[quote name='Watcher' date='08 February 2010 - 12:22 PM' timestamp='1265602977' post='54046']
That statement is not entirely true, though I believe that it applies in this instance.
While I would never rely on wikipedia as a single, creditable source, it is a decent place to begin.
A common misconception about the use of copyrighted material and the concept of fair use:
"[i]If you're selling for profit, it's not fair use.[/i]
While commercial copying for profit work may make it harder to qualify as fair use, it does not make it impossible. For instance, in the 2 Live Crew—Oh, Pretty Woman case, it was ruled that commercial parody can be fair use."
While MagicDuel does not use the music as a parody, there is at least one instance where a group who did not own the rights to specific materials was still able to profit from it. I'm sure there are many other examples out there.
WOAH just a little question, and suddenly this [b]offtopic[/b] debate pops out of nowhere....SCA--RY oO
Anyway, for your convenience:
Marble Dale Park: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qEn5bdhTAE&feature=player_embedded
Wind's Sanctuary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=js0MiIW8UK8&feature=player_embedded
Paper Cabin Balcony: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaWPduHl_j8&feature=player_embedded
And there's more, go look around