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Phantom Orchid

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Phantom Orchid last won the day on November 10 2017

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About Phantom Orchid

  • Birthday 01/19/1989

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    Phantom Orchid

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  1. I made a three of swords card last night - thinking of my friends :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. purplebunny


      if you're serious PM me xx

      Every reading is different (apart from one that i recall for the same person) but won't bore you with that at the moment. So yes different things still get my focus and attention in the Tarot depending on who I am reading for or what the reading is for. Also because each deck is different, there is slight variations with each deck. As well as whether it is upright or reversed, the connection it has to the surrounding cards and of course the layout.

    3. Tarquinus


      I call that card "the Heartbreaker". That term has many meanings to me, and the card is significant in my life in ways that cannot be briefly summarized.

    4. purplebunny


      feel free to PM me about it Tarquinus I'd love to hear your story if you wish to share.

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