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Everything posted by Jazira

  1. Well, as stated in the original post, there would be contest for each MP level, including 3. So only MP3 can attack MP3, MP4 only attack MP4, and so on. I think Alliances shouldnt count, meaning that MP's cannot attack above or below their own Mind Power regardless of whether or not the persons are in an alliance. Edit : Sorry, didnt fully read the last post...Perhaps having MP3's state which alliance they would like to be part of, and have this written in their logs so that they may participate. Also, the Alliances should probably accept them before hand, as well so there are no conflicts.
  2. Sounds interesting
  3. Hello hello hello B) Going good, Cryxus Yes, we've met a few times, Udgard :lol:
  4. *laughs* Thanks Frostas
  5. Syntrophy Principle may be better, but I still like my idea too *grins* As for restrictions and prices, I havent the slightest clue, but I'm open for suggestions. What about Property Deeds for the Inn keepers? I know there's the Root of the Matter Inn in Loreroot, and another Inn at the sanctuary, but I dont know who owns them. Also, keys for the rooms in the Inn can be given to the people who stay there, and can give the keys back when they leave. Although that's probably already been thought of.
  6. Hiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!
  7. :lol: I have to agree with letting MD know :lol: As for dying.... I dont wanna die...But, if I had to, I'd choose the painless route.
  8. Stupid question... what kind of Magical Arts? Spell scrolls that RPC's use? Or Role Play Magical Arts..? Sorry, I can be dumb sometimes lol
  9. *searches the Say Hello forums* Nope. This is my first Hello Topic Although, I have replied to others who said hello
  10. I like the idea of another school as well
  11. Just saying Hello to everyone [size=7]Hiiiiiii!! [/size]
  12. We'd love to have you onboard the MDNP, Willem
  13. Congrats and Welcome to MP4
  14. *tries to think of good restrictions and prices...*
  15. Happy Birthday Gargant!!
  16. Happy Birthday Even if it's a bit late
  17. Sorry, I didnt mean usable as in VE, just RPing I dont remember who said it, and for some reason cant find it now, but it there was an idea of actually using items : a silver bar is used, and the silver bar is not whole anymore, or if its completely used, is gone. Like wise, if a vial of blood/potion were used, the vial would be either half empty or completely empty. I agree with this idea, because it makes room for more interesting ideas, to see who can make what with the limited items we have already. ((As for the healing blood again - there is one last restriction on it. You have to get the blood as close to the 'patient's' heart as possible so it can be pumped to all regions of the body. It's usually only used for dire cases Too God-Modd-ish? ))
  18. I have a few questions regarding inventory items. I've noticed that there are plenty of things floating around that could possibly make potions and such. Are there vials, pots, and such floating around as well? If so, and potions could be made, would the potions be able to be used? My character is a shapeshifter/elementalist, and my Hearts' Blood (blood that is literally from my heart) can cure basically anything within seconds, no matter the wound or illness. There are restrictions to it, though. It can only be made that way with a certain venom which is fairly lethal to dragons, but can only be obtained from my Draiken form (tip of the tail). Mix it with my Hearts' Blood and you get a very powerful 'Healing Potion'. It is not proven to heal Darkened Souls (regarding a tale with SilverBlades and Mainnalle D Ashkera), and the heart must be still beating when it is administered. Otherwise, you'd get a rather ugly sight...My last question. Would such a thing as this be able to be a usable Inventory Item, like a potion?
  19. *pounces on Intrigue* Gah. Cant believe you got in the first pounce...AGAIN!!!


  20. Muffins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Are they Blueberry? Blueberry is my favorite ^_^

    Oh...Hi *grins*

  21. Happy Birthday
  22. Jazira


    Hmmm I have two names I use regularly on the internet. Shenna Rai, which means Sun Rise in her language, and Jazira, which is just a pretty name
  23. Jazira I am natuarally curious, so exploring sounds fun. I can shapeshift as well as use elemental magic, and heal others, even at a cost to myself. I could be quite useful on a dangerous expedition. My elemental magic can keep us safe at times, and my shapeshifting can either scare off predators and get us out of sticky situations, as well as become something small to fit in small area's if needed. *grins* Please consider me, if nothing else. Edit : Sadly, I must withdraw from this expedition, as I may be leaving soon. I do not know how long I will be gone, but it may be long enough to keep me from going on this expedition.
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