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Everything posted by JadenDew

  1. Ah sorry, didnt know it was spoilery >< Noted.
  2. I found this 3 days ago but forgot to post about it ><. I apologise if it has already been seen to Interface went funky when in dream mode (see attached picture), became alright once I left it. Running on Firefox 37.0.2 EDIT by Chew: Removed spoiler according to Rheaggy
  3. I do have the first two levels of Black Water.. though after reading it, I am not exactly sure how or if it is related to Liquid Dust. Then again I only have the first two levels.. perhaps the higher level ones would provide more insight in the relation? On another note, are we allowed to quote/bring out lines from the spell docs to help with discussion or would that be considered a "spoiler"? If quoting lines are okay... to what extent could we put forward the information before it is considered "spoilers"? Asking this because it might help to provide a common "solid artefact" to discuss around and also understand where others are coming from if their views came from their understanding of the spell docs.
  4. Yay~! *recruits a whole forest of trees* Thanks Chewy for the quick work!!
  5. Have fun uncovering the mystery~? XD If you need more numbers and screenshot, let me know :3
  6. Raven's Peace Recruitment Place says I have 36/36 Unholy Priest Recruitment Place says I have 36/36 Aramory says I have 36/36 Wind's Crossing Recruitment says I have 36/36 HTML interfaces says "You have 36 creatures bound to your spirit out of a maximum 36. More creature slots can be purchased in the MD Shop." Even Full Glow Achievement check says "Only 24 of creatures from 36 as at max level. You need all to be maxed." (I have 20 maxed crits only by the way o.O)
  7. Player ID: 186134 Thanks for looking into it for me Chew :)
  8. Never totemed creatures or used a beastairy
  9. After being told that i have 36/36 crits by the recruitment interface, I went and sacced 2 crits However, the system still thinks I have 36/36 crits after sac-ing Crits recruitment at Raven Peace saying that I have maxed number of crits StoreNow Link My current crit list StoreNow Link After counting my crits... I don't think I have 36/36 before sac-ing to start with >.< Uncertain if this is related to that time when Sasha broke my account and gave me illusions spells I don't have. Though, the spells have already been removed by Chewett. Link to Incident
  10. Haappppy happy birthday :3
  11. WP gotten! Thanks DD!
  12. Theres 2 WP right? so one each? o.O Edit: I mean.. I'm picking the WP too .. so one each for 1st placers? Unless this is a dream and I haven't won..
  13. Thanks to you too for the work Chewy!
  14. Day 89 Year 10 [Spoiler] JadenDew: .... *stares at the cube ontop the tree and wonders how it got there* : JadenDew shakes her head and stepped towards Change's plot of sprouting seedlings : JadenDew puts her pack down and carefully removes a potplant and sit it beside her pack : JadenDew takes out a slightly squished squirtbottle JadenDew: Raising things to eat sure takes much longer than to eat them... : JadenDew sprays the seedlings with the bottled rainwater : JadenDew sprinkles some water on her pot plant too : JadenDew drags her pack to the base of the tree and stretches out under the shade [/Spoiler]
  15. Day 84 Year 10 [Spoiler] JadenDew: Gah! : JadenDew flops down next to Change patch : JadenDew grumbles about people sending her underground when she is sleeping : JadenDew rolls over and stare at the seedling JadenDew: * feels something poking in her side and and sat up straight* Eh! Change planted pomegrates seeds here too? : JadenDew gets off the unclaimed plot quickly JadenDew: *grumbles* More to water.. JadenDew: on the bright side, more to eat later.. : JadenDew sighs and takes out her squirtbottle and begins sprinkling at the pomegranate seedlings and seeds [/Spoiler]
  16. Day 79 Year 10 [Spoiler] : JadenDew navigates carefully past the large stones and cubes towards Change's plot : JadenDew takesout her squirtbottle of rainwater and starts spraying the seedlings : JadenDew puts the squirtbottle away and pull out a bag of crushed eggshells : JadenDew places a few pieces of eggshell around each seedling JadenDew: There.. that should help protect against meanie snails and slugs.. JadenDew: at least.. thats what Sasha said... : JadenDew is skeptical and wonders if she should start killing every snail and slug she sees instead. [/Spoiler]
  17. Day 77 Year 10 [Spoiler] : JadenDew takes out a squirtbottle of rainwater and waters Change's patch : *Syrian* pokes jaden and runs off again JadenDew: hey! cant you stay! JadenDew: aw : JadenDew sighs and goes back to watering the sprouts : JadenDew wonders if Change did any watering [/Spoiler]
  18. Happy happy belated birthday :D
  19. I would suggest some "visual prettiness" rewards : Customise look/colours of a crit Give some colour to a B/W crit without changing stats. Or recolour an exisiting coloured crit. Not exactly sure if this is possible in the current system Special avatar colouring We have goldening and Mur's avatar have bits of red. Maybe those with tickets could colour their avatar in the same style but in a different colour? Unique equipment Recently it came to my attention that while MD has some sort of "equipment system" with armors and weapon, there isn't many variety of things we can dress up our "combat avatar" with.
  20. Bah! Im late! Happy Belated Birthday ><
  21. seeing it~
  22. Does that mean Vicious is broke too ><..? Oh dear...
  23. By "spell tab", do you mean the magic page dst..? That is what I called it in my first post. Or do you mean something else? But here's a screenshot, so we can be sure we are on the same page (quite literally XD): [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] Edited for missing punctuation..
  24. Ah thanks for clarifying the note about the spell words Doesn't appears I can put them in stones. I get the message: "#The thought of this spell belongs to an illusion. You do not master it so you can't store it in a stone. " So.. I have illusion spells but I am not in illusion mode? This isn't normal.. isit?
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