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Blackshade Rider

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Everything posted by Blackshade Rider

  1. so while blackrider is stuck some where deep in the maze blackshade rider does every thing he can to get him out before he becomes dead

  2. yes rophs but what does this cause or the effect that comes of it
  3. well this is gonna be fun. some people seem to be getting mad over this. its kinda funny
  4. John i like the story i wont lie i do think some things in it can be changed. i am glad to see few are trying to help me with this idea. i want to turn it into a quest eventually
  5. i hate my computer. it wont let me upload anything ive been trying to upload these drawings i had drawn

    1. Assira the Black

      Assira the Black

      Might be that the picture is too big.

    2. Assira the Black


      try this site: storenow.net

  6. so the mazes exit is in golemus. intresting

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rophs


      It's in the announcements, so it's more of a minor spoiler if it is one at all

    3. Lania


      Alright. My bad. I take it back.

    4. Blackshade Rider

      Blackshade Rider

      also gotta consider that 99% dont make it threw the maze

  7. I like where this is going. I have a lvl 4 knator and named it hell hound. I was thinking we make it the hell hound for the story not sure
  8. yes rophs but some like me and you do it cause just cause.......... just yesterday I gave a creature to an mp3 with only 4 active days to help him out and rich merchant gave me a coin for it even thou I didn't want any thing in return . and you are right to rophs people see this and may just act nice. but she still doesn't have to award anything to these people. its not the point of kindness more so judgement
  9. so something is wrong with my computure. its having problems uploading thing to the internet. sorry guys i will post my drawings when my computure stops acting up

    1. Junior


      did you try turning it off and on?

  10. its not about winning the quest its about what kind of person you are. when I was an mp3 I helped other people out and gave them stronger creatures and help what ever way I could. if I have it to give I always try to put in. even if you give these things away she doesn't have to award you. if people are doing this for greed then that's on them but it would be found out and then the consequences will be delt it shouldn't have to be about greed
  11. I would have thought the trading logs would tell
  12. well when you say show proof does that mean they need a forum account
  13. yes but this must be paid for of course they are nice
  14. so i have drawn up a hell hound i will post later what it looks like. also i have drawn a symbal that id like to make a guild symbal i will post that later to

    1. Azrafar


      Interesting. I look forward to see it.

    2. Blackshade Rider

      Blackshade Rider

      I will try to have them up before the day is up

  15. so i decided to venture into the labyrinth. im starting to think it wasnt smart

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Blackshade Rider

      Blackshade Rider

      no. chew had made a jumplink and I had got out that way I am gonna try again thou and ill try to make a map

    3. Chewett


      PM me if you need to be ported out :)

    4. Blackshade Rider
  16. not really enjoying today dont have anyone to spend xmas with and on top of that every one around me is argueing .......blhaaa screw xmas im over it no one is ever happy any more

  17. yes I know and im not taking it in a negative way I just don't want to waste anyones time with it. I understand I need to play more as to my most active days is only about 350 days. I enjoy the game also I plan to put some money in the game soon. im just trying to do my part you know. I see every one trying something new I just thought id do the same
  18. basically yes a dog demon. samething really not tomany people seem to want this idea. im starting to get some what negative responses so I may not even pursue this no more. guessing I kinda wasted my time on this. ive been writing the story and drawing pics but in the end it more than likely wont make it in to md anyways. so im done with the idea thanks though. this topic is dismissed
  19. yes well im just trying to put my part in I guess. not to sure
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