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Everything posted by Ryjoran

  1. They look yummy
  2. Ryuk is cool soooooo cool =)
  3. I know the super ultra drawer with skills not from this world mentioned it somewhere xD well thats Light aka Kira from Death Note
  4. But don't read the manga its weird! Watch the anime and maybe we should add some Kira into this ôo BTW I cant wait for episode 20 QQ I want to have this oo
  5. SCARY Higurashi no Naku Koro ni OH NOEEEEEEEEEEEES Don't remember me of this now I need to watch it again T.T
  6. Its not to late you can still change the sides!
  7. ever read a dragonball manga out loud? with all the noises and so on? you will love those nyaa's after doing so!
  8. Poor Misuzu (or thats how she was called?) But if you like weird noises Kanon offers a lot of them! But of course you know them! I prefer nyaa~!
  9. I edited the Botan thing but when I watched Air it was like 3242408308402805790842 century's ago so I cant remember > Glai you murderer
  10. Show me what you got /hrhr Puhi ehh I mean botan BOTAN! is one of the ultra cute pets in anime but you know the one from Air? Pikori or smth he is and will always be the best!
  11. stormrunner you are disappointing me QQ I though I found a Manga/Anime girl lover! Look at the page Kagome really isn't cute there! You can find hotter pics of her and other characters /slur @dst I am sure you want to edit the post so its Grassans are cute 100 votes or smth but we cant do that! Ps: 4 ppl voted afterall so
  12. Glaistig your are so right ^.^Btw I wouldn't consider Inuyasha as a good anime or manga. But if you like it, its ok ^.^
  13. Oni's? No they aren't cute
  14. See whats there! A big/fat clumsy guy hiding in some weird outfit afraid of the world and people who could bully it! (hope you didn't read the description) Its trough and trough cute and adorable! A ugly monster would have his mouth open and screaming "ROAR I GONNA EAT YOU SINCE YOU WERE A BAD BOY/GIRL THIS YEAR" or like this Don't look I am scary well ok thats a bad example since the guy in the pic I post also got his cute points QQ If you don't like Anime/Manga than you simply haven't seen much.
  15. This is haxed one can only vote yes ~.~ I think they impersonate real sexiness. A Grassan could hook up more girls then anybody else!
  16. thats also a point ^.^well I am a forum spammer king so i want this to be livelier
  17. I know something you can do while waiting if you dont want to quest. Go and play with your pocket emo on newsground. Tamagotchi for life nyaa~
  18. The world will certainly die, but not now. Caring could help. But I think that war will kill us.
  19. My Sea-monkeys hated me so they didn't eat what I gave them =( I wanted to show them the whole world though *snif Whats this talk about sea-monkeys anyways oô They are cute I know but beside that?
  20. This topic is dead and scary oô
  21. And this was the best/funniest off topic thread I read so far =( mm maybe we should just move it and give it another name? Like creature fetish (its definitely needed to find Grassans cute <--no offend I like them too =3) Ps: Nagisa is definitely cute but I would prefer Saber or Rin /slur if you love fanservice then I recommend Zero no Tsukaima =3 Well if human could get nosebleed from getting turned on, I would be already death. I watched to many of those /awsm animes with a lot of Fanserivce context (I want to live in a harem anime, no joke!) @Topic The Library rocks how it is atm, there is no need to know the level trees <--- I get attacked by more advanced players then me everyday so I can guess what turns into what. And well about tactics...Somebody who found out his own owning tactic should be able to use it better then somebody who just read it. (I read many chess books and I still suck at it QQ) Understanding is a key to success (If you just though of Love is a number of keys then you are a perv.) Ah right since I love Ragnarok I have to say this...It may be true that you can find everything on the forums but that and equip only wont do **** in game. Reading about something and doing it are different things...So its all about teamwork, skill, experience and finding your own play style. Well I also wanted to post smth X.x
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