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  1. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Asterdai in Song Contest   
    Elvis' In The Ghetto-------> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n3ebuL1cPA

    turned into:

    In Necrovion

    As the wind blows
    On a hot and clear MD mornin
    A poor little baby shade is born
    In Necrovion

    And his mama cries
    cause if theres one thing that she dont need
    Its another hungry shade to feed
    In Necrovion

    Players, dont you understand
    The shade needs a helping hand
    Or he'll grow to be an evil sentinel some day

    Take a look at you and me
    Are we too blind to see
    Do we simply turn our heads
    And click the other arrow

    Well the realm turns
    And a hungry little shade with a wilted rose
    Plays on the ground as the dry desert blows
    In Necrovion

    And his hunger burns
    So he starts to roam the desert at night
    And he learns how to steal
    And he learns how to fight
    In Necrovion

    Then one night in desperation
    The young shade breaks away
    He opens the gate, starts a war
    Tries to run, but he dont get far
    And his mama cries

    As a crowd gathers round an angry young shade
    Face down on the ground as it starts to fade,
    In Necrovion

    And as her young shade fades,
    On a hot and clear MD mornin,
    Another little baby shade is born
    In Necrovion
    And his mama cries

    So...yeah [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img]
  2. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Burns in Rituals Not Set To Defend   
    that happens when you run out of rituals set to defend, yes

    when no more specified defences are left, the last ritual you set without ticking the box will be chosen
  3. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Peace in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    [quote]Furthermore, for Peace to state that "all mentally ill people should be locked up" is completely uncaring and ignorant. While I realize this is a game, attitudes like that do far more harm than anything else. Mental illness is a [u]real illness[/u], not something that one should be locked away for and punished because of it. Mentally ill people should receive various therapies and treatments--including medication if needed, yes--but not "locked away" and cared for poorly because they do not behave as another believes they ought. Whether it is Peace or her player saying this makes little difference: it is ugly and thoughtless in either case.[/quote]

    By all means, dear Watcher do not take this a personal attack to mentally ill people in general. It is not like this at all. This statement was only within the terms of MD. I do not care if one is demented or not, that is his/her problem and role if they chose to do this. But this is not the first time I saw Adam getting out of line and also insulting people badly. Whether it was in the chat or in PMs, PLs or even recently forum status.

    I have associated with mentally ill people and very closely I must say. I know how much patience and understanding one needs to get along and help that person in any way. Trust me I do.

    But in the case of Adam and MD I find it fitting to have a place for people who are rather disturbed and can harm others.

    Prison is a place only for bug exploiters, bad language or whatever? Why is that? I always thought that prison was a place for a person to stay there and change as a 'punishment' for what he has done.

    I could reduce his time there if that would please you, but I will not change my mind on this. Throw rocks at me, talk bad about me or whatever but this is my opinion and I stick to it.

    P.S. If I place him there for Jazira's account abuse, for the alt abusing, for the multiple forum account abusing and others that I won't call names, would it make you all happier.
  4. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Shadowseeker in Best Captchas   
    Udgard, your pics were all deleted

    isn't this funny?
  5. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Low-Leveling   
    For me...this is how it is:

    MP3 is a level for learning
    MP4 is an RP level
    MP5 is a fighting level...the ultimate fighting level actually as defined

    So...forcing MP levels seems like a total change to the system as a whole for me. A change that makes the system more automated and functionally processed which, if thats where it is going, is a good idea, but from the perspective of a role player isn't such a great idea. I suppose it really depends how you view the game. For me, as most are aware, its a no simply because I don't like the enormous cocky attitude and arrogance that resonates within the fighting system ruining the RP for me, and (sorry if i misinterpret here but...) not having enough people to batter doesn't seem like a good enough reason to me. However, if the game is indeed to become a more automated system then RP has little to do with that factor and as such this idea is a viable one.

  6. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    im glad also but osorry for laz
  7. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    I'm glad the issue has been resolved, thanks Mya.
  8. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    there everythings solved is everyone happy??

    close this post plz its worthless trash in history now

    i know this is a little off topic but on the bottom on the thread theres an add that says are you a redneck? click here to find out

    [color="#FF0000"]Its called using the EDIT button[/color]
  9. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    wow im proud of him and thnx laz
  10. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    there not rre ive seen 4 or 5 ppl with the item^^
  11. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Metal Bunny in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    We need to have a separate section in the forum where these kinds of things (non-payment of items, creatures or currency and other fraudulent behaviour when it comes to trading)

    Because.. this kinda isn't what general topic is for? General topic means general stuff, which encompasses basically stuff that is happening in MD, not a single incident concerning 2 parties which in total consist no more than, what? 3 people?

    Also, I really couldn't care less what happened here, whereas I generally read and am interested in what is written in the general topic.
    Don't get me wrong, should I ever be the victim of fraudulent behaviour, I'll scream murder death kill, it's just that since I am just a third party and I don't have the power to investigate and I always enforce precautions to keep fraud to a minimum, it really doesn't bother me.
  12. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Granos in Adepts Counter   
    Yeah I have the same problem.. I think this would be a nice addition--mainly because I'm lazy...
  13. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    Redneck, I am to understand that you as a player are very young. I recall you having issues with your scanner but that being the case, you should not have accepted such a task of producing the artwork that was requested nor payment for it.

    I do not think you are entirely a bad person, but I am aware that everyone tries to get away with something at some point in their lives. If you had been paid in an item and found that you could not do the artwork that was requested because of varying circumstances, you should have spoken to Sparrhawk about it sooner rather than remaining silent about it until I offered Sparrhawk and Mya to do some of the artwork.

    I most certainly do not mind doing the art for the Lorerootian trophies, but given your past history in the Artisans and had I realized that you were the person Sparrhawk had hired, I would have warned him against it sooner.

    The very least you should do is try to find Lazarus and speak to him about the item, or compensate in another way because whether it is intended or not the drachorn scales that were traded away are at this point considered stolen. Sadly I do not know what the value of drachorn scales are, but I would imagine that they are considered a rare item.
  14. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
  15. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Sparrhawk in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    Producing iswhat was payed for is no longer viable it was needed by a specific time, The issue has not been resolved yet.. I am unsure how it will be yet but we shall see.
  16. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    As for having the least ammount of reputation points, I hold the title and you are not even close to what I have. Or lack of.

    As for rednecks judgement, shall we hold a court hearing?
  17. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    i will repay him maybe in a different item idk
  18. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    There's an edit button. Really, triple post?

    Oh, and if you want +rep, do something constructive to everyone and be generally friendly :/
  19. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    yeah your a worthless slattern but sparr knows i am not we have became close friends

    my apologies goes out to firsanthalas ><

    wow ppl spam my rep on that thats kinda showing you dont thanbk me for atleast saying im sorry

    [color="#0000FF"]Sometimes I think I am talking to the walls.
  20. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    well me and sparr have worked this out he has juts be an A-hole and not a very good king to argue with me and bring stuff up like this

    i have many friends that know how i act when im not trying to piss someone off or just be lkike laz,*laughs* i like to piss on and piss off kings like firs that lieks ot bring up stuff that isnt neccisary
  21. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    he is no dfferent than anyone else who cares if hes a damn king i could care less hell he aint bossing me aorund he can boss his lil minyons all he wants but hes not me

    and plz spam my rep i want to have the most damn neg rep ever so i can go down in extreme magicduel history
  22. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Grido in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    no and i dont think anything to that end was said, but it does mean that in loreroot matters, he has every right to do this
  23. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    just cuz hes king doesnt mean he is everything and he is no different then anyone else
  24. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    shouldnt you let me and sparr figure this pout?? and you keep your own nose in your own buisness cause you dont know what my life is like
  25. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from dst in 4 Wp Creature   
    [quote name='dst' date='02 December 2009 - 01:49 PM' timestamp='1259779775' post='48940']
    @Malaikat Maut: and I have 24 with almost 600 active days. So my ratio is better.

    And there is the other issue:if the stakes are high enough WPs might be trade/sold/etc. I don't want to see that.

    And I have 4 WP's in 86 days which beats dst's ratio [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img]

    I actually like the idea of this creature. It's not like its 4 wp's per creature, it would be 1 per unique creature and 3 to unlock upgrading tiers (One time use). It would motivate more people to completing if not starting more quests and becoming perhaps more active (Only downside is I have to beat more people for my WP's). Wishpoints cannot be sold/traded anyways so you are not going to see that occur and if you do, the parties involved will not get away with it without a punishment. I voted yes.
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