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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. Zleiphneir is in Savelites? what happened after Grido took control???
  2. GotR are gone...? omg... i refuse to follow foreign dictators Grido, i don't believe in your "reforming the church" plans, you took the Church in time of war, broke the agreement, and forgive me for not having faith in you
  3. hail fellow Lorerootians!!! due to aggression of the Golemus alliance, Savelites Church was left to burn... i wish to join Guardians of The Root, unless Savelites Church is reformed i ask you to think about my request. if you can, answer me in the game by mail if you need to make tests or whatever you wish
  4. Loreroot for the Lorerootians it is our decision who we choose as our king, if GG establishes their puppet as king of Loreroot, no one will respect him/her (queen then ) altought i dont know all the reasons for the war, i see main one is "not good king", which i think is silly... why do you care who is our king? is this war made so you can gain war glory Yrth? and btw, you declared war to step aside Raven as our king, ok, but i see this is not precise warfare, this is turning out as total war... Grido took over the Savelites, and basicly disband it, guess now they are making sub-alliance of GG
  5. I said threat, not you in the person Pirate Take you crew and send it away from Savelite Church, altought you respected treaties of the Savelite Church, we will never have sympathies for you, you and your pirate scum invaded OUR land You thought you came to weak alliance, full of inactives and you're gonna get your ransom, sorry but that's not the case here Take your empty threats elsewhere
  6. The Pirate Lord threat has been eliminated, glory to the Savelites! FIRE AND BLOOD!!!!
  7. yep, am at GG now... will notify you all when i get out, with LHO status i hope
  8. atm, i am training for LHO, so i am not able to be at the dojo till this thing is resolved
  9. sounds great (btw, i will notify you with the exact time when i will be avaible next month)
  10. i was just suggesting... well, if there is no problem and you think i meet all the requirements, when can i start?
  11. what i ment was, having several dojoes, makes lack of players in each of them i think only one dojo should be up for training, Marble Dale Park would be my choice
  12. i dont know what are there already rules 'bout this, but i was thinking one dojo for each mp maybe...? cause, if we have many dojos for all MPs, that will only create lack of players at each dojo, then its better to have only one dojo for training
  13. I live in one-hour-before-server time when I finish my duties for school and other things, i'm free to help [color="#ff0000"]Please give us a better idea of when you are usually available. We have no idea of your school schedule. — Calyx[/color] sorry by the end of the month, i will be available from 8-12 AM next month, 14-17,18 and many times around 20-22 server time of course
  14. so... how about that war a?
  15. well, i was thinking of ingame-scripts... like, i dunno, if they have non-aggresion pact, every attack should result breakment of that agreement... but if they want to fight for practice, they will do something that wont interupt the agreement hehe thats just an example... cause many new members of alliances dont know with which alliance his alliance has an agreement
  16. hehe, moj je prvi koment!!!

    lepa slika ;)

  17. well, that was just a thought i hoped that you people would work this out, make my idea better etc. i would love to see more complex "alliance wars" and im not talking only about wars between alliance, im talking about introducing diplomacy overall between alliances...
  18. i have several ideas... first, how about a contest between alliances, for example: 1 "hero" of alliance for each mind power VS. 1 "hero" of another alliance same MP the contest would have knockout system (quarter,semi finals, etc.) the prize: wining alliance gets bonus stats to its members second, how about check points introduced in no mans land, alliance get to somehow conquer checkpoint and get larger homeland (or similar, plz if you like the idea lets work this out), minor bonus boost for each one conquered... maybe each province (loreroot for example) will be devided in several sectors controled by several alliances... fight for all teritorys maybe...? or federation made by them?? it gets in plenty new stuff, and gets alliances more important i believe, or just more fun
  19. Jubaris


    hmmm... my name comes from a character from a book "A song of ice and fire" it should have been Prince (not princ :S ) Rhaegar, but on my language its spelled princ and i was in a hurry, testing the game it stayed, and there you go... i also use Vyseris nickname very often... my real name is Jovan
  20. im locating all of our alliance members :)

  21. didnt work on my profile...

    will set everything right in few minutes :D

  22. hey! well yea, i will work on it :)

  23. Jubaris

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