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Je Suis Oeufs Fous

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Everything posted by Je Suis Oeufs Fous

  1. Who's the page stalker now, Frenchy? ;p

  2. I would as well, and I call the seat next to Mysti.
  3. Hehe. I lurk the forums -grin- It's a rarity for me to post, unless there is a need. And, thank you all, for the replies. -smile- It's nice seeing you.
  4. Awww, thanks, Luna.

    We, and me [;p], love you too!

  5. -Hugs Isolda tightly, lending his support- Illiterate lawyers are the worst. . . Worse than. . . Than. . . -cringe- SERVER PROBLEMS! -tears-
  6. They weren't working for me at all earlier. I haven't checked since.
  7. -Hugs Grido, grinning- It's our family! -Pulls Li in- Group family hug!
  8. I think the squirrels were on the last page, Li. -grin- -Looks grouchy- C'meeeeere, Liiiiii. I have something for you ;p
  9. Ah, I gotcha, Li. Well, no jokes for you period, then. ;p Oooo. Severin, is the second one correct looking? XD
  10. -Hugs around the rum- I have you know, I will never make a gin joke. Promise.
  11. -Eyes widen- Those are the coolest. Squirrels. EVER. Buuuuuut. Awwww. I kind of like Dst. Do we HAVE to get him?
  12. -Pokes the iceman-

    I am first, and therefore, I am best. I own the profile, now!

  13. Awww. Poor Li. If it's any consolation, you're not the only one. ;p
  14. -Puts his arms behind his back- Guard me, oh beautiful prison mistress? -winkwink-
  15. Says we both have too much time on our hands, Storm. -grin- I'll be back in a bit. Gotta run to the store. See you all.
  16. I love how I've managed to end up on every page of this topic. . . I really did lose my mind last night XD
  17. -Wonders what MD prision is like. . . Before he realizes that's an incentive to get sent there. . .-
  18. Poor Dst. I didn't sleep worth a darn, so don't feel bad. -pathugpat-
  19. -Scratches his head- Real life? Psh. A figment of our imaginations.
  20. Wooohooo! Okay, I'm finally going to go get in the shower. . . I've been meaning to do it for a while now.
  21. This whole being off thing has been great for my post count. Bad for my sleep, though. XD I should get in the shower. . . Hrm. Lib is makin' less sense than even I was o_o
  22. Awwww, Grido. If it's any consolation, I've not done anything either. Although. . . I have school work to do.
  23. So is anyone actually having issues getting in at the moment?
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