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About Freezeblink

  • Birthday 07/02/1996

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Another great player gone in the wind.

  2. Happy birthday Ledah! May you forever cook Bob bits on a BBQ
  3. Grr I'm starting to hate my winterless climate even more Anyway here's my submission: the bunch of flowers hiding in a lonely corner of my house. Extremely nice
  4. Giving huge amounts of xp to a non-dmg rit IS possible, with manipulation of game mechanics But anyway, since your log is full it's probably impossible to find out who did it. The only thing you can do is either move to mp4, or work for a WP. p.s. I don't see the need to make this so personal, Fenrir :/
  5. I wanna thank all the people who entertains me, even when crap starts spilling from my mouth You guys shine through my worst stormy days. (even though I try my best not to show it)
  6. Tara, try the Wix thingy, everyone seems to be trying it (including me :P)

    1. aaront222


      I have other way!

  7. A Mac hater??!? SACRILEGE!!!

  8. [quote name='Watcher' date='08 February 2010 - 12:22 PM' timestamp='1265602977' post='54046'] That statement is not entirely true, though I believe that it applies in this instance. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use While I would never rely on wikipedia as a single, creditable source, it is a decent place to begin. A common misconception about the use of copyrighted material and the concept of fair use: "[i]If you're selling for profit, it's not fair use.[/i] While commercial copying for profit work may make it harder to qualify as fair use, it does not make it impossible. For instance, in the 2 Live Crew—Oh, Pretty Woman case, it was ruled that commercial parody can be fair use." While MagicDuel does not use the music as a parody, there is at least one instance where a group who did not own the rights to specific materials was still able to profit from it. I'm sure there are many other examples out there. [/quote] WOAH just a little question, and suddenly this [b]offtopic[/b] debate pops out of nowhere....SCA--RY oO Anyway, for your convenience: Marble Dale Park: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qEn5bdhTAE&feature=player_embedded Wind's Sanctuary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=js0MiIW8UK8&feature=player_embedded Paper Cabin Balcony: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaWPduHl_j8&feature=player_embedded And there's more, go look around
  9. *throws Freeze a trout*

  10. Welcome to MD! Feel free to ask around if you need help or anything Trust me, joining this game will be one of the best things you'll ever do in your life [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img]
  11. #126
  12. Regeneration doesn't work when the crit is at full health. And the principle draining is still being finetuned, be patient...
  13. Joyeux anniversaire Tara!
  14. No he's mine hands off >:P

  15. *Waves* heyo!!!! omg cute doggie! can I take it home???

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