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Mad Hatter

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Posts posted by Mad Hatter

  1. [font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]So, I've been playing this game for a while now and I'm thoroughly lost. I Think the problem is that i don't have a direction to go in, other then the story line. And as such i find myself creating more problems then I'm solving.

    I,recently got the notion that gaining a Citizenship would help me on the path. Give me somewhere to go. Something to do and be apart of. So, In my narrow minded wisdom, signed up to become a "Necro." Only to find out that i can't enter the thrice dammed place!

    So here i am looking, not for a quest and not for spoilers but a direction. My character "Mad Hatter" has no back-story, no history, no substance. I believe i have too many creatures, fourteen(14) in total. I have no purpose in this game. Gaining a lvl wouldn't help me in the least.

    I know that this game isn't like other but what I'm wishing for is something more from the game. People have answers, yet they aren't telling for the simple fact that its considered a spoiler. For what! What is a spoiler for an answer to a game if none of the newbies know what the hell your talking about.

    O.K. I'm getting off topic and angry...(Calm Down).

    Anyway, Can anyone out there help me. With creating a role-playing story for my character. And giving me something to do. [/font]

  2. Name – Mad Hatter
    Player ID – 86384
    Title/Tag – (need one)
    Role – I want power lots of power. I Wish to become master of my domain I wish to learn the darkest of knowledge to seek revenge for those that cannot. To bring solace and peace to those who seek it and to bring Fear to those who look to destroy what we have worked so hard to build.
    Interests – everything.
    Petition – The dark has always welcomed me, if reluctantly. I enjoy being wrapped in its cold embrace. I respect the dark and those who call it home. For me it provides shelter and solace in a world of chaos.

  3. well then I am glad that you figured out that your wrong and I'm right....lol....besides infinity is any direction or series without end, not a number. this is why.....

    One of the main reasons we don't call infinity a number is that it doesn't
    act like one. Let's say we call infinity the number A (some people
    actually do use the hebrew letter Aleph to name one kind of infinity).
    Then I can show you that the equation A + A = A.

    Consider the number of terms in the sequence 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,... , and
    consider the number of terms in the sequence 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,.... They
    have the same number of terms, because I can match them up in a one-to-one
    way, right? Match them up like this:

    1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 ...
    2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ...

    So the number of terms in these sequence is the same, and we'll say that
    they each have A terms. Now what happens if I take both of these
    sequences together? I get the sequence 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,.... And here's
    the funky part: this sequence, which looks like it should have twice as
    many terms as either of the first two sequences, actually turns out to
    have the same number of terms as each of the first two sequences, as I
    can demonstrate by matching them up like this:

    1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 ...
    2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ...
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ...

    So if you believe this stuff, we've just shown that infinity is a number
    that you can add to itself and get itself. That's a pretty bizarre
    characteristic to have in a number, unless it's zero (and infinity
    certainly isn't zero!). So this is one of the properties of numbers that
    infinity wouldn't stand up to.

    hate me yet?

  4. Pi is not determined! when does it end, can you give me the last number in Pi? Cause if you can then you are greater then God ((if you believe in that stuff- i just used it as a ref.)), but you cannot! Pi is a transcendental number, which implies, among other things, that no finite sequence of algebraic operations on integers (powers, roots, sums, etc.) can be equal to its value.Because π is an irrational number, as well,its decimal representation does not repeat, and therefore does not terminate.

    i used the term 'libido' because of its nature to psychic energy, the same way that physics uses the term energy, as described by Carl Gustav Jung. Every psychic content is associated with libido. When a conscious content loses libido, it drops out of consciousness and enters the personal unconscious.

  5. Warning---This will be a long one!!!!!---Warning


    the circle is also a symbol of the psyche while the symbol for the body is a square. Like the circle, the psyche can exhibit both stable and unstable modes, and it includes both conscious and unconscious aspects The perfect circle, a symbol for linearity and order, uses the Greek letter pi for its circumference as

    circumference = (pi) x diameter

    But, pi cannot be calculated exactly; it must always be rounded off and is therefore nonlinear. Pi is a chaotic number in the sense that it is undeterminable. For this reason, the circle is a good example of how chaos and order work together in perfect harmony.

    Life includes both chaos and order. Our lives consist of a continuous series of good and bad experiences as evidenced by the modern concept of biorhythms. This is true whether we are male or female, young or old, and is irrespective of our race or religious convictions. The two interrelated concepts of chaos and order describe the complex nature of our physical universe as one of chaotic order. And we, too, embody chaotic order. In other words, we are ruled alternately, and indiscriminately, by chaos and by order. We cannot get away from this relationship, but rather must somehow learn to deal with it. When our lives are going as planned, we can usually expect chaos to show up at some point, in one form or another. Perhaps it will rain when we want to do some work outside, or perhaps our car will have a flat tire on the way to an evening in town. The important thing is how we meet this chaos and react to it. According to the findings of chaos theory, times of chaos (i.e., those unplanned, unexpected, and usually unwanted, events that occur to all of us) can be creative.

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