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Everything posted by Jazira

  1. How long will this quest be active?
  2. Happy birthday
  3. Texas It's just me, but perhaps instead of asking 'which state do you live in', you could just ask 'where are you from' Again, just an idea
  4. I will delay the date of the first Sermons to be held one month after the Savelites have been re-instated. This will allow us more time to speak to one another and gather information on what we need for this and future sermons. It will also allow some time for those people who aren't able to get into the realm as often as others.
  5. Happy Birthday, Chewett
  6. Happy Birthday
  7. Happy Birthday
  8. Good luck and take care of yourself =)
  9. Happy belated birthday
  10. I am sorry for what I posted before. I was in a hurry and wasn't thinking clearly. As for worshipping, I agree - we will not worry with this for the moment and we will begin helping in the realm as we can. We are still doing research on many things, and holidays and such will be given considerable thought =) As far as rules go, I agree. They are more of guidelines, so for the moment they will work until we get the more finer details worked out. I suppose the only true rules that I will enforce is the helping/healing of others and training/fighting. I am still going to attempt to go around the realm and ask many people who knew Savel what they knew of him, how he helped others, what they cherished in him and other things. I do know that he helped others learn to fight and healed them, which is something I hope to help others with now.
  11. Okay. Aside from what's posted above this, I would like CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM on what we can do from here. I do care about what happened in the past, but not to the point of dragging out old arguments and getting people upset. Rhaegar may have had some good ideas and what not, some that may be expanded upon in the future. Other past leaders also had good ideas for leading the Church. But for now, I would like to restore the Savelites to something very similar to the original church before trying to change something else. edited
  12. I didn't say that you were wrong. I simply said I wouldn't keep it the way YOU wanted it. In other words, I would like it to be how SAVELFUSER wanted it. Not myself, not Marvolo, not Z or Grido...Savelfuser. He is the one it was created for. I will be doing a lot of research on him soon, some of which I have already started. My reasons should be clear by this point - It is not MY church, nor do I really want to run it. The power hungry, the insincere, those who will do anything to get what they want .. Yea, I now have to deal with all of them when before I simply turned away or watched from afar. I wonder why I wanted to do this again..? Oh yea, to keep a part of history from being torn down (in a sense) and to use the opportunity to help others. I would have thought many other like-minded people would have wanted this as well. I suppose I should simply let it disappear to alliance heaven? It's strange to think I was the only one who wanted to save it and try to turn it into something nice. Not one of the previous Savelites - Yourself included, Rhaegar - stepped up to say a word. NOT ONE PERSON until I did. Why?
  13. Rhaegar... No, I will not make the Savels as you wanted them. The Savels weren't created for you. What I'm trying to do is restore them to how they were when they were FIRST created. - except about the whole Monk thing...Though I suppose I should just get over that and change it back. I'm sorry, old friend, but is it my opinion that if something was created for a purpose, that purpose should be kept. However, I do need help in finding out exactly what that purpose was. Ideas anyone?
  14. Okay.. Here's my opinion... Leave the past where it is - IN THE PAST! -.- This shouldn't be a discussion of who did what in the past, but how to help in the present/future. That is the ONLY reason I left the topic open for suggestions. I suppose I was naive in thinking it wouldn't explode like this, but that is my fault and I apologize for not seeing what could lead to it. Now, to get back to the actual discussion - Cutler - why do you not like the Savelites Church? You did not state anything that was constructive, only that you have a problem with the Church itself.. ? As for the role and goals of the church - Wasn't Savelfuser a warrior? Did he not try to pass down knowledge of fighting? He also helped people as well. How is this different than what I am trying to do? Perhaps adding nature to it all wasn't the best thing, but it can be removed. Principles aren't set in stone either, as I am still doing research on each of them as I can. As for having the members called Monks... -.- meh, I'm a girl and as far as I know only men can be monks. If I'm wrong, let me know
  15. Sasha Ilias : "To me it has lost it's true meaning and is now just some sort of play thing to be handed around to various people. " I have tried to find some hint at what the original alliance was for, and I was unsuccessful. Perhaps I need to look harder, but if you can help me understand what it's true purpose was, I will gladly change the purpose and roles. I don't have as much time online as I used to, so I'm having to work at a slower pace. I have thought some on worship, but again, I am unsure of what the Savelites worshipped before now. I wasn't around when Savelfuser was, and when I did come to MD, I still didn't see much of the Savelites, what they did beyond healing those who were sparring, or what they worshipped. Again, if you can point me in the right direction, I'll gladly change it to that or add it in. =)
  16. [color="#FF0000"]As always, ideas and criticism are welcome, but once the talk becomes negative and unneccessary, your posts will no longer recieve any response.[/color] RULES : 1) DO NOT INVITE ANYONE INTO THE ALLIANCE! I don’t care who it is that wants in, you do not invite them. Let me know and I will invite that person. Even if it is an alliance member that you know, you are still not allowed to invite them in. This may change later as we grow, but for the next few months, inviting others will be reserved for myself only. 2) Keep a check on the forums daily. New, important changes in the alliance or homeland may occur and there should be no excuse for not knowing of them (this includes all the Bishops). 3) Loreroot is always first, no matter what is going on. Loreroot, its citizens, and everything else inside or a part of Loreroot MUST BE PROTECTED at all cost. This is our home, our friends, and where we will spend a lot of our time. If it gets destroyed, we have no one to blame but ourselves for not protecting it. 4) Training is a must. Find yourself a training partner or two that are online when you are. Don’t simply give each other wins and losses, but work towards understanding what works, what doesn’t and why it is that way. 5) Work on your sermons each week. For now, we will give one sermons a month in which we will all participate on giving. This means, we each write something related to what we do within the Church : Clerics will say something on healing, plants, creatures, etc. Paladins will say something on fighting ( RP or Creatures). Bishops will say something on helping others in all areas of what we do. I will have a ‘part’ in the Bishops sermons. 6) Get to know several of Loreroots citizens, work with them, train with them, and learn from them. They are our family and friends, our allies. There is no need to keep them distanced from us. Get to know the history of Loreroot and its alliances as well. There are important things of our history that should be known. 7) If there is a conflict between yourself and another, keep the dispute between yourselves. Try to work it out calmly and in a civilized manner. Fighting (not using creatures) should be kept to a minimum. 8) Each new member must answer a few short questions as well as go through a test. At this point in time, however, I do not have a test in place. I will be working on it shortly. 9) It is NOT required, but recommended that you become an adept and worshipper of someone within Loreroot – a citizen or an alliance member. If you become a worshipper of someone who is in another alliance, it could cause conflicts between you. 10) Help others. Always keep an eye out for anyone who may need help. Offer your assistance to the LHO members. This alliance is mostly about Roleplaying, so I expect each of you to develop your roles (in your personal papers) more clearly. It does not have to be very detailed, but you do need a clear character. Take your time doing this, as it is not required immediately. Roleplay Ideas: We could do some research on several topics : magic, creatures of LR, healing, Savelfuser, Principles related to the church and explanations of why they are related. We could also run some quests within LR to help boost the community. The first thing I would like the members to do is find training partners – someone who is online at the same time as yourselves. It could be a small group of people or only two of you. The other person does not have to be a citizen of Loreroot. You may drop your badge (leave the alliance) for a while to make things easier to train, but you are done training, you must let me know so you may be invited back into the alliance. Also, let someone know before you drop badge that you are leaving to train. Secondly, I would like you to find someone to mentor. Teach them about the game, help them with their roles, find something you can do together (quest, explore, roleplay, etc.) Just be sure not to give out the answers of the Game Quests (Berserkers Puzzle, how to defeat guards, creature combos, etc.) Third, find where you belong in the Church – do you prefer Cleric or Paladin? – and begin researching for that roles’ sermon. I think, the best method right now is to have each group work on their specific goals – for example, the Cleric would research healing, helping, plants, creatures, magic, etc. Paladins would research fighting techniques, healing, magic, etc. Bishops and the Arch Bishop would have something to say on each of those things as well as how the rest of the MD community may be able to help. You may bring in guest speakers for your part of the sermons if you wish. Be sure, however, that you dont give spoilers (yes, this is something that I will stress quite often. You cannot go and tell newbs how to to win or fight. They must figure things out on their own). Fourth – Roleplay, help others as you can, grow and help teach others. And most importantly, have fun The last thing I want to say is this : Work on your part of the sermons!! I will need to see what you have in two weeks, as I plan to give our first sermons in three to four weeks. I will provide the introduction to our sermons. Each of you work together within your respective groups to come up with a couple of paragraphs about what your group will be doing within the community. - Clerics – heal, tend to people and nature, help others - Paladins – heal, help others, protect, teach fighting techniques - Bishops, including the Arch Bishop, will end the sermons with a few more words about each group, as well as about initiates and how others might be able to help in the MD community. I require your parts of the sermons in two weeks so that I may go over it, correct any mistakes, and make sure it is easy to understand.
  17. I have recieved an agreeable offer and the trade is complete. Please close this topic.
  18. Actually, I think I will visit you at the Inn for a cup of coffee as well as a chat
  19. *smiles* Thank you for your interest. I will find you in the game so we may talk there
  20. *grins* Ah, I thought someone had placed the 2sc as a bid. But if you only want 2c, then I will be happy to lower it to 2 =)
  21. Thank you for your interest. We will ensure that no one will be kicked from the alliance unless it is for a good reason, and the person will be informed of that reason before they are kicked. (if it is approved by Firs)
  22. 3 sc for the joker
  23. As of this moment, there are two people helping me restore the Church and four who will join. There are also some who have said they would support me, even if they don't actually participate. Their support is very welcome and they have my thanks. =) This may change, or things may be added on soon. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Values : The church worships Life and Nature Principle Influences : Cyclicity , Syntrophy Purpose : To nurture any and all 'life' within the realm, not just Loreroot. We aim to help those who ask for it, and defend those who need it. We aim to reach out to the community and ensure the safety of the Lorerootian forest as well as plants found all over. Goals: 1) To provide a safe experience for people to learn to fight and defend, not simply gain wins or losses. 2) To help, heal, and defend Loreroot, people from all over the realm, and all aspects of Nature throughout the realm. 3) Provide lessons and sermons regarding Life, Nature, and different aspects of fighting. Organization : 1) Arch Bishop - The leader of the Savelites. Experience in all things, and brings matters of importance to the council for final decisions. 2) Bishops – the council members. They have experience in all related duties of the Church, and help the leader to decide matters of importance. 3) Paladins – Members who focus on the helping and teaching of the ways of fighting. 4) Clerics – Members who focus on the helping and healing of people, as well as tending to all the plants and forests 5) Initiates – Those who wish to join, but must yet prove themselves able to follow the rules of the King, Loreroot, and the Church. All members and initiates will be required to give a sermons each month. The sermon will be based on their expertise, whether it be on Nature and Healing, or Fighting and Defending, or all aspects of the church for the Initiates. Bishops will provide a sermons that may regard all or only one aspect of the Church. Sermons, or teachings, may start being held only once a month, but once there are more members, it could be moved to twice a month. Members are encouraged to learn self-defense and creature fighting techniques, but fighting (as in arguing or ‘loud’ disagreements) should be kept near to a minimum. Pride, bravery, or just the desire to fight and argue should be set aside when joining the Savelites. We are here to help others grow. Fight to defend others and yourself. We worship Savelfuser, the Great Ghost and original founder of the Savelites Church. He was a great fighter and protector. He taught and healed, and was well respected as a whole. He had large amount of followers and worshippers during his time. We will always keep him in our memories and thoughts. He also led the Savelites to in an attempt to research and find missing artifacts within Loreroot.
  24. Ah, I remember why I created the new character. I am stuck in Story Mode and can't go any further XD So, I decided to try new directions in the Story ^_^

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