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Death Bell

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Everything posted by Death Bell

  1. Yeh of course we know what your life is posting in da forums or ingame chat right
  2. welcome to this part of the world.. where we dont care if we mp3 or 4 or 5.. but we all enjoy trying to act smart and make fun of each other and enjoy.. just typing useless stuff on the forums all day long
  3. i want to win the heads contest in 1st place
  4. hey guys care to explain the poker rules?? and i dont think its a good idea to give out special creatures like jester / blood pact archer / imperial aramor.. since we usually need credits for this then people wont buy credit that much and will depend on these games it self. I want the game to grow not slow down. And what is the game really about, we must guess something about VP ?? i dont understand... maybe mp4 can get like 100k xp reset or same loreroot creatures at lvl 2 or 3maybe... or loreroot creatures lvl 2 or lvl 1 but it should have have the age it needs to be maxed... so mp4 dont have to wait that much.
  5. Happy Birthday :good:
  6. My riddle for MB quest I live in the canopy. I rarely touch the forest floor. I hang upside down all day. I move as slow as a tortoise. My hair is brown and green. I eat tree leaves. Who am i?
  7. well you can click close the window and go to the icon on your left side which shows who u have battled and who has battled u and which u won and lost... check the battle u want and click replay on it... there u can see all the hp going down and all..
  8. well.. i thought grasan can only attack when there are 2 or more creatures on the enemy side.. what must i do to get this knowledge from your hands to mine PS: i knw this doesnt come there, but i want to clarify sumthing. some people are saying the more wins u have the more stats it gives when scarificing some say its exp. but what i want to knw is when u say stats is it the attack and defence stats hehe after posting this only i got a idea how ur grasan was so strong. i can take a guess if you want. just to get confirmation for if my guess is correct you might not want others to see it. and he was the one who attacked u first right
  9. dst, were u only using a grasan? if so, what would have u done if one creature was left alive then your grasan cant attack and then i wanted to knw how come it did so much damage did ur grasan or being in mp5 gives u special abilities?
  10. [quote name='I am Bored' post='20638' date='Nov 23 2008, 12:46 AM']i think that having different mind power levels be different peices is a bit unfair, i think that all the players would become mp0 (as it currently isn't being used) and then there would be a selection of creatures that they can choose from, up to 6 creatures, all participating should have their max and current Vit set to 5k and they regen all 5k after every battle, and all types of stats in it should be set to 50 ( stats meaning the attack, defence, briskness, luck and those stats) but i think that all stats should be returned to normal afterwards, and i think that there should be a single chat for each team but each team has a cumulative AP and all of it is used when a player moves, but once the other team moves all of the team AP should be regenerated so that the game moves a bit quicker, and if a peice is defeated then they should be returned to a main lobby to watch the rest of the game but there should be a seperate lobby for each team(to prevent some things that could happen because of the result of the match, and there should be a map of where each peice is just above the navigation. AND FINALY THIS WAS MY IDEA!!! NO STEALING MY IDEAS!!![/quote] i love his idea and its more how to saw it.... more likey to happen. and yeah the reward should be small like +10 to all stats or +1000VE or +500 VP.. nothing big. for the winning side that is
  11. Omega Blade ID:99813
  12. hey, is it true that you cant set yourself as adept.. if so you guys need to put it in red letters near choosing the commander you want. for if it wasn't for this guy i would have put myself as adept and got banned.
  13. also tell them about how u gain more stats when fighting others while having big heat level. and the more exp you get
  14. also tell them about the creature exp and the total exp. so they don't get caught in the exp cap without knowing. tell them about equal wins and how to attack for positive honor.
  15. hey the directional arrows we use to move about... sometimes its hard to say which is front and which is back. inside caves the screen rotates so much i click on a arrow and i back right back to my ealier spot so i have to waste action points to again go there and choose the other arrow. any way to move understand it better?
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