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Sasha Lilias

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Everything posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. [quote name='Darigan' date='17 July 2010 - 05:40 PM' timestamp='1279388440' post='64079'] Offensive vitality must be set to 100%. [/quote] I still think it should be 50% otherwise people with high VE and other stats will be more likely to win for they have more VE they can loose. Anyway ^^ goodluck making it and I look forward to participating.
  2. Limiting the amount of tokens is very hard. The best idea would be battles at 50% power. That way you have token power(1/2)and vital energy(1/2) Should round it off. Though those with high stats(including attack,power,defence and initiative) and high principles will find the battling easier. You should perhaps base the fights on stats, and try to have people fighting others that have the same stats, and possibly principle(This could be your bracket range) Just a few ideas Edit: When I say that limiting the amount of tokens is hard because 1) Some elder players could have more tokens on their creatures that some(or that spend alot) and 2) Some tokens will have different abilities. You could have one players tokens mainly VE boosting, whilst the others stat boosting.
  3. A little offtopic but I am willing to donate to your quests 5 sc for each one. Tell me how many there are and I shall send the silver when I see you
  4. You would make more profit just my selling the imp and then the Pimped however it is yours to sell so im guessing you would favor his bid anyway. Bids removed.
  5. [quote name='Kafuuka' date='05 July 2010 - 07:08 PM' timestamp='1278356919' post='63461'] You also find it necessary to say you don't hold grudges against me... why? [/quote] I have not said that I would hold grudges against you, all I have said is that I do not hold grudges. [quote name='Kafuuka' date='05 July 2010 - 07:08 PM' timestamp='1278356919' post='63461']It does not relate to your goal of seeing who considers it alt abuse.[/quote] Nor does arguing with you, it seems you only posted in this topic to start an arguement.
  6. [quote name='Kafuuka' date='05 July 2010 - 01:31 PM' timestamp='1278336699' post='63432'] Oh come on... you stated at first that others have already said that it is alt abuse in your first post. That 'personal conversation' is hardly personal and it's not like you've been less of an ignorant person in this thread than in that conversation. I stated two objections which you haven't even tried to refute; I refuted your premises and in return I'm told I should stay on topic? Worse you even explained why I actually was on topic.. and now you're trying to play the victim? At this point I am very inclined to believe Chewett when he says this thread is not about asking a question to the community and being open to debate. Instead you're aiming for confusion, enough so that you can, against all odds, say you didn't know what you did was wrong. [/quote] I have replied to both your comments and then said we should stay on the topic(Items)for I did not have anything else to say to your comments. I do not bare grudges and I do not carry things on. As for the personal conversation, it was one. I did not post it on the forums and I did not name anyone. I am not the only person that was against item trading considered as "Alt abuse". I had seen it in chat from someone also, THAT was the reason I made this topic, so that I could see if others were against the idea. Please try and get you facts straight. [quote name='Chewett' date='05 July 2010 - 03:42 PM' timestamp='1278344523' post='63437'] I know you have issues with me telling you not to abuse alts, and me disabling your forum alts because mur explitely stated people were NOT to have forum alts, But please dont hold the fact that i have done what mur asked, Against me. Nor does your opinion of me matter to this topic at all. If you didnt relise i dont care how you all think of me, Im going to be myself and reap what i sow. This is plain and simply about if you are allowed to abuse your alts, or whether we foroget about all the previous cases and allow you to. As i have said before, this will only be cleared up when Mur states the rules, Since everyone disagrees what the rules actually are. [/quote] As I said above I do not hold onto grudges. I even sent you a pm saying it was fine, to which you have not replied, and it is NOT just about me at all. Since when have I ever just done things for MY gain? I don't really care! I wanted to see if others care, which some of them do.
  7. [quote name='Chewett' date='03 July 2010 - 11:01 AM' timestamp='1278154878' post='63249'] Note: This topic came about after me telling her its alt abuse her response was RE:Alts? How is it? If Mur tells me off for it then I shall send it back. [/quote] I don't see why you have to bring up personal conversations. Is it helping you prove your point? I started this topic to see how many other people think that it should( or shouldn't be) called alt abuse. Im sad that you had to resort to bringing in a personal coversation as this has lowered my opinion of you now... though you probably won't care.
  8. I will post this with this account now that it is my only. I am not going to be biased at all. I am looking for good AND bad reasons. I don't want people to just suck up to me so that they might be in with a chance for a reward. Thats not how I work. Judges would be a good idea, but the judges would have to know me very well. The only players that know mcvitie well was Stormrunner, so no one will be able to mark the paper without being misinformed. I shall think upon these messages and shall perhaps make a few changes. Thankyou all ~Sasha Lilias~
  9. [quote name='tankfans' date='03 July 2010 - 10:33 AM' timestamp='1278153238' post='63247'] Those who will bid next please send me a PM here in the forum why you want the avatar. [/quote] Shouldn't this reply even for the people that HAVE given a price? It seems a bit odd that you are now asking people to say why they did want it if they have not already posted. Anyway until this gets a reply I shall just post my bid. Two gold
  10. I am selling a semi-rare special creature! Pm me for details.
  11. [quote name='Kafuuka' date='02 July 2010 - 06:39 PM' timestamp='1278095960' post='63199'] So if i log in, and "work" to recruit a dozen elementals, then wait for five months and then transfer them to another account, that should be legal. Of course getting elementals requires only patience and dedicated logging in every so often to 'check' upon them. But that's okay, you recruited them with the VP and VE that was yours. I seem to recall accounts with names ala storageA through Z being created the day CTC was implemented. And banned three months later for obvious reasons. [/quote] If thats what they wish to do, then yes. They recruited them so they are their own creatures. Whats the difference between selling them anyway? Except from you get profit from what you do. Anyway, I was talking about items, as you can see by the topic name. So lets pelase keep to topic
  12. [quote name='Kafuuka' date='02 July 2010 - 06:14 PM' timestamp='1278094463' post='63196'] That is not complete. I know there were at least two occasions on which large amounts of items were distributed randomly among players who were online or idle. There's no buying or earning there, just pure luck. Furthermore if you know how to solve the broken pattern puzzle once, you know how to solve it again; that's one free WP per alt. There's also the WP for days thing that might be implemented one day, that'd mean another WP per alt that can be acquired by logging in only.[/quote] The items are still yours, even if given to you by luck. The puzzle is very hard to solve but yes once someone has solved it once they can most likely solve it again, though alot of people solve it through luck. Either way the wishpoint is still yours because you earnt it. Then theirs the active days...so what if you only have to log in? You are gaining a reward because you are an active vet. I am sure there will be some sort of reward system in place, like with the vet medals.
  13. [quote name='Burns' date='02 July 2010 - 05:15 PM' timestamp='1278090928' post='63189'] different accounts - different things. You can't go and say that you own different accounts and then shove things from a to b because it's more convenient there, for sake of rp, or trade. Different accounts accquired it, therefore it belongs to different accounts. Even when the same player sits behind both. That's how i see it. [/quote] That does not make it alt abuse though. YOU still own the item. Im bringing this up because I use coins from other accounts FOR my quests.
  14. [color="#0000FF"]Recently I have been told, as have others, that trading items amongst accounts is considered alt abuse. Why? I see it like this: [list] [*]We bought coins by selling OUR creatures or in the MDshop with OUR money. [*]We then use those coins to buy items or to be used for other things e.g. Quests. [*]Items are created due to either your role or because you use the raw items, that YOU bought with YOUR coins or creatures, and used q wishpoint that YOU earnt to create the item. [/list] All in all I think it is silly that we are not allowed to swap our own items among accounts, when it was bought/made by our coins/creatures/trades. I may get grief for writing this but it is how I feel. Thankyou ~Sasha Lilias~ (Please try to post why it should or should not be counted as alt abuse, rather than just saying yes or no.)[/color]
  15. Bidding ended. Highest bid was - SS. Please send me a message when you wish to trade. Thankyou to everyone else. I shall be selling another soon.
  16. [color="#0000FF"]I am willing to sell my sharpshooter. Please post your offers here or send me a message if you feel more comfortable to do it that way Thankyou Highest offer/s- 15 credits[/color]
  17. Shadow I have to say that I must agree with everyone else on this. THOUGH as you can see all the other posters were men, and we all know men do not have a big enough brain to create thoughts AND feelings Anyway, thankyou for placing me as one of the nominees and I think it is a nice,kind and good idea. Perhaps a little more thought and it will be ready. Note to all the others: Don't get too snappy over a post, it is rude and not to mention can make people feel bad :/ Wow....it seems people cannot take a joke
  18. I would like to sell a GG drach for 30 credits or more. Here are it's stats: Age:106 Token: [Blooddrop3] Would like to sell tonight, if not possible then this post will be removed. Thankyou. [size="7"]Sold[/size] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# On the subject of selling, I would like to sell Savels old avatar. It will be based on offers given and the REASON you think you should get it. http://storenow.net/my/?f=2032 [color="#FF0000"]Avatar is BACK IN SHOP[/color]
  19. Bidding ended. Please could Darigan come and find me
  20. [color="#0000FF"][size="4"][u][b]Stage 2[/b][/u][/size] In stage 2 you shall be given a chance to gain more points. To do this you must solve the riddle to find out where I await your arrival. I will be in the same place until all 10 people have found me, so stage 2 shall take some time. If you remember in riddle 6 pieces were missing, these pieces you had to try and work out, well this is the same for stage 2, except ALL riddles will be missing pieces. In the very last riddle I shall only give you ONE word. I assume that because you all seemed to find stage 1 rather easy this should be easy for you also. So here is the main rule:[/color] [color="#FF0000"] * NO locate spells- If you do this will result in an instant ban, I will be watching the triggers.[/color] [color="#0000FF"]Anything else may go. This is a RACE stage. So anything is allowed, send to GoE, Movelock ect.The ones that find me will gain points based on this order:[/color] [Spoiler] [color="#00BFFF"]1st: +20 2nd: +18 3rd: +16 4th: +14 5th: +12 6th: +10 7th: +8 8th: +6 9th: +4 10th: +2[/color][/spoiler] [color="#0000FF"]There will be 5 riddles, so good luck. Goodluck and Have fun ~Sasha Lilias~ [/color] [spoiler][color="#00BFFF"]Points: [s]Chewett-198 MisterE-144 *Clock Master*-173[/s] [color="#FF0000"][s]Poppi Chulloz-74[/s]-DNF[/color] [s]Phantom Orchid-123 Assira the Black-130 Sephirah Caelum- 140[/s] [s]Nimrodel-211[/s] [s] Time-112 Shnappie-130[/color][/spoiler][/s]
  21. This poll is to see which quest people prefered. I will make more of the ones that you prefer, because after all, it is about you! Feedback on why you like them would be greatly appreciated them, the same goes for the ones you did not like. Here are the three quests in order: A Writers Soul[spoiler][u][b]A writers soul[/b][/u] My quest is simple. All you must do is write. To begin choose a category from below and send me a pm. Then I shall write who has entered beneath each subtitle. The categories are as follows; [i] [color="#FF0000"][u]A Bards Poem[/u][/i] [list] [color="#FF0000"][*][s]Meru Chi[/s]-Received [*]Lord Beta Wolfeyes [*][s]Fyrd Argentus[/s]-Received [*]Keith Moon [*]Phantom Orchid [/list][/color][/color] [color="#FFA500"][i][u]A Muses Song[/u][/i] [list] [*]Redneck [*][s]Meru Chi[/s]-Received [*][s]Fyrd Argentus[/s]-Recived [*][s]Indrya[/s]-Received [*]Phantom Orchid [*][s]Sir Kamil[/s]-Recieved [*][s]Asterdai[/s]-Recieved [/list][/color] [color="#708090"][i][u] A Writers Story[/u][/i] [list] [*][s]Fyrd Argentus[/s]-Recieved [*]Kalmatos [*]Blackwood Forest [*]Phantom Orchid [/list][/color] Each category will only have ONE winner and a different prize to another. The prizes are these; [i][u][color="#FF0000"]A Bards Poem-[/u][/i][/color] 1 Gold [i][u][color="#FFA500"]A Muses Song-[/u][/i][/color] Banjo [i][u][color="#708090"]A Writers Story-[/u][/i][/color] A BloodPact Archer [b]Note: You MAY enter for more than one category but you can only win ONE prize. [u] [color="#FF0000"]NO ALTERNATE ACCOUNTS![/u][/color] All pieces must be original. Any copying will gain you a PERMANANT ban from this and any future quests. This contest shall be up for two weeks. Started-00:52 25/04/10 Please send final entries by 15/05/10! [color="#000080"]Note: To know what to write look at the subtitle. Ie Muses Song- Write a Song. [size="6"]Please feel free to add your entries for all to see! Thankyou for participating![/size][/color][/spoiler] A Comedians Soul[spoiler][size="3"][color="#0000FF"][font="Century Gothic"]This is part two to "A writers soul". Here you must create a comedy video. It may be anything as long as it is funny! So you could dress up and make a small film, make an animation, anything!! There is one catch. It will not be ME that votes who will win. It shall be the other MD citizens, so you should make sure it is good enough to post on the forum, in this section. The rewards shall be; 1st)Joker - ClawI,ClawII,EmeraldGlare,Kellethafire,Firedrop,PurpurFog and OsirisBelt 2nd)Imperial Aramor - Kellethafire,EmeraldGlare,FireDrop and OsirisBelt 3rd)10 silver Goodluck and have fun. [size="4"]Note:You should have the MD sign in your entry so we know it is yours. Voting will start-15/05/10 so please get your entries in before that date. [size="5"]P.s Could you please send me a message or write here that you are going to join. It allows me to sort "things" out. [/size][/font][/color][/size][/size] [size="5"][color="#0000FF"]Quest is now....over! Seeing as no one has entered/placed their video here for all to see, I am assuming that no one finished and therefore the quest has no winner. Perhaps next time! Thankyou to everyone that Voted though![/size][/color][/spoiler] A Travelers Soul[spoiler][i][color="#0000FF"]In this quest you will be given six riddles. Each riddle is a way of working out the next location. Once at the location you will have to work out a sum by using the co-ords [/color][color="#FF0000"]i.e. 3_1x3_7[/color]. [color="#0000FF"]To work it out just do this [color="#FF0000"](3+1)x(3+7)= ?[/color] When you have worked out the sum then send me a message containing the answer, location and co-ords[/color] [color="#FF0000"]i.e Location: West Garden Exit,Co-ords: 3_1x3_7, Answer:40[/color] [color="#0000FF"]After the correct answer has been sent to me then I shall send you a message containing the next riddle.(Answers can be sent to me via pm in game or forum.) [/color] [color="#0000FF"]For each location you can have 2 hints, though each hint will decrease your score. Your score starts at 100, each hint costs 10 points and each mistake is worth 5 points. If you gain 0 points at ANY stage during the quest then you shall be disqualified, so be careful. [size="4"]Rewards: [color="#4169E1"]1st: 1 wishpoint[/color] [color="#48D1CC"]2nd: Tokened imp;[spoiler] [kellethafire] [emeraldglare] [firedrop] [osirisbelt] [onyxfangs] [blacktear] [darkshield] [clawIII][/spoiler] [/color] [color="#00BFFF"]3rd: Joker(Gold Coin- optional)[/color] [color="#00FFFF"]4th: 10 sc[/size][/color] [size="5"]WARNING: No alts are allowed. Anyone caught using alts shall be BANNED from this, and future, quests.[/size] Starting riddle- [color="#800080"]Above the beginning and below the sky, a boat you shall see if you use your eyes.[/color][/color][/i] NEW RULES! [spoiler] [color="#0000FF"]The first five to finish will gain points depending on order: 1st: +10 2nd: +8 3rd: +6 4th: +4 5th: +2 THIS IS NOT THE ORDER OF THE WINNERS!!![/spoiler] Another new rule is that once you reach 70 points you gain ONE free hint. Ask your question wisely.[/color][/spoiler] Personally for me I enjoyed making the Travelers quest because it allowed me to move around, think and be kept busy by floods of Pm's. Also please try to NOT go on the rewards.
  22. [color="#9932CC"][size="3"]SO we have our finalists:[/size] Finished!:[spoiler] 1st: Chewett-80(+10) 2nd: MisterE-85(+8) 3rd: *Clock Master*-85(+6) 4th: Poppi Chulloz-60(+4) 5th: Phantom Orchid-85(+2) 6th: Assira the Black-90 7th: Sephirah Caelum- 80 8th: Nimrodel-95 9th: Time-80 10th: Shnappie-80[/spoiler] [size="3"]Congratualtions to you all.Please await details of stage 2!Phase 2 shall start TOMORROW.[/size][/color]
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