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Everything posted by Redd

  1. Redd

    WTS GG

    [size="3"][font="Arial Black"]Deal Done. Please close topic..[/font][/size] (PS: I have another one with roughly the same stats. I'll only sell it for 60 creds, though.. pm me if interested..)
  2. Redd

    WTS GG

    heh, just got informed that the deal I was opting for got cancelled. Therefore there won't be any need for this sale. So from now on, I'm only going to accept credits. (50+) Bidding ends indefinitely. @dst.. terribly sorry for wasting your time..
  3. Redd

    WTS GG

    Bidding will end in 2 weeks. Also, if someone is willing to offer a windy, I'll be glad to add stuff.. BTW, also accepting untokened GG + difference..
  4. Redd

    WTS GG

    @DST Probably 10+ GC. @Baiano I forgot to add that I won't accept tokened crits either. Edited first post..
  5. Redd

    WTS GG

    I have a GG drach, id 47xxxx , 314 age(as of day 363) with the ff tokens: Claw I/II Blooddrop I/II/III Stardust Antifreeze Blackdiamonds Gold Tear Selling for CREDITS. But other convincing offers may do. (50+ creds) Also accepting: Untokened GG + difference Wind drach (I'll be adding stuff for these. pm me for my offer) Will NOT accept rusry/rein anymore.. And also not accepting tokened crits. CURRENT OFFER: 50 creds --> Mighty Pirate Bidding Ends: 16-Jan
  6. Balance. One your honor drops to -500 (commonly due to too much wins), you won't be able to gain exp/wins for your crits.. It is also sometimes used for quests. But very rarely..
  7. 20sc for both marksmen (10sc ea.)
  8. Toxic endurance potion has the following effect description, >> ...Maximum vitality permanent increased by min 200 points or 2% of your current Max Ve. Defence increased by min 1 or 2% of your current, whatever is greater. This potion is toxic, all current vitality will be lost when you will use this potion! However, bought one just now and it only gave me 200 ve and 1 def, which was the old boost. I should have gotten more than that since it clearly stated 'whichever is greater'...
  9. in-game/forum name : Redd KoB member
  10. Imperial Aramor ID 534496 - 10sc Pimped Grassan ID 611694 - 5sc Pimped Grassan ID 611703 - 2sc And if nobody likes the agiens, 3sc each..
  11. [quote name='Anilu' date='31 May 2010 - 09:11 AM' timestamp='1275264692' post='60655'] Yes I know, but sometimes it does mess up and it does not want to give the entire log. But otherwise, thanks for all for the other information. It has defintiely answered everything i wanted to know. [/quote] Maybe you're talking about the combat replay? The one you can acces from the battle log when you click 'replay'? The combat results window there doesn't show the log. You can get the complete log by waiting for the battle to finish in the 'combat action' window (the one that shows the creat icons), CTRL+A, then copy-paste in a notepad..
  12. Redd

    Cats Or Dogs?

    Dogs! They're bigger, can beat the crap out of cats, and sits when you tell them to. And they don't trigger asthma. Plus, for some reason, my dogs know how to hunt rats, so I oculdn't ask for more.. [quote name='Burns' date='24 May 2010 - 12:25 AM' timestamp='1274628335' post='60262'] litter... box...? You mean, you take an animal and imprison it in a house? Yuck! Shame on you! Cats and dogs need trees and grass and sand and everything, if you force them to live on hard ground and sofas, they are not cats anymore... then they're moving teddy bears at best, just sleeping, eating, and occassionally purring when you scratch their ears -.- [/quote] I agree. But some people don't have backyards, you know..
  13. Deal Cancelled. If anyone is interested, just pm me.. PLEASE CLOSE TOPIC
  14. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='20 May 2010 - 12:16 PM' timestamp='1274325375' post='60078'] Wikipedia has like...supermods >> Seriously, change a page and come back 5 minutes later >> [/quote] Is that supposed to be a compliment to wiki, or a sarcastic remark?
  15. [quote] Someone attacks the remains, but leaves it with only 200 VE. If another person attacks you, it should skip Rit2 and use Rit1. But if I'm wrong, sorry. I haven't tested it, because I've never had this problem >> [/quote] Its also been a while since I tested this, but I'm pretty sure that this assumption is wrong. Rit1 can be used, but it would count as auto-assigned(With the 'too low vitality, auto-assigning' prompt). All other rits before Rit1 can also be activated by chance, if there are any.. I'm not 100% sure with this, though.. EDIT: Tested it just now.. Yea, it auto-assigns and neglects other rituals. And I rememebered that this happens everyday at the GGG..
  16. One possibility is that the crit in your def rit's VE is reduced to less than 301 without unbinding the rit. This commonly happens with remains. Ex. You have a remains on def and was hit by lifesteal. This won't unbind your def since lifesteal will (usually) leave atleast 1 VE. That would cause your def to auto assign for the next fights until your remains has regained the 301 ve requirement.. An indicator of this is for the active defense(the one which appears as not working) to have a loss count. Win count is also possible but not probable. This could also be possible even if your active def has no win/loss count. That will need a longer explanation, though..
  17. Bump Closing in 10 hours if there are no more offers..
  18. I have a GG drach, id 47xxxx , 70 age with the ff tokens ClawII Blooddrop I/II/III Stardust Antifreeze I want to trade it for a rein or rusty, preferably untokened. I prefer a rein, I'll add coins if neccessary.. PM me for offers.
  19. Redd


    Couple 40 init and 6x morale means a rit with 6 of that said crit will hit first everytime. Add full tokens and its other aura, then I think its enough to overthrow drachs.. Or atleast to defend from a drach rit.. So I don't really agree on that part where you remove the influence of crit boost to init.. But yea, initiative should be balanced.. 1/100 sounds good..
  20. Your profile page is open so hiding your other principle values is futile..
  21. 3sc for the scout
  22. EDIT: Great! Redd : 174618
  23. Got it, thanks^^ I think this can be closed now..
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