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Blackshade Rider

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Status Updates posted by Blackshade Rider

  1. Will Dark Demon and Zleiphneir please send me a pm in forum thank you


    1. MaGoHi


      no internet again?

    2. Blackshade Rider

      Blackshade Rider

      Yeah and I havent got mail in almost a week cause of it

  3. Who remembers when Firsanthalas still played. i miss that guy i was on my alt and im still his adept lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Blackshade Rider

      Blackshade Rider

      thats sad. he was a good player and was always kind to me. tomany people quit playing. Soon no one will be left in MD but mp5's



      That will change soon.

    4. Blackshade Rider

      Blackshade Rider

      i hope so. i hope to see lots more mp3 and mp4s. its hard to find mp3 mainly

  4. will not be talking to any one for a while. unless it is about my quest do not contact me i will not respond

  5. death creeps around me and my family for this month

  6. hows that make you feel bro

  7. I can not deal with this stupidity any longer

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blackshade Rider

      Blackshade Rider

      nothing really DD im just tierd of people that think i know exactly what they want done or what they are thinking..



      that has been a major problem for a long time... people indeed expect too much

    4. Blackshade Rider
  8. upset with MD at the moment.

    1. Assira the Black
    2. Blackshade Rider

      Blackshade Rider

      i just am a few things that happen here just make me mad

  9. well that was a great start to the morning.........NOT.

  10. My quest is getting more attention then what i though it would. this is going good

  11. we have one winner already. my quest isnt hard. every one can come play. dont let people finishing before you discourage you all participants get a prize. even last place.

  12. i need all the sponsors for my quest to message me asap. it is some what important

  13. almost but not yet there.

  14. Ah my quest will hopefully be running here really soon

  15. quest is going great. i hope to have it running here soon

  16. i could use one or two more sponsors if any want to help

  17. update on my quest details. for the people helping put it together

  18. so the few that have the details please let me know what you think its not final and im open to ideas

  19. oki need every body that has said the will help out to pm me so i can give them the details of the quest. Thanks guys

  20. i am sorry guys will be a slight delay on the deatails for my quest. i am making a few last minute changes after reviewing it. thanks to all who have volunteered to help and im sorry for the wait

  21. i will be posting the quest info and rules by the end of this week the people that will be helping i will send you guys the details first..... John Constantine, Grido, rophs , and whoever else will help

    1. Rophs


      My inbox is waiting :) I'll likely be slow-to-reply ingame.

    2. Blackshade Rider

      Blackshade Rider

      ok. i still working on how i want it to go and where every thing is gonna be. it may be thursday when i send every one the deatails. so just look out then for a message. thanks rophs

  22. so i have one willing sponsor that will help sponsor my quest im making.will anyone else put forth and help. Certain players that help can do the quest but there will be a few who know where things are so those few can not particeapate. this quest will be for all mind levels but you must have atleast 25 active days

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rophs


      The treasure keepers will be able to help. Send a PM to Pipstickz or Max Mortlock.

    3. Grido


      Pm me as well if you would, I'll happily try to sponsor quests by my citizens :)

    4. Blackshade Rider

      Blackshade Rider

      I am still putting togeather the quest when its done I will pm you all the details thank you and dd you may be right but I do think if its a newbie new it needs to be a comfiremed account

  23. i need older players that can put things in places like when you click on rocks ect. i have some pages that i am wanting to set up for a quest.

  24. i Have my story posted enjoy

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