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Everything posted by Angelgrave

  1. I think we should have an official "hello" gretting in MD land
  2. Hmm .. the avatar seems not to really reset after the illusion is ended.. Testing the Exp bug
  3. Actually the VE bug illusion works but it took a few hours to see my stats change.. Also the Garrasan Reinforcements works just fine for me...
  4. Reinforcement bugs? 1. Life stealers reinforcement bug [spoiler]when i got this illusion i got a water daimon and an egg that i cant use in a battle.. i thought its supposed to be an elemental and not an egg. The description says it should be elemental[/spoiler] 2. Lorerootian Archer reinforcement bug T[spoiler]This one gives you Scout and not a Lorerootian Archer but the description said it should be Lorerootian Archer[/spoiler] Maybe it's not a bug [spoiler]and you need to level up you illusion creatures normally like you do on your normal creatures. That would mean keeping the illusion for at least 3 days to level up the egg and the Scout to be an archer...[/spoiler]
  5. Life stealers reinforcement bug? when i got this illusion i got a water daimon and an egg that i cant use in a battle.. i thought its supposed to be an elemental and not an egg
  6. i think it has... but never knew waht is mandarin and what is cantonese
  7. "Title" series: Name: The Leech Possible titles: Vampiric shades, Soul Thief Descriptions example: A rare kind of shades that needs to suck life force (soul) of any living creatures to exist. Not very bright and mostly responds only for its need to feed but sentient enough to recognize and obey their lord and master. Creature reinforcements + ritual combinations: 3 level 4 Elementals + 3 max Elementals Role ideas: Playername change: Soul Thief
  8. Kumusta Ciao :drinks: Hey Salut Olá Servas Hallo Hello they all look and sounds different but the meaning are the same...
  9. Kumusta! --that's hello from my native country Philippines... would like to know how you say yours...
  10. Angelgrave ID:91094
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