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Sasha Lilias

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Everything posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. It is sad to hear that you are leaving, even if it may be only for a short time. I feel honoured that I was able to take part in things with you, and hope that you realise we will all be here for you when you decide to come back. Have a fun time and don't let college or work put stress on you! Lots of Love ~Sasha Lilias~(and Co.)<---- Quoted from Zleip
  2. Seeing as my Avi would seem to be the more difficult one to draw I am not going to accept a no as an answer for payment. (: You work far to hard to go unrewarded, although I know your reward could be seen as seeing the pleasure others get from your amazing drawing skills. Due to this I am going to pay you a MINIMUM of three gold for the drawing(when/if done)and most likely more. Thank you for all the hard work you have, and are, putting into all your drawings for others. ~Sasha Lilias~
  3. [color="#FF0000"][size="4"]Highest bids: Phear; 27sc(#1) & Child; 25sc(#2) [/size][/color] [color="#0000FF"][size="4"]Edit: 42hr non-bid closing deadline. (:[/size][/color]
  4. As the title says, I wish to sell two Santa's(Or trade). [color="#0000FF"][i][u]Santa 1:[/u][/i] Age:69 Tokens: Onyx Fangs, Blood Drop I, Blood Drop II, Stardust, Gold Tear and Black Diamonds = 6 Heat: 16500 ID: 695892[/color] [color="#00FFFF"][i][u]Santa 2:[/u][/i] Age: 64 Tokens: Dark Shield, Dark Sky, Blood Drop I, Blood Drop II, Stardust and Black Diamonds = 6 Heat: 15459 ID:698002[/color] [color="#FF0000"]Highest bid wins and bidding will end in one week.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color="#FF0000"]NOW SELLING!:[/color] [color="#800080"]Name: Apparition Archer Type: BloodPact Age: 79 Tokens: Claw I, Emerald Glare, Jewel Shards, Fire Drop, Dark Shield, Onyx Fangs, Gold Belt, Sunshine, Blood Drop I, Blood Drop II, Stardust and Black Diamonds = 12 Heat: 420477 ID: 694930 [/color] ~~~~~~ [color="#DDA0DD"]Name: Ghostly Arrow Dancer Type: Sharptear Age: 79 Tokens: Black Diamonds, Claw I, Claw II, Emerald Glare, Kelle'tha Fire, Purpur Moon, Purpur Fog, Jewel Shards, Blood Drop I, Onyx Fangs and Stardust = 11 Heat: 212749 ID: 702002 [/color] [color="#FF0000"](Bidding will go on longer for BP+SHARPTEAR, Santa bid time stays the SAME!)[/color] [color="#FF0000"][size="4"] Highest bids: Child; 35sc[2gc 5sc](Santa 2) Jason; 30sc[2gc](Santa 1) Alyon; 30sc [2gc](BloodPact) Xrieg; 15sc[1gc] (Sharptear)[/size][/color]
  5. I would like to ask wether you could draw me this: A young lady, in a long flowing dress,the neck in the shape of a V and an hourglass pendent around her neck.She should have long hair which flows as her dress does, as if in water. To the right of her chest she holds, with both hands, a harp with a strange bone like appearence, though beautiful at the same time. Here comes the part I think could become tricky. The ghost should have an almost transparent look to it, as if you could see through to the other side. Also if possible she should be hovering a foot or so above the ground, a very faint shadow beneath her, like light passing through steam. I would like all this whilst keeping all details of the Lady. It would be amazing to see an artists depiciction of this description, and I hope you see it as a "challenge". Faitfully ~Sasha Lilias~
  6. I nearly had heart palpatations Good april fools joke though!
  7. Hopefully I will be able to see you all again soon...I should be back within the next three weeks. Love you all!

    1. (Zl-eye-f)-nea


      Missing your many ways Sasha and co. Come back soon :)

  8. Welcome to MD....it's a shame..Shadow would have liked you Anyway..enjoy your stay. ~Sasha Lilias~
  9. Was hoping that a few certain people would read their messages....

    1. whitewater


      Subtle is not good enough, use a sledgehammer.

  10. To all players, Some of you may have noticed that for the last week I have not been online, and it makes me sad to announce that this will stay this for quite a long time from now on, possibly a few months.. The reason being that last Tuesday, my mother was taken into hospital after a having a severe car crash. Yesterday morning, 03-03-11, she passed away. The funeral will be within the next week, and so we must make preperations for the time... To those that were doing my current quest....I apologize, I am sorry for wasting your time and would just like to say a big big thankyou to all of those that took part, it was a nice thing to be a part of. As I have said, I may not be on for a month or two, almost definatly a month... this includes Lunar Priestess, and possibly Shadow. I will miss all of you, and will be thinking of you. I hope everything goes well for you all. Farewell. Sasha Lilias(Clarissa), Lunar Priestess(Sasha) and Shadow(Chris)
  11. I am going to be murdering an annoying little man in a second....¬_¬

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Grido


      Am thinking he uploaded from her account possibly

    3. Brulant


      Yup, Shadow used Sasha's account to upload pictures of her. Because he's evil like that.

    4. keida


      hahaha thats shadow for ya.

  12. [quote name='dragonrider7' timestamp='1298685990' post='79635'] Yes.....sure please do it..... -rider [/quote] It should be ready within the next few days then ~Sasha Lilias~
  13. I that quote rather odd Mala....It may just be the way I'm reading it due to tiredness...but it seems to be trying to say that Carbon and Beryllium are products of helium? This would, of course, be completely untrue seeing as this would then make Carbon a compound( created due to two or more [u]different[/u] elements reacting together ), not an element. :? [color="#FF0000"]Edit 1: I'm sorry Mala. I just re-read what you posted. Your talking about the Tri-Alpha process? Yes? If so then disregard what I put last Though you do realise...how unlikely the Tri-Alpha process is...right?[/color] [color="#0000FF"]Edit 2: [quote]Our world is made of smaller bundles of energy turning around bigger bundles of energy, the earth turning around it's core, planets around a star, stars around a black hole etc...[/quote] This is wrong on so many levels... (I will add my reasons tomorrow, so that I don't make any more mistakes ;P)[/color]
  14. [center][size="5"][color="#FF0000"]Final Stage[/color][/size][/center] [color="#8B0000"][size="4"]In this stage anyone may join, there are none of the previous teams. There will be only two winners and only two rewards in this stage! The rewards shall be; For 1st place: A Wishpoint For 2nd place: A Legendary players Avi, very low ID (95) To join please come and see me at the GoC, from there I will tell you more about this stage.[/size][/color] [color="#4169E1"][size="5"][u]Teams[/u][/size][/color] [color="#9932CC"] [log=Team 1:] Adiomino Brulant Blade Faryn[/log][/color] [color="#00FF00"][Log=Team 2:] Azull Arcane Wanderer Xrieg Samon Aelis The Warrior[/log][/color] [color="#FF0000"][log=Team 3:] Sunfire Tipu[/log][/color]
  15. Firstly the earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. How? By a little bit of the Suns accretion disc agglomerating into a large spherical form. So the Sun is ESSENTIAL to OUR lifes. Without the Sun this agglomeration would have never taken place*, and we would have never been formed. Thus I see the symbol, within MD, as a symbol of our creator, without whom we would not be playing this game, nor speaking on this forum, to one another, at all. The name "Soldiers of the Inner Sun" being a fitting title for those that work behind the scenes, keeping the game running... My views ~Sasha Lilias~ [size="1"]*At least not in our solar system [/size]
  16. [quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1297025183' post='78541'] Well I have been thinking but I started looking at inventories and noticed that gold coins can have a homeland then I remembered an announcement which got me thinking maybe there should be an achievement for having a gold coin from each home land. [/quote] I personally feel it would be far too easy...all the person would need to do is buy a gold coin in each homeland.. Also I believe the achievements are ment to be hard to achieve..but free. To do what you have proposed, players would have to spend alot of money in the MD shop. ~Sasha Lilias~
  17. DragonRider, I may colour it in for you if you wish? I could probably use watercolours and then scan it back in if you like? Also brilliant picture! ~Sasha Lilias~
  18. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1296756837' post='78420'] Proxies wont work, nor changing your IP or nuffink, Iv tried them myself. The game knows all. [/quote] A little offtopic but it may have to be resolved... Proxies DO work. I have tried this out a few times(Hence the creation of Guess Who and Elementum Era ) and should be blocked some how, otherwise people can cheat quie easily... Also on another note...I seem to be able to gain the free credits($5) again from this IP address...even though I have made accounts on this one. ~Sasha~
  19. Happy 23rd Birthday! Hope you have a great time x
  20. That was an awful joke on Aaronts status :D

    "How do you get Pikachu onto a bus?"

    Poke-him-on!! :3

  21. [u][color="#FF0000"]Current rewards given for part 2 : [/color][/u] [color="#0000FF"]Adiomini:Sharptear- For having constructive ideas and then using these to influence his RP, also for using the hidden clues. Brulant: 3gc 15sc- For working out why music allows them to make contact with Sasha. Azull:2gc(30sc)- For excellent roleplay during the final burial.[/color] [color="#C0C0C0"]Ravenstrider:[/color] 10sc - For his humourous comments.[log=Ravenstriders comments]: [color="#00BFFF"]Ravenstrider scratches his head, then starts singing the Ghostbusters theme[/color] Ravenstrider: Who you gonna call?! Ghostbusters! [color="#00BFFF"]*starts whistling* [/color][/log] [color="#FF0000"]Grido: Slightly Tokened Pimp+1gc- For using real element properties to create a suitable coffin for Sasha. Saw past what is happening to her now, to see what may happen to her in the future.[/color] Extra Rewards: Adiomino:[color="#48D1CC"]Item recieved: Sasha's Harp[/color]- Recieved from Stage 1 for his excellent roleplay. Brulant:[color="#00FFFF"] Heavily tokened Pimped Grasan[/color]- Recieved for brilliant commitment in the quest. Updating forums regularly, superb skills in roleplay and for involving all members of the group in his RP as fully as he could. Well done . [u][i][b]Personal Comments[/b][/i][/u] So far in the quest I have had some brillaint players, old and new, joining in and taking part in the roleplay. This I find excellent, for it allows for people to get to know one another, on another level. (Please read first topic for player comments) I am sad to see the lack of active players within the Resurrection team, but then again...I guess it makes it easier for others to gain rewards. Finally for those that are asking...no...just because the body is dead does not mean the quest is. More shall be explained/revealed in Part 3, for now...rest. (: [log= The truth behind the Quest] This quest was never intended to have a "winning" or "losing" group. The whole point was for players to work together in solving or achieving the same thing. I hoped that this Quest would bring players, that may or may not have known eachother, closer together and learn from eachothers styles of RP. I hope that people see the thought behind this Quest, and don't see it as something for my own greed. ~Sasha Lilias, Ghost of the Undergrounds~[/log]
  22. [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1298560314' post='79513'] twitter will suck the life out of you and then post it without your permission [/quote] Twitter is useless....I mean....why would you want to post everyyy single thing you do on the internet...and more so..who care?!
  23. If this quest is stilling going to happen...I may be interested in joining twitter...if the quest is good enough
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