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  1. Could you get some hard facts about the counter instead of repeating what I've guessed in the first post of this topic? If the counter uses internal tick timer and doesn't sync with the server, it would take like 5 minutes to switch it to system time based counter and thus fix the problem.
  2. Work stuff (30 tabs), news and a bunch of useful pages.
  3. Mozilla Firefox 3 with about 40 tabs open all of the time. How often does the counter sync with the server?
  4. You can release game system code without releasing any puzzle/story/whatever data. Unless it's all in the code in which case the creator should feel ashamed. If there's a security hole in the game or in the database, it's just a matter of time before somebody finds it and abuses it. Security by obscurity doesn't work. There's a really big chance that the guy who finds the hole first will send a patch instead of abusing it if he can get his hands on the code.
  5. There's very simple solution to this problem: go open source.
  6. I have 3M/768k ADSL line with stable 140ms ping to MD servers. The deviation increases with time so it has nothing to do with my connection. How often does the counter sync with server?
  7. The regeneration timer seems to get out of sync with the server a lot very quickly. The deviation can be up to 5 minutes between two regenerations (10 minute period) on my system and varies with CPU load. I assume you use some internal tick timer. You should use some absolute time source like system time or sync with the game server. Gentoo Linux, Adobe flash player 9.0.124, Intel Core Duo T2600 (1.66GHz).
  8. Game design rule #1: Features causing only pointless frustration with no beneficial effect on the whole system are the worst idea ever. Give them a real purpose or get rid of them.
  9. I take it back, but being able to leave a short message to potential attackers which shows up before they can select ritual would be nice.
  10. Oh come on, it's not that hard to add one button to the interface and one more ritual management dialog.
  11. There should be protection from attack in quest battle locations for players who have not defeated the quest monster(s) yet. Take Willow's shop as example. There's a pretty hard quest battle there (the shop guardians) and about 30 active players almost all the time. I've tried to attack the guardians about 5 times so far and every single time my creatures were severely weakened by other player's attacks before I could even enter the battle with shop guardians. How am I supposed to complete the quest when an hour of preparations for battle is lost in mere seconds after entering the quest location?!
  12. I second the idea.
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