they wants freedom, they want to do whatever they like, but without caring of the others. When they cant do that, they move to separate chats, or go and do it outside of md, then return and complain "how bad md became while they were away"

    [quote name='Blackthorn']I understand you are behind it all, but I still cannot understand your motives[/quote]

    Of course i am behind it all, didn't you knew that Yrth, Firs, Jester and Lifeline are all my alts? I am the evil tomato trying to controll all lands, its obvious. Md doesn't even exist, its just an illusion. I enjoy waking up in the morning and pull my hair out for whatever new scandal pops up. Seriously speaking, you don't understand my motives? I think you can just say you don't understand my involvement first, then say you don't understand my motives for that involvement. You assume i want to control all, just because the things that happen don't go in the direction you like them to go? This kind of mentality is an educated form of cowardness. Face the facts, handle what is happening, and stop blaming a greater force for it. If I want something in the realm, I do it, i dont need excuses.

    don't mistaken my support to firs and the answers against princ with a persoal friendship relationship or hate or such with any of them. I represent the higher authority the kings rely on. I respect them as leaders, because they earned their throne. I respect their citizens because they mean MD. My only problem is that ONE CITIZEN does not balance ONE KING. A king is a king because the majority of his people elected him for that. I can't allow a king to fail because he doesn't have the support or tools to rule his people and because one or the other abuse this lack of tools. (for example untill now there was no way for kings to punish citizens).
  12. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from dst in Decree Of The King Regarding Rhaegar   
    Do you really think that each time a citizen gets excommunicated from his land, he should be able to call for new elections? Where is the authority of the king then? I won't randomly allow people challenge the king, they need to get enough supporters for that to happen. A king will be challenged only if his throne becomes a danger to his land, not to an individual. The moment a king will be afraid to apply his laws in his land, that moment he will become a puppet, and puppet kings are much worse than riots.
  13. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Akasha in Decree Of The King Regarding Rhaegar   
    Do you really think that each time a citizen gets excommunicated from his land, he should be able to call for new elections? Where is the authority of the king then? I won't randomly allow people challenge the king, they need to get enough supporters for that to happen. A king will be challenged only if his throne becomes a danger to his land, not to an individual. The moment a king will be afraid to apply his laws in his land, that moment he will become a puppet, and puppet kings are much worse than riots.
  14. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Tarquinus in Decree Of The King Regarding Rhaegar   
    Do you really think that each time a citizen gets excommunicated from his land, he should be able to call for new elections? Where is the authority of the king then? I won't randomly allow people challenge the king, they need to get enough supporters for that to happen. A king will be challenged only if his throne becomes a danger to his land, not to an individual. The moment a king will be afraid to apply his laws in his land, that moment he will become a puppet, and puppet kings are much worse than riots.
  15. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from nadrolski in Lr Archers? Anyone?   
    i already have the premium artworks for the LR archer. :D:D
  16. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Mya Celestia in Decree Of The King Regarding Rhaegar   
    [quote]to be realistic, Firsanthalas is the king, but he doesn't have enough "army" to put me in jail[/quote]

    You obviously have a wrong understanding of what a chain of command is. A king does not need an army to jail a citizen of his land. I understand your point, but it is far from making any sense in this situation. Why i say that? because it seems to me the majority of lorerootians did not riot against their king so the entire issue is more about a few that do not like the decisions of their king.

    [quote]he also kicked me out of the Savelites Church just like that, where I have total support, so what's realistic in there?[/quote]

    When a king uses the jail ability, that person gets out of that land, and by that he gets out of any ally, obviously.
    The action of taking you out of the ally is not delierate but it is unavoidable by the excommunication.

    [quote]this way he can imprison every Savelite for 2 weeks... which is really weird[/quote]

    Technically, a king can ask for an entire ally to be sent away from his land. It is a "king-dom", the king can and will use force if needed. Of course it is unadvisable to do any action without a good reason, and kings know that. If a king, would randomly jail anyone that he dislikes, his authority will drop and then yes he will end up alone, which is not good. From the forum posts i saw so far, there was a good reason for everyone he jailed or plan to jail next.

    Rhaegar, understand that elections are over , and continuing to disrespect the elected leader challenging his authority will end up in some sort of forcefull punishment, in md or in rl, it works the same way.

    [quote]since I can get my own invite if needed, but apparently Firsanthalas can just spam me to get back into prison, so I ask for that to be normalized[/quote]

    Again, you get this wrong, very wrong, the fact that you could get out of jail on your own is not something you should consider as a counter method to the excommunication. Once in jail you are no longer your kings subject, but you are in jail and braking out of there (again) will end up in muhc much worse action, this time from me. If you have a way to get into the alliance, tehnically you could do that, if you are still in jail, BUT....that will make you a citizen of LR again, and LR king specifically stated that he won't allow that. Going on this path will probably end up bad for you, because you are now an ex-citizen and he is the king.
    An regarding the language, "Firsanthalas can just spam me to get back into prison" .. he isn't spamming he is just using the tools he has to reinforce a rule he has the right to put as a king. If he fails to do that on his own, it means he doesnt have enough tools to reinforce his decisions as a king so i will have to provide the needed tools eventually.

    [quote]In my opinion, this last feature is role enforcing, and it isn't fitting, unless he defeats me or captures in a way,[/quote]

    Unless i missunderstand what "role enforcing" means, the new king features, that were planned for a very very long time, are exactly for that. They allow kings to reinforce their decisions. If you attack a king , verbally , physically, etc, it is not called challenge it is called treason first of all, or more. Within Loreroot, you are not equal to Firsanthalas. Maybe you think you are because you have your own group of supporters , but remember that that group of supporters are under the kings authority, regardless if they like it or not.

    [quote]..to your own special thing that brings many people here - that people make their own destiny in this realm without unnatural intrusions...

    Let me put it in a simple way .. it is like freedom, freedom doesn't mean anyone can do anything to anybody, that is just chaos. Freedom means actually organized lack of freedom (damn, i will quote myself) ..
    What makes md special is not that everyone can do whatever they like, but that they can do whatever they like while having a feedback or a reaction, good or bad, from the others inside it that do "whatever they like".

    [quote]My goal is to rebuild Loreroot and to organize it, if you Mur and the realm give me the chance to fight for this.[/quote]

    I can't agree with you on this, if you care about LR you should respect its social structure and not aim to get rid of its leader so that YOU can do something else with it. You had/have that chance from within LR, and you could have done that without fighting against something, since there was nobody against you to fight with.

    Asking ME to give you a "chance" is like saying , fuck the king, fuck the other people in lr , i want things my way, lets ask mur for that directly.
    That means you do not actually respect anything in lr except what directly interests you. Otherwise you should think of asking LR to give you that chance, not ask me to override them and give you absolute power over LR "just so"



    Rhaegar, Grand Master of the Savelites Church. [/quote]

    diplomacy and respectfull speaking is the right way to fight a king, since force is granted to them by default. To bad you know that only when talking to me..if you just used diplomacy and respect, maybe now you were not excommunicated from LR and in jail.
  17. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from dst in Decree Of The King Regarding Rhaegar   
    [quote]to be realistic, Firsanthalas is the king, but he doesn't have enough "army" to put me in jail[/quote]

    You obviously have a wrong understanding of what a chain of command is. A king does not need an army to jail a citizen of his land. I understand your point, but it is far from making any sense in this situation. Why i say that? because it seems to me the majority of lorerootians did not riot against their king so the entire issue is more about a few that do not like the decisions of their king.

    [quote]he also kicked me out of the Savelites Church just like that, where I have total support, so what's realistic in there?[/quote]

    When a king uses the jail ability, that person gets out of that land, and by that he gets out of any ally, obviously.
    The action of taking you out of the ally is not delierate but it is unavoidable by the excommunication.

    [quote]this way he can imprison every Savelite for 2 weeks... which is really weird[/quote]

    Technically, a king can ask for an entire ally to be sent away from his land. It is a "king-dom", the king can and will use force if needed. Of course it is unadvisable to do any action without a good reason, and kings know that. If a king, would randomly jail anyone that he dislikes, his authority will drop and then yes he will end up alone, which is not good. From the forum posts i saw so far, there was a good reason for everyone he jailed or plan to jail next.

    Rhaegar, understand that elections are over , and continuing to disrespect the elected leader challenging his authority will end up in some sort of forcefull punishment, in md or in rl, it works the same way.

    [quote]since I can get my own invite if needed, but apparently Firsanthalas can just spam me to get back into prison, so I ask for that to be normalized[/quote]

    Again, you get this wrong, very wrong, the fact that you could get out of jail on your own is not something you should consider as a counter method to the excommunication. Once in jail you are no longer your kings subject, but you are in jail and braking out of there (again) will end up in muhc much worse action, this time from me. If you have a way to get into the alliance, tehnically you could do that, if you are still in jail, BUT....that will make you a citizen of LR again, and LR king specifically stated that he won't allow that. Going on this path will probably end up bad for you, because you are now an ex-citizen and he is the king.
    An regarding the language, "Firsanthalas can just spam me to get back into prison" .. he isn't spamming he is just using the tools he has to reinforce a rule he has the right to put as a king. If he fails to do that on his own, it means he doesnt have enough tools to reinforce his decisions as a king so i will have to provide the needed tools eventually.

    [quote]In my opinion, this last feature is role enforcing, and it isn't fitting, unless he defeats me or captures in a way,[/quote]

    Unless i missunderstand what "role enforcing" means, the new king features, that were planned for a very very long time, are exactly for that. They allow kings to reinforce their decisions. If you attack a king , verbally , physically, etc, it is not called challenge it is called treason first of all, or more. Within Loreroot, you are not equal to Firsanthalas. Maybe you think you are because you have your own group of supporters , but remember that that group of supporters are under the kings authority, regardless if they like it or not.

    [quote]..to your own special thing that brings many people here - that people make their own destiny in this realm without unnatural intrusions...

    Let me put it in a simple way .. it is like freedom, freedom doesn't mean anyone can do anything to anybody, that is just chaos. Freedom means actually organized lack of freedom (damn, i will quote myself) ..
    What makes md special is not that everyone can do whatever they like, but that they can do whatever they like while having a feedback or a reaction, good or bad, from the others inside it that do "whatever they like".

    [quote]My goal is to rebuild Loreroot and to organize it, if you Mur and the realm give me the chance to fight for this.[/quote]

    I can't agree with you on this, if you care about LR you should respect its social structure and not aim to get rid of its leader so that YOU can do something else with it. You had/have that chance from within LR, and you could have done that without fighting against something, since there was nobody against you to fight with.

    Asking ME to give you a "chance" is like saying , fuck the king, fuck the other people in lr , i want things my way, lets ask mur for that directly.
    That means you do not actually respect anything in lr except what directly interests you. Otherwise you should think of asking LR to give you that chance, not ask me to override them and give you absolute power over LR "just so"



    Rhaegar, Grand Master of the Savelites Church. [/quote]

    diplomacy and respectfull speaking is the right way to fight a king, since force is granted to them by default. To bad you know that only when talking to me..if you just used diplomacy and respect, maybe now you were not excommunicated from LR and in jail.
  18. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Yrthilian in Decree Of The King Regarding Rhaegar   
    [quote]to be realistic, Firsanthalas is the king, but he doesn't have enough "army" to put me in jail[/quote]

    You obviously have a wrong understanding of what a chain of command is. A king does not need an army to jail a citizen of his land. I understand your point, but it is far from making any sense in this situation. Why i say that? because it seems to me the majority of lorerootians did not riot against their king so the entire issue is more about a few that do not like the decisions of their king.

    [quote]he also kicked me out of the Savelites Church just like that, where I have total support, so what's realistic in there?[/quote]

    When a king uses the jail ability, that person gets out of that land, and by that he gets out of any ally, obviously.
    The action of taking you out of the ally is not delierate but it is unavoidable by the excommunication.

    [quote]this way he can imprison every Savelite for 2 weeks... which is really weird[/quote]

    Technically, a king can ask for an entire ally to be sent away from his land. It is a "king-dom", the king can and will use force if needed. Of course it is unadvisable to do any action without a good reason, and kings know that. If a king, would randomly jail anyone that he dislikes, his authority will drop and then yes he will end up alone, which is not good. From the forum posts i saw so far, there was a good reason for everyone he jailed or plan to jail next.

    Rhaegar, understand that elections are over , and continuing to disrespect the elected leader challenging his authority will end up in some sort of forcefull punishment, in md or in rl, it works the same way.

    [quote]since I can get my own invite if needed, but apparently Firsanthalas can just spam me to get back into prison, so I ask for that to be normalized[/quote]

    Again, you get this wrong, very wrong, the fact that you could get out of jail on your own is not something you should consider as a counter method to the excommunication. Once in jail you are no longer your kings subject, but you are in jail and braking out of there (again) will end up in muhc much worse action, this time from me. If you have a way to get into the alliance, tehnically you could do that, if you are still in jail, BUT....that will make you a citizen of LR again, and LR king specifically stated that he won't allow that. Going on this path will probably end up bad for you, because you are now an ex-citizen and he is the king.
    An regarding the language, "Firsanthalas can just spam me to get back into prison" .. he isn't spamming he is just using the tools he has to reinforce a rule he has the right to put as a king. If he fails to do that on his own, it means he doesnt have enough tools to reinforce his decisions as a king so i will have to provide the needed tools eventually.

    [quote]In my opinion, this last feature is role enforcing, and it isn't fitting, unless he defeats me or captures in a way,[/quote]

    Unless i missunderstand what "role enforcing" means, the new king features, that were planned for a very very long time, are exactly for that. They allow kings to reinforce their decisions. If you attack a king , verbally , physically, etc, it is not called challenge it is called treason first of all, or more. Within Loreroot, you are not equal to Firsanthalas. Maybe you think you are because you have your own group of supporters , but remember that that group of supporters are under the kings authority, regardless if they like it or not.

    [quote]..to your own special thing that brings many people here - that people make their own destiny in this realm without unnatural intrusions...

    Let me put it in a simple way .. it is like freedom, freedom doesn't mean anyone can do anything to anybody, that is just chaos. Freedom means actually organized lack of freedom (damn, i will quote myself) ..
    What makes md special is not that everyone can do whatever they like, but that they can do whatever they like while having a feedback or a reaction, good or bad, from the others inside it that do "whatever they like".

    [quote]My goal is to rebuild Loreroot and to organize it, if you Mur and the realm give me the chance to fight for this.[/quote]

    I can't agree with you on this, if you care about LR you should respect its social structure and not aim to get rid of its leader so that YOU can do something else with it. You had/have that chance from within LR, and you could have done that without fighting against something, since there was nobody against you to fight with.

    Asking ME to give you a "chance" is like saying , fuck the king, fuck the other people in lr , i want things my way, lets ask mur for that directly.
    That means you do not actually respect anything in lr except what directly interests you. Otherwise you should think of asking LR to give you that chance, not ask me to override them and give you absolute power over LR "just so"



    Rhaegar, Grand Master of the Savelites Church. [/quote]

    diplomacy and respectfull speaking is the right way to fight a king, since force is granted to them by default. To bad you know that only when talking to me..if you just used diplomacy and respect, maybe now you were not excommunicated from LR and in jail.
  19. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Akasha in Decree Of The King Regarding Rhaegar   
    [quote]to be realistic, Firsanthalas is the king, but he doesn't have enough "army" to put me in jail[/quote]

    You obviously have a wrong understanding of what a chain of command is. A king does not need an army to jail a citizen of his land. I understand your point, but it is far from making any sense in this situation. Why i say that? because it seems to me the majority of lorerootians did not riot against their king so the entire issue is more about a few that do not like the decisions of their king.

    [quote]he also kicked me out of the Savelites Church just like that, where I have total support, so what's realistic in there?[/quote]

    When a king uses the jail ability, that person gets out of that land, and by that he gets out of any ally, obviously.
    The action of taking you out of the ally is not delierate but it is unavoidable by the excommunication.

    [quote]this way he can imprison every Savelite for 2 weeks... which is really weird[/quote]

    Technically, a king can ask for an entire ally to be sent away from his land. It is a "king-dom", the king can and will use force if needed. Of course it is unadvisable to do any action without a good reason, and kings know that. If a king, would randomly jail anyone that he dislikes, his authority will drop and then yes he will end up alone, which is not good. From the forum posts i saw so far, there was a good reason for everyone he jailed or plan to jail next.

    Rhaegar, understand that elections are over , and continuing to disrespect the elected leader challenging his authority will end up in some sort of forcefull punishment, in md or in rl, it works the same way.

    [quote]since I can get my own invite if needed, but apparently Firsanthalas can just spam me to get back into prison, so I ask for that to be normalized[/quote]

    Again, you get this wrong, very wrong, the fact that you could get out of jail on your own is not something you should consider as a counter method to the excommunication. Once in jail you are no longer your kings subject, but you are in jail and braking out of there (again) will end up in muhc much worse action, this time from me. If you have a way to get into the alliance, tehnically you could do that, if you are still in jail, BUT....that will make you a citizen of LR again, and LR king specifically stated that he won't allow that. Going on this path will probably end up bad for you, because you are now an ex-citizen and he is the king.
    An regarding the language, "Firsanthalas can just spam me to get back into prison" .. he isn't spamming he is just using the tools he has to reinforce a rule he has the right to put as a king. If he fails to do that on his own, it means he doesnt have enough tools to reinforce his decisions as a king so i will have to provide the needed tools eventually.

    [quote]In my opinion, this last feature is role enforcing, and it isn't fitting, unless he defeats me or captures in a way,[/quote]

    Unless i missunderstand what "role enforcing" means, the new king features, that were planned for a very very long time, are exactly for that. They allow kings to reinforce their decisions. If you attack a king , verbally , physically, etc, it is not called challenge it is called treason first of all, or more. Within Loreroot, you are not equal to Firsanthalas. Maybe you think you are because you have your own group of supporters , but remember that that group of supporters are under the kings authority, regardless if they like it or not.

    [quote]..to your own special thing that brings many people here - that people make their own destiny in this realm without unnatural intrusions...

    Let me put it in a simple way .. it is like freedom, freedom doesn't mean anyone can do anything to anybody, that is just chaos. Freedom means actually organized lack of freedom (damn, i will quote myself) ..
    What makes md special is not that everyone can do whatever they like, but that they can do whatever they like while having a feedback or a reaction, good or bad, from the others inside it that do "whatever they like".

    [quote]My goal is to rebuild Loreroot and to organize it, if you Mur and the realm give me the chance to fight for this.[/quote]

    I can't agree with you on this, if you care about LR you should respect its social structure and not aim to get rid of its leader so that YOU can do something else with it. You had/have that chance from within LR, and you could have done that without fighting against something, since there was nobody against you to fight with.

    Asking ME to give you a "chance" is like saying , fuck the king, fuck the other people in lr , i want things my way, lets ask mur for that directly.
    That means you do not actually respect anything in lr except what directly interests you. Otherwise you should think of asking LR to give you that chance, not ask me to override them and give you absolute power over LR "just so"



    Rhaegar, Grand Master of the Savelites Church. [/quote]

    diplomacy and respectfull speaking is the right way to fight a king, since force is granted to them by default. To bad you know that only when talking to me..if you just used diplomacy and respect, maybe now you were not excommunicated from LR and in jail.
  20. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Using Of Md Artwork For Md Purpose   
    The issue is as simple as it is important. It should be clear by common sense, but for the sake of having something clearly said on my part about this issue, here it is..

    Images FROM MD, can be used for quest purposes, mixed together, altered, etc, as long as they are not creating confusion. No image should be used that could be considered a spoiler, like premium creatures, remote locations, achievements colored art, etc. No image from md, copied, traced, or similar can be used, for avatars. Avatars should be entirely original and not refering to any existing creature in md. Shop artworks/icons, should not be used, as they can be considered spoilers. Alliance logos will never contain art of creatures or locations, but you can't do your own alliance logos for now so this doesn;t matter for now.

    I recommend you try to be original, it is much more valuable to have a crappy looking but original artwork, than to copy an existing location. A very good quest or puzzle idea can be ignored or less impressive, if it uses copy pasted images, unmodified.

    Your common sense should tell you what things are obviously not right to do, like pretending you are the author of one or the other md artwork, when in fact you are not. I don't expect anyone will do that, but still i said it.

    When using location images, it would be much better to screenshot them , since if you use them with transparancy they will be easyer to steal by people outside md. Scene locations are not indexed by search engines, but player papers are, so when you place a scene location on your papers, with transparancy, someone can use it for an other purpose, and thats realy bad. If you used screenshot images, with the background canvas, it will make it harder for others to use, while they will look acceptable in your papers.

    Just to make sure you read one of the things above... self made art, when the case will be, will mean a lot more to me than copied art. For those that can't, using existing art, from md, BUT NOT FROM OTHER PLAYERS PAPERS, is a fast and convenient solution, that is alright unless it get in the wrong direction (use common sense to define that)

    Feel free ask if you are uncertain about something or if was not clear.
  21. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Book Order - Ro Or International   
    ummm, is anyone that wants softcover? i might order just hardcover considering your reaction )

    funny thing:
    I talked to the director of the publishing house, and he told me something like "I hope its not something like davinci code or so, or people will give us headaches" . Obviously he doesnt know english and after translating the subtitle he was a bit worried ) Defenetly the version translated in romanian i wont be able to print it with the same house. For now i explained them its nothing against church or so, its just a coincidence the name is like that He was more relazed after that.
    Along with the book they sent me an other sample book to show me the capabilities they have for color printing, now listen to the title: "God damn you satanists rockers!" ..im not jocking Now i might be exagerating but i think its to much of a coincidence and he put that "sample" there on purpose.

    I thought its funny and i'll share it with you

    QUESTION: is there anyone from romania but not from bucharest, that wants the book? If so please contact me in pm.
  22. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Book Order - Ro Or International   
    you want hard cover, if so tell me fast?
    I am still not decided if the price difference is worth, and i also don't know how they will come out (quality). ...BUT... i did some research and i found an artist that binds them in genuine leather engraved, a beauty. One day i will make one but will have something more to it ( like 20 pages of secret notes. enough teasers )

    (now, if you thought this topic was going offtopic, prepare for even more offtopic, ...damn i cant stop myself doing this )

    I gave a good thought to this. I am not a writer , i put to much soul into writing all this, i almost feel its like prostitution to write my researches and sell them for money. I wish it was a debate not a fixed writing. On the other hand, its valuable information and most of you wont reach it if i dont publish it. I don't think i will go on and mass publish this in libraries here (in romania at least)...im not decided yet, it is a hard decision. it will depend on your feedback and impressions after reading it.

    But there is an other fun thing i can do, and it will probably be the next step in my "career". I was a sculptor before learning design, then i was a programmer in tottaly different language than i currently use, then i swithced languages and get deepr into programming. Then, i was a manager, team leader on differet projects, and also a businessman, my life changes so fast, in 28 years i can say each year brings something new to me. Same way as md is so totaly different from year to year and i cant imagine how it even worked a year ago, same way i change. I believe i fell in love with writing. I will start writing Mur's story, md related, but not from the past..it will be his future story. No, i dont think i can integrate it so well and make it so short to fit adventure log, i want it deep and as well planned as md itself is. It needs a intricate logic structure, and it needs to be able to tell what i want to tell, _without writing it directly_. Its is a fantasy story one where you will read "Mur's" soul in a deep and tasty adventure book. It will be based on my personal experience in some matters, but i will make it fantasy, very fantasy, a fiction story with a true core. That core some of you already feel, but none of you spoke it open. Maybe..maybe...i will answer what's a mur..maybe not...

    If i slowly go away from developing md, its because i will slowly go even deeper in it , making myself part of once more , like "King Manu" once was. Now I have Rendril to work on things, he is doing amazing job, as long as you dont contact him to waste his time with things.

    Years ago i felt md will one day will end. I also feel when the day i will die is, but that doesnt mean i will know how, or i will know how md will end. It is a wild thought that this "death" of md is actualy this detaching of myself from it, but if it is so, its rebirth will be me becoming part of its story, getting even more deeper into it. FINALY PLAYING IT.

    I want to apologize... I want to ppologize in front of you all, because i might turn MD more around "Mur's" story than i deserve. I might use the new AL interface to present you the new book one page at a time, change it based on your feedback. I realisze its not fair towards those of you that have interesting things to tell, write, but i will do myself this favor so to say. MD has some secrets that screem to be found out. And I myself have things that screen to be told...

    *wipes a tear* I love you all, I truly do...
    now i should stop writing, someone unplug my computer before this becomes to boring to read

    This calls for a MD beer for sure.
  23. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Game integration of the PRINCIPLES   
    well since they are not used right now, and will be used in beta when the magic will come up, i say don't worry so much.
    all of you try to see numbers and branches and have a good picture of what everything does, ..try to see the principles more intuitively ...if you feel like cyclicity sounds cool, pick it, if you feel like syntropy sounds bad don't pick it.
    They are very well explained, IF you don't try to relate them to the game. The descripton is not related to the game. the things that they will do will respect these principles.
    Invisibility for example, respects the darkness principle, the lack of light.
    i know, this is not for kids, but better like this thant bullshit fantasy texts related to nothing real..
  24. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in I Wish I'd Rhyme, But I Can Not   
    I'm sure i can teach anyone coding, but i am also sure nobody should be taught poetry or it will become fake and .. constructed .. if that makes any sense..

    umm, and ..just so you know...i speak better english than i write romanian ... but its nice to use my lack of language skills as an excuse...shhh don't tell anyone

    the only language i speak fluently is PHP ..and even that I am about to forget (i need more room for better things in there )

    plus .. lets see if i can still rhyme after grido goes away, i tend to mimic other people abilities, shh..now you really didn't heard that
  25. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in I Wish I'd Rhyme, But I Can Not   
    As someone so nicely pointed out, matching rhyming words is not enough for poetry. It might be difficult to get some things to rhyme, and it seems i failed in certain points (i had no idea that identical words are not considered rhyme). It seems that both online and offline the reaction to this ...poem attempt .. was to reply with other rhyming words (sorry i cant call them more). I am wondering, to avoid wrong assumptions due to the "language barrier" was this sort of a "keep trying" reply? For example when a "fellow programmer" sends me a bit of code to tell my opinion about it, if i say its nice, then send him a different version of the code, to do the exact same thing, its probably because i want to show off i could do better. Since here it was not the case, i am curious what could possibly make you reply in rhymes? ..because if i were to reply in rhymes to all the poems i liked or disliked on the net , i would write a poetry book by now.

    Also to reply to someone that pm'd me his (valuable) impressions, i will write here. I posted on the (public) forum to get a public opinion, not a pm about it.

    [quote]Line 7 (kingdom lost) and line 28 (you won't... lose me) hint at two different themes. If we won't lose you because MD is your legacy, then what kingdom was already lost? Hinting at two slightly different themes confuses. I'd like to see one more verse after line 28 elaborating the legacy theme, and change kingdom to something less -- grand? "childhood" perhaps?[/quote]

    And i was thinking making you read between the lines was the biggest achievement i could get with a poems, now you want me write it out in plain text? No it is not childhood, and no this is not a "guess that word" riddle.

    [quote]Line 2 & 9 contradict about owning your words. Suggest replacing end of line 2 with "the words come not"[/quote]

    Line 2: "My thoughts are mine, my words are not" ... Line 9: "My words are few, but they obey"

    first one means "i'm not talking in my own words", since English is not my main language, second one means that those few words that i have (praise google for giving me more), obey what i want to say..like saying much with few words.

    [quote]Line 27/28 don't rhyme as well as the rest of it. Stands out.[/quote]

    I wish i'd finish but I can't
    One day I'll lose me but you won't

    yep ... kind of clumsy "rhyme" if any at all. hmm..i'll see how i can improve that.

    [quote]Line 3 "I've" (I have) seems the wrong conjugation. "I'd" (I had) would work better, but you're perhaps avoiding repeat of line 1?

    Is repetition so bad? (i have no clue) . If it is indeed a grammer issue i will change it, ...honestly, it is a miracle if that is the only grammar mistake i did in this one, if you see more please let me know.

    Thank you for your enlightening opinions
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