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Krogan Darkmoon

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Everything posted by Krogan Darkmoon

  1. Hi, just some ideias to consider... The sun doesnt set, at this time this is a fact in MD land. However this doesnt necessarily mean the sun stopped moving. The truth is it could have always been still. Now if the planet that MD land is on stopped rotating on itself day and night would freeze. One side of the planet would always be day and the other night. If MD land was on the side that it always day, night would never come. If we measured the distance from some places in MD land to the sun (if the planet is round) some distances would be the same and some would be diferent considering a curved surface of the planet. We would still have seasons because the planet would still move around the sun but no day and night cycle. Not seeing the moon is a diferent matter. If in the MD planet we need night to be able to see the moon, then having a constant day would make it impossible to see. Another option is of course the pillars might also control the moon's rotation around the planet. If this was the case then the moon could be "stuck" on the night side of the planet, and we would not be able to see it. All this depends on a few things:we need a ball shaped planet, MD planet is big enough to make MD land stay on its day side, the planet moves around the sun, the planet moves around it self, the moon moves around the planet. thanks for reading,
  2. Krogan Darkmoon Count me in.
  3. Yes I agree that the frequency of events must be very well considered. Of course some events could be more frequent than others depending on how they affect the game and the player.
  4. Well actually i have several ideias, but it depends mainly on how you would want to use them. For example: besides using the choice type event that I suggested before were there would be a price and a consequence, this system could be used to introduce puzzles, tips on how to achieve certain sidequests, acquire items. Let me give other examples: 1. Create a creature that doesn´t have a especifique role in game but exists only in random events. This creature could be some kind of travelling enigma giver, solving a enigma he gives you could have a reward of any type or penalty in case you can´t solve it. A player would chooce to try and solve it or not before beiong given to actual enigma. 2. A player is walking along a certain path and finds a object (exp: a bottle) in the ground (not represented in the normal image screen but in a pop-up window), the object has an inscription(exp: a riddle or a warning), now a player could chooce to open it or throw it away. Its a matter of trying events out and finding the right ones according to what your trying to do. The best part of the random event is that it keeps in mind the free fell and imaginative look of the game and is pratically infinite in possibilities. If you think this ideia has a future tell me and i´ll give you a lot of other contexts were it could be used.
  5. Hi everyone I had an ideia i would like to share with you. I have been playing this game only for a short while and think this game is great and very addicting. However I feel there´s something missing. To be more specifique I believe there is a way to make the game more life like and that is by using a random event experience. When some one is walking around the map there should be an random event, not frequently mind you, that makes the player make a choice. For example: when some player is walking outside the Necrovion wall and a weak shade appears and the player has to choose between sacrificing 500 vitality points to ward the creature or losing 1 defense point for having it feed on him. In this example no experience would be won but like in real life random events would affect the everyday life in game. That said there is huge amount of different random events that could be made, being good, bad or just neutral in the way they affect the game. Basically it would spice things up for the average joe who isn´t top notch in any aspect but still enjoys playing the game.
  6. Hi everyone I had an ideia i would like to share with you. I have been playing this game only for a short while and think this game is great and very addicting. However I feel there´s something missing. To be more specifique I believe there is a way to make the game more life like and that is by using a random event experience. When some one is walking around the map there should be an random event, not frequently mind you, that makes the player make a choice. For example: when some player is walking outside the Necrovion wall and a weak shade appears and the player has to choose between sacrificing 500 vitality points to ward the creature or losing 1 defense point for having it feed on him. In this example no experience would be won but like in real life random events would affect the everyday life in game. That said there is huge amount of different random events that could be made, being good, bad or just neutral in the way they affect the game. Basically it would spice things up for the average joe who isn´t top notch in any aspect but still enjoys playing the game.
  7. Hi, if you need another translator I can help. I know portuguese and english fluently.
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