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Status Updates posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

    1. Assira the Black

      Assira the Black

      That is humorous. Though pet rock may become lost like everything else that I have. You would not believe how often I lose things

    2. Mallos


      Can we race them?

    3. Muratus del Mur
  1. Its time to go loco and cover you all in party streamers, nay sayers watch out for the party spirit will infect your soul

  2. Exciting prize announcement from GoatBoy enterprises and partners coming tomorrow...stay tuned kids...

  3. rewards all updated, some really awesome stuff authorised by our 2 back-curtain operators. Thanks guys.

    1. Muratus del Mur

      Muratus del Mur

      I wonder what it does all alone trapped in there, if light has a form when it stands still......

  4. Thanks Bobers. I silently see you and you make me remember good things just by existing.

  5. I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror

  6. It was a warm summer evening in Ancient Greece...

  7. To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pipstickz


      Criticism is not only inevitable, but essential.

    3. Mallos


      "Often is there regret for saying too much, and seldom regret for saying too little."

    4. Kiley


      Goats rule!!!! I'm fond of jam too. Just sayin'.

  8. "Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs

  9. but I like hummus...

    1. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      and Bob likes humus ;)

    2. Grido


      Red pepper is my favourite

    3. (Zl-eye-f)-nea


      Red pepper is tasty goodness. Bob and me, we say yes to hummus.

  10. There are so many pointers, stop staring at their noses.

  11. If you tolerate this, then your children will be next.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aaront222


      In times pf peace shoot wabbits. During WWII shoot fascists.

    3. Grido


      First they came for the ---,

      and I didn’t speak up,

      because I wasn’t a ---.

      Then they came for the +++,

      and I didn’t speak up,

      because I wasn’t a +++.

      Then they came for the ===,

      and I didn’t speak up,

      because I wasn't a ===.

      Then they came for me,

      and by that time there was no one

      left to speak up for me.

    4. Jubaris


      we are talking about tuxedos here, right? :))))

  12. Why hello there little miss :D

  13. Im still growing those chillies and tomatoes....bloom already damn it!

  14. Apoph...why is your location...'Onion'?

    1. Sharazhad


      Cos onions have layers....

  15. So not cool. Not. Cool.

    1. Lintara


      Something's ablaze?

    2. (Zl-eye-f)-nea


      I have just seen this...10 months later...well played Lintara...well played....

  16. MiranaTWQ...come on...come hang with the lads...please? pretty please?

    1. Lintara


      Mirana, please come back soon.

  17. A scientist is a religeous man who worships at the alter of sense.

  18. Happy Chrismahonaquanzika everyone :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. (Zl-eye-f)-nea


      No, if I said Happy Holidays I wouldnt be paying tribute to Dante Falcon :P

    3. Sharazhad


      uhmmm who is Dante Falcon?

    4. (Zl-eye-f)-nea


      ...he's a player of MD...has been playing for a long time too...has a comment right above mine and a couple of videos for quests around...

  19. tried an Ostrich burger...and fell in love. mmmmmm

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Roland


      seal meat pie and pigeons topped my list...a bear burger was my fav

    3. Sharazhad


      OOC: Ostrich is lovely!! so is buffalo and crocodile and warthog.

    4. Prince Lewas

      Prince Lewas

      try roasted drachorn meat or stuffed penguin lol

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