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Everything posted by Jazira

  1. IMO: But if he takes the Story out, he'd be taking away a part of MD's History. He could possible keep it as such, to show a story that happened long ago, but shows it through the players eyes instead. I dont know, just a thought I just hope he doesn't take the Story Mode out of the game. It's very interesting, to say the least, and I'd love to continue it (under construction for me too )
  2. *pounces and knocks Storm over* Flicking is all very well, but Pouncing does a much better job, dont you think? *grins* I didnt know Storm had a sister. Nice to meet you, Esmerelda! (Cant keep up with much if I cant play as often as I wish )
  3. Happy belated birthday
  4. *pounces* ^_^ First comment!

    Welcome to MagicDuel ^_^

  5. Invitation accepted. Thank you very much, to everyone for allowing me to join you. (off topic : Thank you. I missed everyone too)
  6. Hello. I'd like to join the GotR Alliance. I may not be as active as I once was, but I would still like to do what I can for Loreroot (and MD ). I am not sure how much I am able to help, but I will always offer my assistance with whatever matter needs it. I would like to join the Guardians, because I feel it is the only alliance of which I belong.
  7. Jazira


    Always good advice
  8. On Topic : I believe Vasilius needs to be reported to Calyx. I remember him being reported once before by myself. Freezeblink knows the rules, so I do not know why he disobeyed them now. Off Topic : I will peek into the Realm everyone once in a while, but I will not be able to hold any positions of any sort. I will not be able to play much at all anymore Edit : I have edited the list of offenders to include all listed above this post.
  9. I would like the Dojo Staff members, as well as Trainees, to start using this forum more often. It will help keep track of who's been messaged and how many times. If they've been messaged twice, by two different people, and they do not know of it, how can that person be reported? I may not have the authority I once had, but this should not be a one person operation. Please start posting the names here and keeping up with them.
  10. Jazira


    Yay! I'm back...sort of. My husband still does not want me to play in this Realm, after what happened, but I will still keep up with what is going on, if I can. Thank you for the post, Ibruzu and Phantasm In response to most of the posts here : As for the hacker, it was Cain Baneheart and I suspected it was him when he said certain things, like asking me if I could forgive the hacker for happened. My answer was no, of course. The flag was the first mark for me, when I saw it. Phillipines, same as his. I couldn't go on that alone, because there are many people from there, as well as it could be a wrong IP or whatever you want to call it. Either way, he did not change my password. I did. I had Mur change it, but before either myself or the hacker could retrieve it, I changed all my passwords on my old email accounts, changed the personal information, then deleted them. I have new accounts, but I will not be as free with them as I had been before. Blackwood forest, I do not know how to do a lot of things, and even if I did, I have friends here in this realm who could do just as much as the internet provider. Besides, what good would it do? He has a different internet provider than me, and was only accessing my account. I had poor passwords and easy to guess questions on my emails. (not anymore though ) In my emails (hotmail AND yahoo) the hacker got into, I had kept everything, like the idiot that I am. Passwords and all sorts of other things that could give him answers. Never again will I be that stupid. I have Kaspersky. I believe it was only my emails that got compromised, not the computer. When my husband got home that day, he ran a few virus/spyware scans and nothing came up. The person does not know me in real life, or I would probably have known it from the start. Again, my passwords were mostly easy, or were stored in an email. Czez, it was the real Me who asked you to post in the forums. I do not think hacker Cain Baneheart, hater of Dojo Staff, would ask that of you. It was a double login, as stated. I logged in first, then seeing that I was online, he logged in as well on my account. Unfortunately for him (fortunately for us) he did not think about the IP address associated with our accounts and that gave another clue as to who he was. Along with the screenshots I had taken of what passed between myself and the hacker, and the IP addresses recorded with my MD and Forum account, we were able to pin him down.
  11. You're welcome
  12. You must first buy the list from the MD Shop. Then, as you click on a person's name to view stats, you will see the option to add that person
  13. I would also like to return to being balanced, for I have more than 1100 losses, and just over 500 wins. I am not sure if this training will remain as you intend it, but you have my support and participation - when I am not needed elsewhere
  14. Alright. Thank you
  15. No, I have not given it out. If I had, I would know who has done this and wouldnt be posting
  16. I, too, offer my assistance. I would like to see this new training ground grow
  17. Not sure if this is the right place for this or not I have been away for a few days due to RL circumstances, and during that time, someone from the Phillipines had accessed my account and continued my Story - a choice was made that I would not have chosen. No spells were cast, thankfully. New messages have been read; no outgoing messages, unless they've already been read. I have 2 creatures that I did not have before, but I do not think I've lost any older creatures. My equipped armor has been changed. Other than that, nothing has been changed (dont know about the win/loss, but that doesnt matter much to me) Edit : Just checked my inventory. I am missing a silver coin. It doesnt matter much to me, but thought I would post that as well
  18. Jazira

    making a pause

    *pouts and hugs him* We'll miss you lots... Take care and come back in one piece!
  19. Currently, we are accepting more Trainees, so of course there are 'spots' available. Hope to see you in game soon
  20. Happy Belated Birthday
  21. Jazira

    I'm back!

  22. The second link in the Free Credits list is not working. We can get the free credit from clicking on it, but the page itself does not open.
  23. Thanks for the Mother's Day post :lol:
  24. Jazira

    I'm back!

    We've finished moving and now have internet back But, I will not be online as much as I used to be. Also, just wanted to say that I missed every one *hugs all*
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