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Aleph Null

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Everything posted by Aleph Null

  1. "All of us have two lifes. The other one starts when we realise we only have one."
  2. "There is nothing permanent except change."
  3. 117
  4. This is too hard... Grido, promise that it isnt some hard english word? Like "shuttlecock"... Arms?
  5. Ampulla
  6. [img]http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/6475/41698836.png[/img] Anthos
  7. Adolf
  8. all
  9. Aura
  10. Air
  11. Accessory (Amoeba!! )
  12. Alcohol
  13. Na szczęście ona nie! :D But she does use computer and her room, so it doesn't matter. I hope my laptop will be home soon. :/

  14. Ja jestem dobry. Mój laptop zepsuł więc używam komputera mojej siostry.

  15. Mogę mówić polski! :D

  16. haha, a mrzelo me da pisem koje sve interese... :P

  17. Argh!! Im so jealous! When next gathering will be?.. *looks at train schedule to Bucharest*
  18. Happy birthday Udgard and MRD.
  19. Thanks for the coffee! :D

  20. :DD ne brini, dobar sam bio, Sage mi skuvala kafu lol i cak sam otisao da pocistim sto su ovi neki bili povracali i iskritikovao ih kako ih nije sramota u Svetoj sumi tako nesto da rade... i odneo u kanti to u wc bacio... (znaci, majko moja...)

  21. hahahahaha

    Ma cuti.... vinjak...

  22. xD haha

    Jooj, preksinoc sam ladno dosao u def. tower i reko im da ih volim... (rofl)

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