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Sephirah Caelum

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Everything posted by Sephirah Caelum

  1. I agree with Orlando Gardiner. And...about the Interim quest...I lost the poem...
  2. X-mas contribution made by me and Mortis [url="http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AQNWZ8RjgnODZGNxbmdoazJfNTE1Yzd6cHpnNzY&hl=pt_BR"](roleplayed)![/url]
  3. I choose # [size="7"][color="#800080"]85[/color][/size].
  4. Greetings queen Peace!

  5. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='06 December 2009 - 03:24 PM' timestamp='1260113072' post='49300'] Its not fair what i do now, but i am writing this article as a conclusion of my own, so you have a base for what to "attack" http://md-archives.com/articles/161/1/Signs-of-entropy/Page1.html Please use this forum thread for argumenting/debating. Like i say there, the discussion is still open, i hope you can bring me proof and arguments to change my mind and prove me wrong...only in this way i can perfect it. (this is the exact text i currently plan to use in the book so some things might sound related to text that are not in that article) [/quote] Let me get this straight ... " A part of our life is syntropic, while the other part is entropic. The bridge between the two parts of our lives happens at around 25 years but depends on person. In the second half of our lives everything is goverend by entropy, we degrade and we die eventualy. Syntropy and Entropy happen in [u]separate time intervals[/u] of our lives. " As I do not know to talk with numbers I'm sending this (Hope you understand ) Example: A person is sick, then this in a state of Entropy, and when s/he heals returns to the state of Syntropy. Correct? But what if the disease is incurable but not fatal, then the person will live. What happens? A state of entropy, symtropy or a coexistence of both? Funny: [url="http://www.dali-gallery.com/images/thumb/_1960_28.jpg"]The Maids-in-Waiting (Las Meninas)[/url]
  6. [font="Arial Black"][/font][size="4"][/size]Very nice vid Grido! [center][/center]
  7. Enough to see the white ceiling and sleeping in bed outlet. Here we are waiting for you, girl! Come back soon ...;

    (Sorry if I'm being nosy)

  8. Lord Inquisitor I won principles, and increased that I had: Time Principle Darkness Principle Principle of Light Principle of Imagination Principle of Enthropy Element Principle Principle of Cyclicity Transposition Principle
  9. Happy birthday, but I don't have diamonds!

  10. Mister Grido, who are you?

  11. [quote name='Grido' date='04 November 2009 - 04:57 PM' timestamp='1257353865' post='46600'] If due to the recent changes to the Archers you have more than the appropriate amount of principles, please put your name down here with which principles you gained. Bare in mind that Mur can remove them anyway, so best you say which ones to lose rather than them being picked for you. [b][u]List[/u][/b]; [/quote] I got this: Principle of Imagination
  12. That's the link! Hello Emerald!!!!

  13. Sephirah Caelum

    Pirates Quest

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